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The Rinella Effect

Eric album the outfitters and private should be just honest with what they want for mule deer. No doubt mule deer thrive where u own and outfit but they don't where I can hunt. There is common ground there. It's outfitters landowners public hunters working together. My opinion land owners deserve tags. Outfitters yes. It's a business. But protected private protects the public. Makes it better. But LE draw. Mule deer. The landowners that don't participate out in the cold.
Is there a tweaker AI app I’m not aware of? If so, I’d like to start running my comments through it.
Just saying it should be LE draw. Private, out of state hunters, and outfitters will decide that not residents
Imo, he was great early, now he went big $$$, with billion "friends". Good for him. Still watchable vs. The other idiot shows . He never talks score, which I admire..
About 6 months back Meateater ran a show on his buffer zone elk hunt in MT. Always a tough permit to draw since there's only 5 tags. There's usually some apps from my household that go in for the buffer zone with no real anticipation to draw, as it's always been a less than 1% odds type chance. I noticed first choice apps 5 years ago was 680. Odds always get a little tougher and I noticed they go up by about 50 first choice applicants every year. Until this year. Apps went from 1058 to 1310. :) His shows are always well done and I did get sucked in. My view contributed to dollars. I'm not gonna lie, it was gratifying to watch Rinella take a busted up dink spotted from the highway, with several days of season left.
Never watched him, and wouldn't know who he was if he was standing next to me. Sounds like he didn't get the most out a good tag. Oh well....
I’m sure Steve enjoys the many millions that he has made from selling Meateater, but I do wonder if he regrets the direction of his brand when he’s reading podcast commercials for Can Am?
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Theres a meat eater episode out there where they take one of the producers to kill a cow elk. The episode essentially starts with Steve's narration "Here we are in Montana's Sweet Grass Hills", totally unnecessary.
I did just watch Randy's goat hunt the other night and that one was pretty decent.
I posted this a couple of year back. Randy's shows have the same effect as Rinella...

I do appreciate all Randy does, and although hunting's not my career, I still enjoy it a hell of a lot. It stings to see some places essentially turned into informercials on busy social media platforms. If you don't agree that it makes a big difference, well....

I also greatly appreciate all the Randy does. But anyone that thinks his videos, podcasts, promotions, social media, etc. don't have a negative impact on hunting crowding in specific areas and decreased draw odds in units that he has been and filmed is fooling themselves.

I was just curious, so I looked up the stats from his Mountain Goat hunt/unit that he videoed and podcasted numerous times about in 2021.

Resident First Choice applicants: 2017-2021, 5-year average : 112 applicants
2022 : 223 applicants

Double the number of applicants in a special draw unit in 1-year after he was there.
I posted this a couple of year back. Randy's shows have the same effect as Rinella...

I also greatly appreciate all the Randy does. But anyone that thinks his videos, podcasts, promotions, social media, etc. don't have a negative impact on hunting crowding in specific areas and decreased draw odds in units that he has been and filmed is fooling themselves.

I was just curious, so I looked up the stats from his Mountain Goat hunt/unit that he videoed and podcasted numerous times about in 2021.

Resident First Choice applicants: 2017-2021, 5-year average : 112 applicants
2022 : 223 applicants

Double the number of applicants in a special draw unit in 1-year after he was there.
do you have 2023 and now 2024 since I believe those are now out too? I'd be curious to know if it is just a one year spike and sets a new average, one year spike and then back down to old average or continuous spike each year
do you have 2023 and now 2024 since I believe those are now out too? I'd be curious to know if it is just a one year spike and sets a new average, one year spike and then back down to old average or continuous spike each year
2024 it increased again over 15% from the 2022 numbers.
Man, I can't even bring myself to Turkey hunt around home, I can't imagine traipsing all over the country on a "Turkey Tour" 😂. Who has that kind of free time anyway!
It truly is interesting to see and appreciate the differing perspectives based on where and how people were brought up. Cuz I would honestly say the exact same thing about those who spend their spring looking for bears or, even more bewildering, sheds. Whereas I hunt elk, deer, pronghorn etc and all are amazing yet I still can't bring myself to do anything else in the spring than run around after those stupid birds 😅
Dunno, it was good to hear Dan Gates from CRWM get broader exposure on the MeatEater podcast a few days ago. I think the more publicity hunting in Colorado gets right now the better, be it from MeatEater's or Randy's platforms or anybody else...seeing as the anti-hunting groups now appear to be speedwalking their goal of ending it entirely in this state. Just a cautionary word to you Montanans and Wyomingites, it's on your doorstep too, and pretty soon you'll be glad somebody with a big platform is toe-to-toe with the likes of HSUS and Carol Baskin when they bring this crap up the highway from Colorado. Social media has its plusses and minuses, but I don't think Matt Rinella's tactic of "keep your head down and they'll leave you alone to hunt" is going to fly in this day and age. I'd sacrifice some draw odds to know that my kids can go hunting at all.
Steve Rinella has probably done more for conservation than anybody that uses this forum, and found a way to make a career out of hunting, something we would all kill to do. Dude is pushing 50 or past it at this point and doesn't want to beat bush out in the middle of nowhere all the time anymore for his show, can't say I blame him. Having an articulate and knowledgeable representative of hunting is a good thing. If it gets more people into hunting, then thats less people that could want to do away with hunting. Thats also a good thing. If you don't own the land, you cant really whinge on about people being there.
I enjoy most of Rinella's content, but the buffer zone episode pissed me off. i knew that was going to happen as soon as talked about it in the podcast, then the meateater episode just was the nail in coffin. The only hope was that it was a 1-year increase, but since the podcast was released in 2022, it went from 793 apps, to 1058 in 2023, to 1310 this year. maybe, just maybe the new applicants will realized they have .5% chance and stop, but i doubt it. oh well, at least i got to hunt it in 2018.
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