PEAX Equipment

Thoughts on Wolves?

Why are you such an arrogant ass? People like you are the reason there is such a division between hunters on all issues.

Do yourself a favor, actually do us all a favor and go get your dictionary. Open it up and find the word "Control" then read what it says and see if you can comprehend the meaning of it.
After you do that go read what you have posted so far and do some more research.
Then come back here and tell us all who Really has "Control of Wolves in Montana and Idaho.
Excaliber, Actually Idaho and Montana do have more control over the Wolves then Wyoming. Ranchers can and do shoot wolves now that harass the livestock. Nobody ever has "FULL" control over any animal. Not even the Elk here in Idaho. There are multitude of people that get invoved with setting limits and seasons. And numbers is a Key roll. jsut like in the wolves.

Just a Question.. but of all the People Bitching about the Wolves, How many have seen them on a Continual basis in the field ? I know last year or 2 yeas ago, was my first encounter with them and I have seen more deer and elk.. welll definately more deer, in the exact area the Wolves were standing.

Would I rather them not be here ? HEll yes !! But I'd rather not have any other hunters out there either. And with Wolves in the Hils, alot of hunters are saying nothings left and I have more huntingto myself. Dumb logic ? Maybe.... but I'm not seeing any of the Effects of the wolves were I hunt. And I see wolves now alot more.

Excaliber, What part of Idaho are ya from ? You hunt the Sawtooth area Much ? There are Deer and Elk behind every tree there !!!

The reason why theres a division in hunters is because hunters are individuals with strong opinions about their sport. I dont want to be associated with at least 80% of the people who claim they're "hunters".

If you cant handle that, I suggest you take up cross-stitching, golf, or stamp collecting.

Its more than obvious, by whats been posted, who needs to research whats going on with wolf management and who doesnt.
I'm living in Meridian now.
Here's my take on Idaho's control of Wolves:
It reminds me of a 16 year old kid who want's to buy a car with the money he's saving for college. It's his money but the problem is his parents wont let him buy the car.

We really have no control unless big brother says we can.
After the public comment on removing Wolves from the Selway now we have to see what big brother has to say.

All 3 states have their WS sharpshooters and trappers collaring and killing problem Wolves at this time. Wyoming Ranchers and landowners have been issued shoot on site permits to kill Wolves that are killing or harrasing their livestock same as Idaho and Montana.

So I guess we will just have to disagree on what Control actually means at this time.

Deer and Elk behind every tree? I'm in.
You're wrong, MT and ID have more control over wolves than Wyoming.

Ask the Governor of Wyoming.

Do you need his email address?

Good luck with BOTH your ID elk tags this year...hope the wolves havent killed them all yet...

I'll see if I can fill BOTH my Wyoming tags this year as well as my MT tag...if theres anything left to hunt in either state (besides skinny wolves that have now eaten all the elk and are fixing to starve to death).

All three states have elk populations that are over-objective in a vast majority of their hunting regions.

Yet...."them thar woofs are killin' all our elks"...according to the bar-stool biologists.
BuzzH said:
You're wrong, MT and ID have more control over wolves than Wyoming.

Ask the Governor of Wyoming.

Do you need his email address?

Idaho has zero control just ask my buddies who live in the Salmon area.

Want their email address?
I have 2 deer tags too this year here.... Wish me luck on both :) Since Buzz HAsn't busted out the Pictures yet lemme see If I saw any Deer or Elk in Idaho in the Last couple years....

Well here is an Elk we found in WOOF country :


And another :


And Another :


And we even Found a Buck, the Same day we heard WOOF's in the Canyon :


Here were 3 Elk in the Same Area. We saw 13 Elk and most were branch antler or better :


This guy came in 20 yards from us.. A respectable 6 point. This was the Last of the 13 we saw. Our buddies were on the mountain next to us and said they saw about 12 elk too that day :


couple better pics of Woof Country Elk :


Funny how we came out of the Hills with Elk and Ran into about a Dozen Hunters in different camps telling us about the Wolf track they saw and there were no elk.... Heck, It had snowed and their boots were dry. I was wondering how they couldn't see any, Hell, I spotted 2 elk jsut from the Campfire !!!!

A buck from the Wolf Country. Go figure, I shoot the First one we see that mornng (Last day of hunting) and we see about 4-5 more 4 points that were probably better. My bad, I figured I'd shoot the First buck I seen incase there were non left after The wolves ate the rest.....

Another Wolf chased Elk :


Well Thats only the Last 2 years on a Couple critters we were lucky enough to take. Since I can Only post 8 pictures at a Time It would take me a dozen posts to post all the Elk and Deer we've taken out since they brought in the "WOOF's".

I was going to stick around and Hear aobut Wolf management from the Guys at Camp but we had another Elk trip to do to Pack out. Funny thing was when we went back in we saw another Nice 5x6 and several other Raghorns. I didn't have enough toes to count the Cows we SEE..... But there are Usually a Few. Here is a Standard Hillside durring the Season :


MAybe this is were some Guys hunt ?


.... ?

DAM WOLFES !!!!!!! They killed my season in '01 !!


Well.. that and the Snow :


..... ;)
Post #40 by MTmiller :

Come on, it was pretty funny.
How come you are not out there killing a bear. Are you getting too old like Moosie?

YOU SOB !!!! I just went back and wanted to Catch up.. Since I'm in the Picture Posting mood I' can Show you I've done my part in the LAst couple years.... :








Thats Right.... Put up of Shut up they say !!! Hey MtMiller, Post that one Bear picture you have again OLD MAN !! :p

Maybe you can get this one tiny little fact into your pea sized brain. MONTANA DOES NOT PLAN TO USE HUNTING AS A METHOD TO MANAGE THE WOLF POPULATION, delisting or not. No wonder why the wolf huggers like Montana's management plan. Should Wyoming copy this plan as well? Call Liz Bradley, one of the FEDERALLY FUNDED MONTANA WOLF MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTS and ask if you don't believe me. Bet you won't. Craig, why don't you call as well?
Papa Moose said:
Thats Right.... Put up of Shut up they say !!! Hey MtMiller, Post that one Bear picture you have again OLD MAN !! :p
That would be a shut-up for me.:D

I was shut out this year (no surprise). I did play in the snow and rain this weekend, but other than one unknown bear, it was only wet and cold. Still had fun and got some exercise, but ruggless in '06. Maybe next year I will try the donut trick.;)
For those scoring at home:
  • Moosie (PaPa Moose is just gay) 1
  • Miller (bad hunter) 0
So I don't have any bragging rights with pictures so I hope that doesn't make my posts mute or invalid.

The last four years I have hunted in the area west of Big Piney Wyoming. I have only been able to do 3 day hunts because I was skipping school(three days well skipped I might add.) I have seen elk in the area and I have also seen wolves and a lot of evidence for them being there. We saw wolves and my buddy shot at a raghorn bull that morning too. They do co-exist.

I have also had a limited entry cow tag north of Big Piney on my Christmas breaks. This was a tag to keep the elk off of ranchers land so they wouldn't complain. To keep the number of elk our state likes we have started feed grounds all over the place. This in turn has created a feeding frenzy for the wolves. We also found a deer that had been killed by wolves.

The impact is there and I don't believe we need to eradicate them. But Moosie I don't know about you but a wolf rug next to that bear rug sure would be nice?

I just think we need management, just like every other animal we have. Now how do I get the people in my state to quit grandstanding?

I dont need an email address for some whining drunks in Salmon that cant find a deer and elk to shoot. I dont think the drunks at the local bars in Salmon have much credibility. Now that I know your source of information...that explains your lack of knowledge on the subject.

I choose to believe the people that actually know something about wolf know the MTFWP, IDGF, biologists, etc. etc. etc.


Care to make another bet if there will be a season on wolves in MT? If I remember correctly, you also said MT would never have a bison hunt either. I'm kind of getting tired of saying, "I told you so"...
that's it Buzz way to go. Now your calling Ranchers who live with Wolves killing their Livestock drunks.

Why don't you mosey on in to one of the bars in the Salmon area and repeat what you just said here.

If I were you I'd just pipe down. It's better to keep your mouth shut and and have people think your an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it.

Now that you've completely proven you dont have a clue what you're talking about...

Heres what you said, now keep in mind, you supposedly know what you're talkig about...

Excaliber said, "Wyoming Ranchers and landowners have been issued shoot on site permits to kill Wolves same as Idaho and Montana"

This one statement tells me you've done NO research, you dont have a clue and YOU should shut your mouth as theres no question you're an idiot.

That statement is correct about Wyoming's welfare ranchers...they need kill permits from the Feds. MT and ID's welfare ranchers DO NOT NEED kill permits.

Check this out, again from the MTFWP:

In southern Montana, where wolves were classified as experimental, non-essential when they were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995-96, a landowner, their immediate family members, or their employees can kill a wolf on private land if it is actively biting, wounding, killing, chasing, molesting or harassing livestock, livestock herding or guarding animals, or domestic dogs. In this case:

* no permit is required;

* report the incident to Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP) within 24 hours;

* physical evidence of the wolf attack or that an attack was imminent is required (injured or dead livestock, broken fences, trampled vegetation and wolf sign)

Also, in southern Montana on federal lands, livestock producers or outfitters and guides, with an active federal land commercial use permit allowing for livestock use, may kill a wolf that is seen biting, wounding or killing—or a wolf that is seen actively chasing, molesting or harassing livestock, or livestock herding or guarding animals on their active allotment:

* domestic dogs (pets or hunting dogs) are not included in this provision;

* no FWP kill permit is required;

* report the incident to FWP within 24 hours;

* physical evidence of the wolf attack or evidence that an attack was imminent is required (injured or dead livestock, broken fences, trampled vegetation and wolf sign).

Do you still want to argue that WY has the same amount of control over wolves as ID and MT?

By the way, I told you so.

If your drunk buddies from Salmon are too stupid to understand the laws and regulations in the state they live in...thats a personal problem.

If they're having trouble with wolves...tell them to get out of the bars, quit their bitching and start controlling wolves that are killing or harrassing their livestock. They're within their rights and dont have to have any type of permit.

That, however, would require dropping the whisky bottle and getting off the its likely they'll just keep bitching about wolves...which is much easier to do from a bar-stool than actually taking care of your livestock.

Plus, if they sobered up long enough to attempt to shoot a wolf...the DT's would likely make hitting one a real challenge.