Thoughts on Wolves?

this post wasn't what will you tell wyoming to do about the feds not accepting our plan it was what are your thoughts on wolves.
i gave you my honist opinion if you cant have a opinion that differs from the government we are communest.
are you a commy you sure have a problem with anyone who's opinion is different than yours.
i dont care what you think i support wyomings plan.
it dosn't make me a bad man or a loser just because the feds did something as stupid as reintroducing wolves.
when i first started coming to moosies it was to get away from you piss and moaning english teachers at monster muleys.
I use to send storys and pictures there all the time but all i cought was chit you spelled this or that wrong your pic is blurry you know what buzz i will not proof read something or run a spell or grammer check for a bunch of whiners like you you here what i'm saying or you wouldn't be so upset i never said i was going to shoot every wolf but that is what i think they should do.
they should have never put them here in the first place.
that is my opinion comprenda coolarrow
cmiddle, don't worry about the spelling, it really doesn't matter one way or the other. I respect your opinion that wolves should have never been put in Wyoming in the first place, but that bridge has been crossed. If you want to see delisting, Wyoming must comply with the Feds. Right or wrong, that is the only way it will work for WY. Stalemate with the Feds isn't going to work.
We need to start writing our people in control, tell em to change the plan to something a little more fed friendly. We need to get some form of hunting management on the wolves started here soon.
Wyoming playing hardball is the only chance we have at getting a wolf hunt in the Western States for the next decade, IMO. Listen to what the Montana wolf managers are saying. They don't plan to have a wolf hunt in the forseeable future even if delisting happens. So why bother delisting them? So Montana taxpayer's can get stuck with the bill? There is a reason the wolf huggers are praising the Montana plan. Maybe the Montana Wolf Managers are playing rope-a-dope, but I doubt it.
i think so too the only chance we have is to play hardball.
isn't our states game inforcement called the game and fish if they can't sell a tag to hunt or fish for it it should be the usfws that pays to control them i'm tired of my hunting leicences money going to support grizzlys and jumping mice or the wyoming toad even the black footed farret we can't hunt them but that is what the money is spent on. if we can't hunt them it should be the feds money thats spent not hunters
get off the welfare rancher bull chit we lease one section from doug
look at crook county on a blm map thare is hardly any and forest service leases are hard to get from the ones who have had them for years.
we own all our land and lease one section of privete.
Playing hardball has already not worked, Wyomings plan was flatly denied. Wyoming needs to quit its grandstanding, photocopy Idaho or Montana's plan, change a few location, place names, etc to fit Wyoming and submit the thing. Even with a accepted plan we are still a ways off from full delisting, due mainly to litigation that is sure to follow, but it will be one step closer.

I'm now completely convinced you're a fool.

Guys like you give hunters a bad name, and frankly I dont think you should be allowed to have a hunting license.

I absolutely want a portion of my license dollars spent to enhance and protect all wild animals, in particular "grizzly bears, wyoming toads, and jumping mice"...oh, and black-footed ferrets as well.

Theres a lot of intrinsic value in knowing that those animals exist and we're providing and/or maintaining their habitat. Ever heard of the canary in the coal-mine? Many of the threatened and endangered species are just that, and the world we live in is the coal-mine. Bio-indicators...have a 6th grade science student explain that to you sometime.

On top of that, I think it serves hunters well to be portrayed as really caring for WILDLIFE and not just the wildlife they can blast.

You do true sportsmen/women a huge disservice by applying your redneck/hick logic to hunting and how license dollars should be spent.

People just like you, with your attitude, do more to damage hunting than any of the hippies, greenies/"collage" kids, wolves, grizzlies, etc. you're so afraid of will ever do.

Before I ever agree with some idiot that thinks like you, that the only animals worth having are those that can make you a profit or that you can hunt, I'll quit hunting and join PETA...and thats a fact.

Some of the most enjoyment I've had while hunting is observing birds and animals that arent huntable species.

Only a truly shallow, selfish, and narrow minded person would think like, are not a sportsman. Never were and never will be. Hunting would be better if you werent involved.
Another classic, arrogant post by Buzz.

"Only a truly shallow, selfish, and narrow minded person would think like, are not a sportsman."

Kinda reminds me of your reasoning behind the Idaho Grizzly Reintro Buzz. Introduce bears in an area where you already know they will struggle just so you can push a different agenda. Remember I got you to admit what your true agenda was on that one several years back? Wasn't that plan shut down by a guy named Dirk? Maybe he can work with the Feds to see if they can find Wyomings management plan to be acceptable?

What makes you think grizzlies would struggle in the Selway/Bitterroot? I dont think they'd struggle at all. Conservative estimates conducted by Conrad Burns' (Rep. MT) hand picked biologist came to the conclusion that the habitat was conservatively capable of supporting 400-600 grizzlies. More than enough for a viable population.

Was my agenda for reintroducing grizzlies into the S/B F/C to keep scaredycat bitterfruiters out of the wilderness?

As to my last post...sorry you cant handle the truth. I tried to tone it down so I wouldnt hurt any feelings.
Bears are lacking a reliable protein source in the S/B FC. The occasional tree hugger from Vermont is not going to support 400 bears no matter what Coneheads bio says. Your agenda is more in line with sea lion protection Buzz.

Please provide some proof that the FCSB is not capable of supporting 400 bears.

Conrads boy doesnt agree...neither do the leading bear biologists from a dozen or so agencies.
Don't need to provide proof Buzz, your agenda went down in flames. I'd rather let the bears come back on their own and let mother nature decide whether or not the SBFC can support 10 or 1000 grizzly. I can see why you don't want to spend any of your $3.72 tax refund on on any silly wildlife/hunting organization. DOW, PETA, and the Ecology Center beat them to it.
fish and wildlife services uses tax payers money i just think tree huggers would then be helping to support these things right now the game and fish is spending all hunters money.
have you ever posted anything that is not a cut down who made you so holy.
i think i have a down to earth logic and you are full of crap and fantacys i wont what is best for wyoming and you wont to be a tree hugger you should go to petas forum.
i might be a redneck but i spend more time and effort then you keeping my hunting area clean and do what i can for the mountan volenteer for the cole mountain clean up and volenteer to build fence for the state land board to keep people from trashing it again. 3/4 a mile of fence to keep punks from halling out washers and dryers for targit practice i turn in the kids who go 4x4ing on the mountan road every time it rains our snows.
as far as i see you try to make yourself importent by disagreeing with everyone.
not everyone has my opinion but lots of people do.
you will never change your opinion and i wont either. get the "F" over it
not everyone wants wolves, not everyone thinks a grizzly bear has more rights than a human, not everyone thinks a mouse is more importent than a human.
if a man came at me with a knife i could shoot him but if a bear came at me with claws i'd better spray him with pepper spray then its to late if it miss fires.
you still don't get it i don't care what you think one way or the other and you should not care how i think. its all opinionsmine is not totally right and neither is yours. you stand your ground i'll stand mine and in the end it makes no difference at all what we think the feds are going to do what they wont right wrong or indifferent.

Every time you post you make less sense, and you dont have "down to earth logic". Hillbilly six-fingered banjo picker logic...YES.

Are the wolves and grizzlies in Wyoming a "fantasy"??? Think about that for a couple minutes. Are the black-footed ferrets and wyoming toads a fantasy too?

How about sage grouse that are about to be listed? Another fantasy?

Also, where did you come up with the delusion that you cant kill a grizzly in self-defense in WY or MT? Thats just a flat out lie.

Further, where did you come up with this gem? "not everyone wants wolves, not everyone thinks a grizzly bear has more rights than a human, not everyone thinks a mouse is more importent than a human"

You're right, 2000 people didnt want wolves out of 72,000 comments received. 70,000 wanted them.

Who said that grizzly bears or a mouse has more rights than a human? Please provide the name and quote that person...I've never seen that posted by anyone on this site.

Another thing, you dont want whats best for Wyoming, you want whats best for middleton and the animals you can legally blast and nothing more. What kind of a self-righteous person would speak on behalf of a half million people, when you live in a fishbowl known as Mills Wyoming? You have no idea what the other 499,999 people in Wyoming think whats right for Wyoming. Talk about arrogance...WOW!

For the record, a majority of the people from Wyoming that responded to the Wolf reintroduction plan were in FAVOR of wolf reintroduction. Apparently they thought wolves were "whats right for Wyoming".
your fantacy is that the wolve will help the eco systum is less deer elk and moose what we want thats the only end goal they achive.the older population of elk is a resalt more calf mortality herd bulls being taken after the rut younger cows being taken and old wise cows taking more space in the herd. wolves where a detrament in the 1900's and will be again.
if you think i only want animals to blast you are way off base i think that the fws should pay the bills for grizzlys and wolves you would be right.
when they delist and we can sell tags for them then it can go to the game and fish. i'd like to see the game and fish have money to help mule deer with helping the habatat i'd like to see them restore more streams.
spending the money on the griz is the big bite of the budgit let the feds pay for that untell they are delisted same with wolves.
if they would do that it would double the amount of money spent on wildlife i don't see a problem with that banjo picker or not
BuzzH said:
You're right, 2000 people didnt want wolves out of 72,000 comments received. 70,000 wanted them.
Lets see that list you have been talking about and can you add where the people are from pn that list.
cmiddleton, You give us your opinion. Buzz gives us facts. You lose. Please try educating yourself on these issues and stop spreading misinformation
Idiot Sorry Ithaca, Do you spoon Buzz at night or is it the other way around hump hump hump hump :rolleyes:
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