This is your property classification and appraisal notice

Sounds like you should send your kids to public school. It's a choice not to and choices cost money. Sort of like choosing to hunt as a NR.

But as long as you pay for private school out of pocket for them, I support that decision as well.

So you would prefer that I send my kids to public school at the additional cost of $87,000 to taxpayers rather than having @$7000 of my property tax money follow my kids to a school of their choice? How noble. What was that old saying that used to be popular on this forum? “Laffin”
So you would prefer that I send my kids to public school at the additional cost of $87,000 to taxpayers rather than having @$7000 of my property tax money follow my kids to a school of their choice? How noble. What was that old saying that used to be popular on this forum? “Laffin”
There is no additional cost for you, unless you make the choice to send them to private school. Which is 100% the way it should be. Like I said, choices come with a price tag. You're telling me you will pay 87k more out of your pocket if you send your kids to public schools?

I don't care one way or the other where you send your kids. I just prefer if it's not a public school, you pay for it out of pocket. Which you are and I have no grievance with. But I don't want your tax dollars to be earmarked for your kids while denying others a public education. Again, which you aren't doing but most certainly want to do.

That I can't agree with, never have, never will.
I'm no economist.
But what if we had a sales tax and no state income tax or property tax?
The state would benefit, more monies for upkeep, public servants ( teachers, nurses, firefighters, law enforcement). I'd feel better knowing my money was used to directly improve the above , than get pooled away and spent on who knows what.
No, I am saying that sending my kids to public school would cost the local taxpayers an additional $87,000 above what they are currently paying.

If all the approximately 600 kids currently enrolled in local private schools entered the public school system at taxpayer expense of $29,000 per student it would cost local taxpayers an additional $174,000,000.

Asking for the portion of my property taxes to follow my student to the school of their choice for the amount of time they are in school is a far better deal for taxpayers than having them enrolled in public schools. An additional 5-8% in student enrollment would minimize current opportunities for public school students.

School voucher programs wouldn’t have to take a single dime from public education if tax rates were figured from a total amount of students in a locale rather than just those enrolled in public schools.
I'm no economist.
But what if we had a sales tax and no state income tax or property tax?
The state would benefit, more monies for upkeep, public servants ( teachers, nurses, firefighters, law enforcement). I'd feel better knowing my money was used to directly improve the above , than get pooled away and spent on who knows what.

Economically I am clueless, so could be stupid to say, but I wonder something similar. I think You’d still have county property taxes for local services, but we could be siphoning a lot of money out of those who come here and spend money with a sales tax as opposed to income taxes.

We should be fleecing the tourists and leveraging their continued and near-certain growth.
The more kids that get sent to private schools/ charter schools directly effects public school funding. I stand behind my public teacher wife on this one.

Are you saying this from the point of saying that private/ charter schools take existing money away from public school budgets or from the point that because those students aren’t enrolled in public schools the public schools don’t get additional taxpayer dollars?
No, I am saying that sending my kids to public school would cost the local taxpayers an additional $87,000 above what they are currently paying.

If all the approximately 600 kids currently enrolled in local private schools entered the public school system at taxpayer expense of $29,000 per student it would cost local taxpayers an additional $174,000,000.

Asking for the portion of my property taxes to follow my student to the school of their choice for the amount of time they are in school is a far better deal for taxpayers than having them enrolled in public schools. An additional 5-8% in student enrollment would minimize current opportunities for public school students.

School voucher programs wouldn’t have to take a single dime from public education if tax rates were figured from a total amount of students in a locale rather than just those enrolled in public schools.
Not true, 600 more students spread out in public schools is not going to cost an additional 29k per student.

You know better than that, I would hope.
If a private school becomes funded by tax dollars, doesn't that just make it another public school? What am I missing?
Not if any student that wants to attend are denied based on any reason.

That's the problem with private schools receiving tax dollars, they want to be able to deny the kids from the wrong side of the tracks attendance into their schools.

If that wasn't the case, they would let anyone in.

Private schools and vouchers would 100% favor higher economic classes over the lower economic classes. No question about it.
Not true, 600 more students spread out in public schools is not going to cost an additional 29k per student.

You know better than that, I would hope.

So, existing infrastructure and personnel will remain constant while cost per student decreases because student/teacher infrastructure ratios change?
So, existing infrastructure and personnel will remain constant while cost per student decreases because student/teacher infrastructure ratios change?
Absolutely. You think they're going to build another 600 schools, hire 600 more teachers, buy another 600 school buses, hire another 600 bus drivers?
Not if any student that wants to attend are denied based on any reason.

That's the problem with private schools receiving tax dollars, they want to be able to deny the kids from the wrong side of the tracks attendance into their schools.

That’s BS and you know it. If the $$$ follows the student they have the market power to spend their money in accordance with their values.

Locality determines that my kids are barred from attending public school on the “other side of the tracks” because we live “on the wrong side of the tracks”
Absolutely. You think they're going to build another 600 schools, hire 600 more teachers, buy another 600 school buses, hire another 600 bus drivers?

I thought quality education included a certain ratio of students/teachers as well as infrastructure.

Are you saying that public schools will maintain or exceed the current quality of education with a 5-8% increase in students and no additional increase to teachers or infrastructure?

Also, are property taxpayers going to be supportive of the increase in property taxes?
That’s BS and you know it. If the $$$ follows the student they have the market power to spend their money in accordance with their values.

Locality determines that my kids are barred from attending public school on the “other side of the tracks” because we live “on the wrong side of the tracks”
It's not BS Gerald, it's a fact.

There will most certainly be classes of private schools, many that your kids would be denied entry to for any whimsical social, religious, or economic name just a few.

Your kids will not, and would not, attend the best private schools under a voucher program...and you know that's true. So does anyone else that gives it a casual thought.

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