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The New Cam Hanes Flick

Either Cams wife is the most tolerant super cool babe on the planet or she can't wait till he leaves again so she can schtoink the Amazon dude! I am sorry, but the more I peruse this all, I believe it is ego and vanity that drive some of these icons!
I think Cam is over the top in many ways but I do believe his friendship and the way Roy mentored him as a bow hunter was a genuine thing. Roy seemed like a jam up guy as well as Cam's buddy Wayne Endicott does. This film would have been way more interesting if the leaning puddle drinker ( can't remember his name ) hadn't been in it. I found him more obnoxious than Cam.
This guy has a family, wife and kids.

He doesn’t value being a good spouse, or a father… inculcating a love of the outdoors… conservation… raising children who respect others and work hard…giving back to his community, the less fortunate.

He’s willing to die, not to protect others, his family, or the ideals of his country…

but rather his own goal to blast an animal with a bow.

Cam is everything I loath.

If you think he’s a hero I don’t respect you.
His son grew up to be a rifle hunter. IMG_9157.jpeg
I tried watching this film. All it did was make sure I went on FB and IG and unfollowed Cam. I Don't even feel the cinematography was that great. Pretty much a limp noodle of a film and laughable that he had his bow on the bear for the trophy shot.
I honestly can't get passed the obsession with death and how the movie is titled 'Once, we were wolves' which is weirdly close to LTG Moore's book 'We were soldiers once... and young', which is literally about young men dying in the middle of a foreign the jungle.

The whole thing is just weird.
I'm sure it’s all been said at some point in the past 8 pages, but I'm gonna say it all anyways. Cammy Cam Juice is an absolute joke. Take a drug test, Cam. Lets see how much of your hard work is "hammering" and how much is anabolic steroids and TRT.

We were once wolves?!?!? The dude cries about predators nonstop.

This is so corny I can’t hardly believe it.
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