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Montana Governor's Race - Mike Cooney lays out Public Land Agenda

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Cooney was President of the Senate when the Bridge Access bill was passed in the Senate, but died in the House, only to be passed in 2009. His leadership helped get us the best stream access law in the nation.

Cooney was Secretary of State when Tony Schoonen Sr, Jack Atcheson Sr., and the rest of the gang started working on getting access to State Trust Lands. His leadership on the Land Board has opened up millions of acres of land for hunters, anglers and trappers.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mike Cooney pledged this week to work to strengthen the state’s public access programs and to veto legislation privatizing wildlife.
The lieutenant governor announced his eight-part public lands plan from Spring Meadow Lake State Park in Helena. The plan calls for support and possible expansion of existing public access programs and defense against efforts to reduce funding and authority.
“Generations of Montanans have fought to protect our public lands, wildlife and rivers and streams,” Cooney said. “That fight continues to this day. We need to be clear eyed about the threats we face. Our outdoor heritage and way of life is under attack by politicians in Washington D.C. and extremists here at home in the Montana Legislature. There are powerful special interests that want to see our public lands privatized and sold off to the highest bidder.”

Cooney is running against Republican Congressman Greg Gianforte, as well as Libertarian Lyman Bishop and Green Party candidate Robert Barb.

The Democrat pointed to his record as a state legislator, secretary of state and lieutenant governor, billing himself as a champion for public lands.
“When I’m elected I’m going to do everything in my power to protect our public lands, our clean air and clean water and wildlife, for future generations,” he said.
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Bit of a tangent, does anyone know what happened to Fox? Like a Monday morning quarterback of where his campaign failed. I just listened to Randy's podcast with him yesterday and I don't understand how he lost to Gianforte in a State like Montana.

Tim was outspent significantly and couldn't get out and do the retail politics that wins races in MT. If you're stuck at home, and your opponent has unlimited funds to purchase name recognition, and you're own fundraising isn't as robust as it should be, plus you're in the middle of the civil war in your party, then it's tough to win.

It's a shame. I don't agree with Tim on a ton of issues, but I was rooting for him. I know he reached out to a bunch of folks to develop the outdoor strategy, myself included. I would have been perfectly happy to have a thoughtful, kind person like Tim Fox as Governor, and Jon Knokey at LT Gov.

Jon's a rising star in MT politics. He'll be Governor or Senator soon enough.
Tim was outspent significantly and couldn't get out and do the retail politics that wins races in MT. If you're stuck at home, and your opponent has unlimited funds to purchase name recognition, and you're own fundraising isn't as robust as it should be, plus you're in the middle of the civil war in your party, then it's tough to win.

It's a shame. I don't agree with Tim on a ton of issues, but I was rooting for him. I know he reached out to a bunch of folks to develop the outdoor strategy, myself included. I would have been perfectly happy to have a thoughtful, kind person like Tim Fox as Governor, and Jon Knokey at LT Gov.

Jon's a rising star in MT politics. He'll be Governor or Senator soon enough.
Still in a state that hates out of towners (as one in the bucket I've experienced it first hand), a state that really hates rich out of towners, to elect a rich out of towner just seems like we're stuck in a sci-fi movie
Still in a state that hates out of towners (as one in the bucket I've experienced it first hand), a state that really hates rich out of towners, to elect a rich out of towner just seems like we're stuck in a sci-fi movie

He's an asshole, but he's our asshole. ;)

To be fair, he's won 1 election out of three, as I don't really count the special since the Dem candidate wasn't on their A game.

He's lost the Governorship once. He's not well liked, but he won in a year that had a lot of split ticket voting (18) by a much smaller margin that previous candidates. He's banking on buying the race, along with the name recognition that comes from having the bully pulpit of Congress.

With all of that, the race is still rated as a toss up.
Still in a state that hates out of towners (as one in the bucket I've experienced it first hand), a state that really hates rich out of towners, to elect a rich out of towner just seems like we're stuck in a sci-fi movie
Unfortunately it seems as though Montana is becoming a state of really rich out of towners.
Unfortunately it seems as though Montana is becoming a state of really rich out of towners.

The outfitter community is coming out in force for Gianforte. Pat Tabor is stumping for him in letters to the editor & Paul Ellis is filming ads for him.

I like Pat, personally, but his agenda has been more licenses for outfitters and fewer for resident hunters, while Paul Ellis has spent 16 years trying to ensure resident hunters have no access to Breaks bulls & bucks.

If Gianforte is elected, we can expect more handouts for outfitters, more tags for rich out of staters, and less opportunity for resident hunters.
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