The Ruthless Party


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Nov 28, 2001
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The Ruthless Party

From the February 7, 2005 issue: The media tolerate or even encourage Democratic rage. But the White House can't afford to.

Fred Barnes, for the Editors

Washington (The Weekly Standard) Vol. 010, Issue 20 - 2/7/2005 - ON THE EVE of the election in Iraq, Democratic senator Edward Kennedy called President Bush's Iraq policy "a catastrophic failure." He demanded that American troops immediately begin to withdraw. "We have no choice," he declared, "but to make the best we can of the disaster we have created in Iraq." Kennedy said the retreat of American forces should be completed "as early as possible in 2006," and suggested that, in Iraq, American troops are a bigger problem than terrorists.

Though appalling, Kennedy's statement was not out of character for Democrats these days. "I don't like to impugn anyone's integrity," said Democratic senator Mark Dayton, before impugning the integrity of Condoleezza Rice. "But I really don't like being lied to, repeatedly, flagrantly, intentionally. It is wrong, it is undemocratic, it is un-American, and it is dangerous." After Rice took exception to being called untruthful by Democratic senator Barbara Boxer, Boxer complained on TV: "She turned and attacked me."

This is madness, but there is method in it. The talk among congressional Democrats is about the tactics Newt Gingrich used as House minority whip in 1993 and 1994. As they remember it, Gingrich opposed, blocked, attacked, zinged, or at least criticized everything President Clinton and Democratic leaders proposed. It was a scorched-earth approach, Democrats believe. And it worked, crippling Clinton and resulting in the 1994 election that gave Republicans control--lasting control, it turned out--of the House and Senate. Now Democrats, after losing three straight elections, hope brutal tactics will work for them.

So they ganged up on Rice, accusing her of lying about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, though they had relied on the same faulty intelligence about WMD. They blamed Alberto Gonzales, as chief White House counsel, of fostering the torture of captured terrorists. All he had done, however, was render a legal opinion on the status of terrorists under the Geneva Convention. As most experts agree, terrorists aren't covered. Kennedy threw the word "quagmire" around like confetti. And so on. What was the initial response of Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid to the president's idea of reforming Social Security (news - web sites)? Bush wants to "destroy" the system, Reid insisted.

Yet Democrats act as if they're taking the moral high ground. Listen to Howard Dean (news - web sites), who's favored to become the next Democratic national chairman. Asked in an un-aired interview with Fox News to list his supporters for chairman, Dean said: "It's not likely I'm gonna make an announcement like that on Fox . . . because Fox is the propaganda outlet of the Republican party . . . . I have to weigh the legitimacy that it gives you."

Dean is delusional. He and other Democrats cannot confer or deny legitimacy. Nor do they really understand the lessons of the Gingrich era. True, Newt used rough tactics to tear down Democratic proposals and challenge Democratic leaders. He was relentless. But he was also an idea factory of conservative concepts and initiatives. His goal was to attract conservative voters who weren't Republicans. And he succeeded.

The 1994 breakthrough "was the culmination of a long process in which voters' ideology finally got in line with their partisanship," columnist David Brooks explained recently in the New York Times. "The Democrats today . . . have all the liberals. What they lack is support from middle-class white families in fast-growing suburbs. But by copying the Gingrich tactics--or what they think of as Gingrich tactics--of hyperpartisanship and ruthless oppositionalism, they will only alienate those voters even more."

Brooks is correct. Democrats misunderstand their situation. Their view is that Republicans have been mean and bruising while they've been too nice and forgiving. That's right. They think former Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, who was plainly obsessed with obstructing Bush at every turn, was too kindly. The lesson of the 2004 election for Democrats, then, is that they need to play rough. The real lesson, of course, is that blatant obstructionism is a failed strategy. It's what caused Daschle to lose his seat.

The media tolerate or even encourage Democratic rage. But the White House can't afford to. Senate Democrats have enough votes to block major Bush initiatives like Social Security reform and to reject Bush appointees, including Supreme Court nominees. They may be suicidal, but they could undermine the president's entire second term agenda. At his news conference last week, Bush reacted calmly to their vitriolic attacks, suggesting only a few Democrats are involved. Stronger countermeasures will be needed, including an unequivocal White House response to obstructionism, curbs on filibusters, and a clear delineation of what's permissible and what's out of bounds in dissent on Iraq. Too much is at stake to wait for another Democratic defeat in 2006.

--Fred Barnes, for the Editors
"was the culmination of a long process in which voters' ideology finally got in line with their partisanship," columnist David Brooks explained recently in the New York Times. "The Democrats today . . . have all the liberals. What they lack is support from middle-class white families in fast-growing suburbs. .."

Most people are not as liberal as Kennedy, Kerry, Hillary, etc. (And not just white people, by the way). Neither are they as conservative as Rush Limbough. That is why Bill Clinton got elected - he was a "centrist" and not an extreme liberal. I'm sure people here will disagree, but GW Bush is not that extreme a conservative. The extremists in either direction scare the voters, IMHO.
Ted [the red] Kennedy has been a braindead drunk for the last twenty years....he can`t even hardly talk unless he reads something from a paper that one of his staffers has written. He is Pathetic.
Fact: The Democratic party was co-opted by the leftists, freaks and deviant fringe long ago.

Opinion: The Democrats can't admit that the reason they continue to get spanked at the polls is because they don't have a coherant message that appeals to middle America (and I'm not talking about the Mississippi Valley). "Everybody" knows that the Liberal-est Left drives the Dems agenda and that agenda simply does not resonate with the middle class. The Democratic party dominated American politics for 50 years by successfully painting the Republicans as the party of the arrogant and uncaring rich.
They built an empire on pandering. They attacked institutions to appease young radicals, catered legislation to special interest groups and bloated the roles of Social Security to recruit the urban poor and to keep the WWII generation in their pocket.

The Liberal driven dems have always been brilliant at tactical politics. In fact they got so good at telling specific groups what they wanted to hear, and did it for so long that they forgot how to construct a vision for America that people could relate to. Their "message" has long amounted to not much more than "not being Republican" which is no message at all.

As long as the Democrats continue to embrace those who seek to erode the greatness of America by attacking the principles upon which it was founded then they will continue to lose elections.
Funny who is "ruthless"....

Elkcheese's comments....
CJ's character assasination on Sen. Kennedy
Erik's "fact" on the Democratic party.....

I guess based on Erik's facts, the rest of his post is nonsense. His claim of "long ago" loses his credibility. Does '92 seem like "long ago"? That is really a pretty short time in history.
By '92 you mean Clinton? He was extremely bright and a great politician who played to the middle. Morally corrupt but a very good pol. Now you have Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, Boxer and Dean. Even Kerry is playing more to the middle trying to get away from those fringe elements in power. If the same core group runs your party you will still be whining after the next election. I love those guys and hope you support them 100%.
Uhhh.. Thanks Ringer, but I am a Republican, so I doubt that Pelosi, Kennedy and Boxer will run MY party....

How much you been drinking tonight?
Maybe some of you didn't read the article. " It was a scorched-earth approach, Democrats believe. And it worked, crippling Clinton and resulting in the 1994 election that gave Republicans control--lasting control, it turned out--of the House and Senate. Now Democrats, after losing three straight elections, hope brutal tactics will work for them."

The Democrats try the same strategy that the Republicans used in '93 and '94, but when they do it they are "ruthless"? What were the Republicans when they used those tactics? :confused:
My "long ago" comment was based on the perennial Democratic claim of being the party of FDR long after they abandoned the middle class. I was thinking 1968-ish

Also, in reference to WJC and '92 please re-read my second paragraph i.e. tactical politics. Mr Clinton talked the New Democrat Centrist talk and took a mother-may-I giant step left after being elected, in effect propelling the Gingrich led Republican recapturing of the Congress in 94.

You're a bright guy and normally astute poster, do you really disagree that the Dems are the political home of the weird? Is it not true that nearly all ACLU employees are registered Dems? How about NAMBLA? I bet those guys love the Democratic Party.

I guess if I don't footnote every sentance with a link my comments are mere nonsense.
Maybe I should use a larger font when I preface my opinion with the words "MY OPINION"

by the way I owe you a drink--Bush won but not nearly by the 12 point margin I predicted
ElkGunner said:
Uhhh.. Thanks Ringer, but I am a Republican, so I doubt that Pelosi, Kennedy and Boxer will run MY party....

How much you been drinking tonight?

Not enough to believe you're a Republican !!!

That was funny....
I told him a long time ago that he was fibbing on being a Republican and got no responce back.
I wouldn't believe if for a second, any more than I would believe Hillary is a Centurist, which is what she is starting to play the part of.... ;)
Gunner you think i was unfair to Ted Kennedy? [character assasination] I am telling 100% the truth about him.... and i even left out the fact that he got away with a double murder or at a minimum [manslaughter] Mary Joe Kopeckne and his child.[adultery] so lets add Adultery and murder to old "Ted`s Resume"......Ps. hump hump he also paid off the kopeckne family and the church. hump
SRR- glad to see you have an opinion?! So, you think GW is a great speaker? You aspire to his realm of rhetoric?
Just sobered up and read this. All I have to say is:

WE WON AND YOU LOST! Neener, neener, neener. :)
Erik in AK, re post #6
Well said !

Ithaca 37
"It was a scorched-earth approach, Democrats believe".
The key word is "Believe", they were wrong, it wasn't. Now they are trying to play hardball and it will backfire on them, mark my words.
Erik in AK said:
My "long ago" comment was based on the perennial Democratic claim of being the party of FDR long after they abandoned the middle class. I was thinking 1968-ish

Also, in reference to WJC and '92 please re-read my second paragraph i.e. tactical politics. Mr Clinton talked the New Democrat Centrist talk and took a mother-may-I giant step left after being elected, in effect propelling the Gingrich led Republican recapturing of the Congress in 94.

You're a bright guy and normally astute poster, do you really disagree that the Dems are the political home of the weird? Is it not true that nearly all ACLU employees are registered Dems? How about NAMBLA? I bet those guys love the Democratic Party.

I guess if I don't footnote every sentance with a link my comments are mere nonsense.
Maybe I should use a larger font when I preface my opinion with the words "MY OPINION"

by the way I owe you a drink--Bush won but not nearly by the 12 point margin I predicted

I guess I was thinking of '92 when the Dems controlled Congress and the White House. Doesn't seem like that long ago.... Just as we now have a backlash from 8 years of Clinton, in 4 more years we will have a backlash from 8 years of Dubya. People will be tired of the Quagmire that is Iraq. The record deficits that will saddle our children with Debt. Dubya's destruction of Social Security. Four more years of record Medical Bankruptcies. Four more years of removal of Rights via the Patriot Act. Dubya's legacy will be a Democrat in the White House and a Congress controlled by the Left.

As for "nuts" in the Democratic party, what about the "nuts" in the GOP? You know, the KKK, Log Cabin Republicans, Elkcheese, Aryan Nations, and CJ.... Both parties have nuts....

But Erik, are you interested in a country that only has one strong political party? Do you really want Dubya to be un-checked by an opposition party? Do you think our Democracy will function better with an impotent opposition? Wouldn't a dominant GOP be the same as the Baath Party in Iraq, or the National Socialists in Germany? Both of those partys were very conservative in idealogy. How is it better to have a One-Party system?

That was funny....
I told him a long time ago that he was fibbing on being a Republican and got no responce back.
I wouldn't believe if for a second, any more than I would believe Hillary is a Centurist, which is what she is starting to play the part of.... ;)

Hey ElkCheese,
I am pretty sure Hillary is not 100 years old.... You may want to quit trying to use words that have more than about three letters, as you usually will either use the incorrect word or mis-spell it.

But given that you are accusing me of lying, please let me know what you base that on. Otherwise, you just once again show your complete failure of being able to read and the comprehension of what you read. Did you ever find a store that sells clues? As you still remain clueless.
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