
Thoughts on Wolves?

While I am certainly no expert, I have followed along with the wolf debate here. The last time we tried to get them delisted, the AR folks sued in 2 states I believe. Both courts ruled in their favor but both said it is only because the eastern states were included in the delisting plan. If I remember correctly, both courts stated that an upper Great Lakes only plan would not be stopped by the courts. Therefore, we will find out shortly if the wolf will be delisted in MN.
sreekers said:
Do you know the difference in your states plan and Wyomings?

Honestly, I do not know thw WY plan. I guess I just know that there is something about it that the feds haven't accepted yet.

If anyone is interested info on the MN, WI, & MI delisting can be found at:

and the MN plan approved in 2001 is here:

I'm sure someone will be able to tell us about the WY plan.

Did you do better in Math than English?

The DEIS comments: 72,000 received 2000 against reintroduction 70,000 in favor. Do the math.

Also, those "meetings" you attended where only 5% were in favor of wolf reintroduction...thursday night at the mint bar doesnt cut it as far as the EIS process is concerned.

Nice try though.
I read in the paper today that they told Buzz to go jump of a bridge. I bet he is running there right now. Just because some one told you that does not mean it is true... That was 70,000 out of stater's. Did you go to any meetings???? It has been fun, But I am dnoe wtih tihs. And yes i did do bteter in mtah.
Cathunt MT said:
I read in the paper today that they told Buzz to go jump of a bridge. I bet he is running there right now. Just because some one told you that does not mean it is true... That was 70,000 out of stater's. Did you go to any meetings???? It has been fun, But I am dnoe wtih tihs. And yes i did do bteter in mtah.

And that is the sound of Cathunt gettin' spanked............ Owwwwwwwww...hump

The only contentous part of Wyoming's plan is that they want to manage where suitable wolf habitat is and isn't. From what I understand about Minnesota's plan, you guy's want to do the same thing. My money say's Wyoming has a wolf hunt BEFORE Minnesota does. Any takers?
The MN plan already decided what is wolf habitat and what isn't. Zone A is Northeastern MN and Zone B is the rest of the state. A must keep wolf #s above 1600. B has no quota and theoretically not have any at all. A wolf hunt cannot begin until a 5 years after delisting. Our plan has been approved, WY hasn’t. Other than the conservative nature of the MN DNR, why would you think WY would have a hunt before MN?

If only 2000 ID, MT, and WY residents bothered to comment...well, they didnt do a very good job of representing themselves did they?

Plus, in case you dont realize it...the wolves were reintroduced by the UNITED STATES fish and wildlife service...onto FEDERAL lands.

The residents of WY, ID, and MT have no more say, one way or the other, than someone living in NYC or LA...and rightfully so.

Wyoming will be having a wolf hunt in less than 6 years, maybe even a Grizzly hunt by then as well. Montana won't, Idaho might. JMO however. Time will tell if I'm right.
wyoming is right on the mark with the plan and the feds should stop grandstanding.!
any wolf that steps out of designated areas should be shot on sight!
if the feds wont them in yellowstone fence the damb thing.
we the few here in wyoming are out voted by every big city stupid idea.
we don't wont them and i think the feds should be forced to remove them!

Time to wake up, you're in la-la land.

The wolves are here to stay and nobody cares what "we the few here in Wyoming" think.

The USFWS will win, count on it.


I should take your bet and see if I can win a second case of beer...but come to think of it...I havent seen the first case yet.

I'm going to collect on that bet this November when I'm hunting in MT.
buzz i just think wyoming should not and will not back down.
we have a plan and we think its the best plan to keep them in check a hunting season will never do that we have been told that wolves are being put in the yellowstone area and when they leave that area we have to control them.
is the usfws that afraid that every last wolf will leave yellowstone what is thair big problem. when thay are in the spots thay are supposed to be they will be safe and in the wilderness areas they would be controlled with a season.
when they hit private land they will be problem wolves will still be where thay are suppose to be and not spreading to areas they are not|oo :BLEEP: do you work for usfws you sure have your head up there butt
i beleve there for i'll stand my feet are furmly on the ground and you are in la la land thinking you know all i hope wyoming stands behind the plan all the way. if they lose i hope the wyoming game and fish makes the feds deal with the problems and they turn a blind eye to wyomingites that take it into thair own hands.
hows the computer chips better than beef and bread. i hope no ranchers let you on to hunt seeing how you are anti rancher,farmer.:BLEEP:

Its clear from your post you've never read the EIS that the state of Wyoming agreed to.

Wyomings plan must be acceptable to keep enough wolves in the recovery area (which clearly includes more than just Yellowstone and the Wilderness Areas) to ensure they will be kept off the list.

Killing every wolf that leaves Yellowstone and the designated wilderness doesnt give any comfort to the USFWS that the population will be maintained.

Thats why they'll never accept WY's plan and why the feds will continue to maintain control of wolves and why wolves will continue to enjoy full federal protection under the ESA.

No, I dont work for the USFWS, but Yes, I do understand the issue.

I'm not anti-rancher or anti-farmer unless they get welfare (gov. subsidized grazing) for trashing my public lands and public wildlife habitat.

My number one priority is to keep federal lands in good condition and improve conditions on the 60% that are in poor condition because of welfare ranchers. Livestock interests on MY public lands are way down my list of priorities that are important to public lands management...and rightfully so. Wildlife should ALWAYS get priority on federal lands over livestock.

Oh, and I rarely hunt private land...I dont like being at the mercy of fickle landowners.

I have hunted on some really top-notch private land over the years and am welcomed back on every place I've ever hunted.

I'd rather invest the time to learn public lands that I'm guaranteed to hunt year after year after year. You never know when a landowner will say no or when they'll decide to lease it.
cmiddleton, Try staying away from the bottle for awhile---like the rest of your life----and study up on the EIS so you don't look like a fool. You have no idea of the guidelines WY has to follow to be able to manage wolves. Makes me wonder how many looney tunes in WY are as out of touch with reality as you are. I suspect it's a lot. Problem is, many of them are in your Legislature.

You should be grateful to Buzz for trying to enlighten you. He's telling you the facts. Listening to your buddies in some bar isn't going to help you understand anything, and spreading your misinformation isn't helping the situation, either.
The Feds are what's holding it up here in Minnesota, has been for years. You guys cry about a couple hundred wolves, wait until you get three to four thousand. An adult male wolf was killed on the highway down by Winona in the last month, that's getting pretty close to Iowa, the CO's figured he was a disperser looking for a new pack. I've been waiting 20 years to be able to blast a wolf, and it isn't looking good for the near future either. Maybe my kid will get a chance someday, he's only 9 years old. In my opinion you guys will be waiting a very long time before you are able to have a season on wolves when all you have is a couple hundred of them...
How can you say it isn't looking good for the future in MN? We have a plan approved by the feds, delisting is currently underway, and a season could happen in 6 years. Slow in coming? Yes. Now, however, I don't think we could be in any better of a position. If delisting does not go through this time I will join the "damn feds" crowd. Till then I'll sit back and watch the process.
Did you guy's hear about flies in Hawaii the feds just listed as endangered? If you swat one, are they going to fine you $100,000 and give you jail time?
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