Thoughts on Wolves?


Who cares what your opinion is, the facts are what matters.

The fact remains that the agency in charge of delisting and wolf management is not accepting Wyomings plan.

Until WY can put together a plan that the USFWS accepts, our opinions on wolf management is a non-issue.


Sorry you're a loser, but you will NEVER get your way on wolf management, thats a fact. They're here to stay. Stop whining.
there you go again you peace of horse berry i'm not losing anything i'm giving you my opinion on the matter if you can't accept that stop asking for it.
wasn't that what started this and the other post.
what do you wont someones opinion for if its not the same as yours you can't take it.
i don't have to like the wolves no matter what you or the govenment thinks.
i can hate them if i wont too
don't ask if you can't handle the answers.
my opinion is shoot every last one of the basturds you asked for it and that is it.
now go back to the animal sceince lab at uw and see if anything you can do will change it.
if i support wyomings plan its really nothing your little school boy attatude can do about it less you wont to meet me in wheatland.
even then i would not change it|oo |oo
talking to you is like|oo |oo |oo
talking to you is like |oo |oo |oo |oo
cmiddleton said:
i don't have to like the wolves no matter what you or the govenment thinks.
i can hate them if i wont too

my opinion is shoot every last one of the basturds you asked for it and that is it.
Why do you hate the wolves? The only reason I can think is if you were traumatized by the Lil Red Riding Hood Story when you were just a little schoolgirl.

Have wolves ever harmed you? Did they eat your grandma?

And oh, by the way, the word "wont" doesn't mean anything. There is a word "want" that means "desire". And there is a word "won't" that is a contraction for "will not".
JoseCuervo said:
Why do you hate the wolves? The only reason I can think is if you were traumatized by the Lil Red Riding Hood Story when you were just a little schoolgirl.

Have wolves ever harmed you? Did they eat your grandma?

And oh, by the way, the word "wont" doesn't mean anything. There is a word "want" that means "desire". And there is a word "won't" that is a contraction for "will not".

Its nice to see a Mexican that has such a fine knowledge of the English language
JoseCuervo said:
Why do you hate the wolves? The only reason I can think is if you were traumatized by the Lil Red Riding Hood Story when you were just a little schoolgirl.

Have wolves ever harmed you? Did they eat your grandma?

And oh, by the way, the word "wont" doesn't mean anything. There is a word "want" that means "desire". And there is a word "won't" that is a contraction for "will not".

Last edited by Schmalts today at 5:25.

What's up with the editing?:confused::) :rolleyes:
I love Jose
noharleyyet said:
Last edited by Schmalts today at 5:25.

What's up with the editing?:confused::) :rolleyes:
Because i can......
I went to hit quote but hit the edit button by mistake. I should have done something good but didnt, so i did it to your post instead

Nice to see your advocating violating federal laws... "my opinion is shoot every last one of the basturds."

I find it pretty amusing that a guy from Mills is whining about wolves...when was the last time you saw one on your grandpas farm in Mills?

Your fear of wolves is just paranoia.

You're just a sore loser...get used to it.
if you have 120 calves and wolves get 4 you lost money for the year.
its happened by coyotes what makes you think wolves wont do the same
coyotes grab a calf and drag it onto the ice of the creek and the cow wont follow.seen it many times.
wolves will just run the cow off and take them.
lambs will just be a snack
i'm not the loser i'm just will not get my way there is no winners or loser in this situation just dead elk deer calves and lambs and a buch of tree huggers who think everything will be just fine.
dosn't meen i have to agree with them
cmiddleton said:
if you have 120 calves and wolves get 4 you lost money for the year.

Just how lousy of a rancher are you? If you lose 4 calves (and I will be generous and give you 400 pound calves when the big bad wolf happens to come to Mills) at $1.25 you are only talking about $500 a head, or $2000 change in annual REVENUE.

Is your operation that marginal, that you raise 120 calves (oops, 116 after the big scary wolves eat 'em) and you have lost your ENTIRE $2000 profit for the year? Dude, catch a clue, you might want to be selling out of the ranching business and working for McDonalds, as you can make $2000 flippin' burgers far quicker than you can ranching.

It is the poor cow/calf operators that epitomize the Welfare Rancher and the "holding on to the lifestyle" of making $2000 a year while ruining our public lands and crying about wolves.

Good job not answering the questions.

Plus, dont worry middleton if you can prove you lose 4 cows per year to wolves, the taxpayers will reimburse you 167% of the value of your 4 lost cows.

Taxpayers do a good job of providing for welfare ranchers.

Its highly unlikely you'll ever see a wolf in your lifetime near Mills that pretty much makes you a whiner.
mid, Just look at the loss of those four calves as the cost of doing business. Don't forget to factor in the subsidy welfare ranchers get for public land grazing at $1.76 per AUM. You'll see that you come out way ahead. How'd you like to be paying private land grazing prices?
mtmiller said:
Actually the rate is $1.56 for 2006.

MtmILLER, how much does it cost you per month to feed Axl? Can you feed your Yellow Lab for the same $1.56 per month that a Welfare Rancher feeds his cow and calf pair?
I would guess about $1/day to feed Axl. Although he spends nearly all of his time on fee surface (outside hunting season), he does shit in a field owned by the city. Guess that makes him a welfare dog since his shit-box is subsidized by the City of Havre. :D

On another note, I will take all the risk of allowing Axl crap where there may be wolves, grizzlies, or other pradatory critters that the Federal government has shoved down our throats. Price of doing "business" on government land.:D

I am willing to pay for Axl to use more of this land, but I would like to see a few pits so he is dispersed to different areas in the field and not just shit in one place. Not much of a watershed in the field, so I would like to see a well dug and a pipeline to create numerous tanks.

I know there are bighorn sheep that hang out in the on the farside of the field. Man is that a good forage area. Maybe I could have the City place some water over there so Axl could use some of that area as well. I know the sheep are doing well now, but sheep need water, so this could only be a benefit to those bighorn that are already there (right?). Just doing what I can for the sake of wildlife.:rolleyes:

I will sign this agreement to only use this field a portion of the year, but I reserve the right to continue to allow Axl use of the field if no one comes to check and make sure I following the agreement I signed.:BLEEP:

Sorry about the spelling. I didn't want to be catagorized as one of those loan-toting, "collage" folks.;)
IF you were a proper Welfare Dog owner, you would determine the Nitrogen level of Axl's shit and present the City of Havre a bill for your spot fertilizing improvements to the public lands.

That is amazing that you can feed 40 head of beef for the same monthly cost of feed as a none too fat Lab.
you guys get a clue not everyone has your opinion on wolves just like not everyone ranches for a living i dont ranch for a living i try to raise livestock to pay for my land. all i am looking for is enough to make the land payment.
to have it be self supporting.
the ranch is not in mills but someday i will build a house on it.
have you guys seen land prices these days it insain
if you think that 4 calfs is no big deal you should go buy some deisel fuel to cut hay.costs more to fuel up than you get off a calf. then i cant grow enough hay to feed all winter so i have to hall it from torrington thats 2 more calfs and so on. you don't just turn cows out and leave them they cost money to raise so its not all profit when you sell in the fall .
the feds don't subsadise my ranch energy electric does.
maybe i cant type but i started at 14 yrs old working for energy electric and now i own it i started with no land and now i own some right next to my dads and my brother has some too none of the land was inharited it has been bought buy working and saving money.
i would like to have more land but not at 2000 buck a acre
someday my family {dad, brother and i} would like to have a ranch that is self supporting. wolves are not going to help.
why do you guys think i should like wolves. are they cute and cuddly?
dead calves,lambs,elk,deer,moose,bighorns,rabbits,colts whats not to like?
cmiddleton...congrads on your hard work & accomplishments. I don't blame you a bit for taking advantage of any opportunity to obtain more land or participate in any program that aids in it's sustainance. I wouldn't worry too much about the spelling/syntax monitors either. They should worry more about their marlboro man fixations.:D
BuzzH said:

Who cares what your opinion is, the facts are what matters.


Until WY can put together a plan that the USFWS accepts, our opinions on wolf management is a non-issue.

As long as you care Buzz, thats what gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.

True "our opinions on wolf management is a non-issue." But at 159 posts and 7 pages, there are a lot of opinions.
The USFWS has said "NO" to Wyomings plan, so it's time for Wyoming to come up with another plan. ANY plan that allows SOME control over expanding wolf populations while catering to USFWS/Federal government egos. Nobody is going to get everything they want, wolf lovers, PETA, ranchers and hunters; everybody is going to have to give a little in order to get a little. The problem is politicians, egos and states vs federal rights are involved. This time the feds are holding all the cards, time for Wyoming to fold instead of raising on a loosing hand.
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