Caribou Gear

Thoughts on Wolves?

Dave, that is what I hear all time from the hunters in this area.
So it's on to getting them delisted,not because we like it ,we have no other choice.

("Defenders of Wildlife shoved this wolf agenda so far up the public's *** that we collectively now have no other choice than to meekly go along with committing hunting suicide. What a buncha cs we are. Either we get the antihunting-pawn- eating machine- wolf delisted, or we won't have much to argue about in the next couple of decades.")

"I wonder if either YOU or MD4ME even bothered attending meetings or sending in comments...I really doubt either of you did. I attended meetings in 4 cities and wrote comments in all three comment periods."

Buzz,yes I did send in comments and I try to stay involved in all the things that effect me and the sports I love, as well as supporting the archery clubs in this state.
Idaho State Bowhunters has a number of people that keep up on the issues effecting hunters in the state as well.
NEWS FLASH ---- OH MY GOSH a number of them are as well informend as you are, But with better manners LOL

I will admit I didnt attend meeting in 4 states (was that on your own time or did we the people pay you to go?)

Ithaca,if you don't stop responding to those of us on your ignore list people are going to get the wrong impression.
(maybe we should go back to meeting in private again so no one knows the truth about us .);) ;)
You and MD4ME need to do some research. A vast majority of the comments received in WY, MT, and ID were in favor of reintroduction...over 80% in favor. Nationwide comments were over 90% in favor.

Thats the way it works, the USFWS presented at least 3 open comment periods, several hundred scoping meetings across the west and they adopted the preferred alternative that the public comments reflected.

First of all I would like to see where you get "A vast majority of the comments received in WY, MT, and ID were in favor of reintroduction...over 80% in favor."
As far as the public comments, I have gone to many of them the way it works is they make up there mined be for they ever take it to the public. And the meetings I went to not even 5% where for bringing them back.
Idiot I meant Ithaca I wish you would have put me on that list a long time ago. Thanks
Cathunt MT said:
As far as the public comments, I have gone to many of them the way it works is they make up there mined be for they ever take it to the public. And the meetings I went to not even 5% where for bringing them back.
Idiot I meant Ithaca I wish you would have put me on that list a long time ago. Thanks

Any chance you went to a public school system that was not adequately funded? :( I hope you are not one of those who thinks English should be a requirement for citizenship, as if you are, you will likely find yourself deported.
It is always funny when people don't know the meaning of the words they are using. And then they somehow think spellcheck will save them from their own lack of edjumacation.
"but you are in America, start writing like an American or go back where you came from."

So then what ? LOL Moosie will have to leave his own board? and all that will be left is a few anal retentive back patters sitting there on there self made pedestal analyzing each others posts. WooHooo ,sounds like fun .
So, back to Wolves......

I just read in the Outdoor News that a wolf was hit by a car south of Winona, MN. Pull up a map of MN and Winona is in the southeast corner, waaay out of the range our wolves are to be.
Muledeer4me said:
"but you are in America, start writing like an American or go back where you came from."

So then what ? LOL Moosie will have to leave his own board? and all that will be left is a few anal retentive back patters sitting there on there self made pedestal analyzing each others posts. WooHooo ,sounds like fun .

MD4moi...hate the sin but love the sinner.:D ...btw, the smartest & wealthiest person I know misspells & misnomers more than Moosie....he simply doesn't slow down long enough to sweat the small chit.
The first time we tried the plan included all wolves east of the Rockies, therefore it was shot down. Currently, we are in the 90 day comment period since the delisting was put forth again. This time the plan is only for the upper Great Lakes region (MN, WI and MI). They should be delisted within a year if all goes well.

Glad we don't have WY with us, we'd never get em delisted!
MNHunter said:
The first time we tried the plan included all wolves east of the Rockies, therefore it was shot down. Currently, we are in the 90 day comment period since the delisting was put forth again. This time the plan is only for the upper Great Lakes region (MN, WI and MI). They should be delisted within a year if all goes well.

Thanks MN. I was curious as well.
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