The Rinella Effect

Jesus did he actually say it was xxxxx creek? Yea that episode pissed of half of Idaho. Cal has just as much responsibility there.

Lol no, but too many horizon shots not to make it easy to find. Might want to edit your quote or delete it I guess since it triggered the snowflakes.
I’ve kind of come to grips with spot burning. Hard to get too worked up about it anymore. I’ll keep trying to find the next one. If I got handed some 30 year multi generation, bull every year type spot I don’t know if I’d appreciate hunting as much.

I do know the last thing I want to do while I’m hunting is haul a camera around the mountains videoing myself talking like a slow cowboy. Everyone has their reasons to hunt, on the top of my list is getting the hell out of dodge and unplugging from everything.
Wait, did you guys really delete that? I hadn’t even had a chance to write it down. Fine dining fifteen minutes from a good mule deer spot sounds awesome. You have to drive at least 25 minutes to get to McDonald’s from the Norris Road spot here in Bozeman.
I wish the griz den at bridger was open during hunting season
I grew up on Realtree Monster Bucks. By the time MeatEater came along it was refreshing to me that he showed aspects besides one kill shot and recovery after another like most of the whitetail hunting films. He seemed to really get after it in the early years but lately it seems more like just a bunch of dudes who've " made it " going hunting together. I enjoy MeatEater less these days for that reason. The only one I've truly liked watching in the last few years was the goat hunt with Kurt Racicot and I feel like they did a pretty good job not blowing up the location. I don't even recall the state being mentioned although many of us knew where it was.
It just takes money. If you have the funds to apply in every single state for every single species, your odds of hitting at least one tag somewhere are pretty good. Now do it for 2, 3, or more people in your group and the odds get extremely good to hit one.
one can apply to every state in the union and that doesnt increase your odds in Montana, and each individual in the group has the same odds.
The only YouTube hunter I follow is Rut Daniels. Everyone else is over romanticizing everything. “I like to get in touch with my inner mountain man. Like a modern day Jim Bridger, just with slightly better gear. Like hiking boots. And optics. And down clothes. And trail cameras. And super cubs. And onX. Google earth. But I keep it real cause I don’t have a suppressor and won’t shoot past 700 yards. With my muzzle loader that is.”
Big game hunting is mostly a spectator activity nowadays. 10% people hunting and 90% people experiencing vicariously through videos of the 0.1% of people filming.

I drank a lot from that well. It’s entertaining as shit, but it’s toxic to everyone. No more for me. No Newberg or Rinella, or really much of anyone else for about a year and a half now. I wish I had quit sooner.
back to the core when it wasn't all commercialized and political espionage and agendas only one to watch BILLY MOLLS
I listen to Meateater regularly as a part of my weekly podcast rotation at work. There's good episodes and bad, but generally I'm entertained.

However, the prostitution that is Meateater Experiences is a bridge too far. I vomit in my mouth a little bit every time they bring it up. I thought it was a joke the first few times it was mentioned.
And all of the podcast commercials are are for side-by-sides and trucks. I even saw a Facebook ad for what looked like meat eater guided hunts. They’ve really gotten away from their core business.
Venture capital is a helluva drug...

I'll add, I'm still a huge Meateater/Rinella fan and am grateful for all of the work they have done in land access, conservation and normalizing hunting to folks who would otherwise have no exposure to it. But the podcast has started feeling very Barstool-y over the past couple of years and not in a good way.
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