The New Cam Hanes Flick

Misery training
I get the vibe his buddy Roy was a silent killer and a real OG. Cam, not so much. A true narcissist, I’m surprised Roy hunted with him.

First, the cinematography was unbelievably good. As good as any hunting vid I’ve ever seen. Kudos there. Fantastic editing and the only way I could keep watching.

“This is my destiny.” “No rifles or pistols, none of that bullshit.” “I’m not afraid to die.”


Makes a poor shot. Therefore needed reinforcements. Then frustrated that the guide needed to save his bacon.

Back to the, “this is my destiny, I’m prepared to die” yada yada. He folds faster than a cheap lawn chair at 50:18 seconds when the bear gets up. Cam hits the deck. He goes right into that full possum mode Rinella explained. THIS is why Cam has as many haters as he does groupies.
I'm not much for bromance videos . . .

Reading some of the comments, taken from the film, about Cam being ready to die make me sick. What a dumbass.

I sat at the bedside of my wife's grandfather this past weekend, as he is nearing the end of his life. In my opinion, he is the definition of manhood - family first, working extra jobs to make ends meet, supportive of his children and their children, loyal to his wife, etc. - probably like so many others in this world that go about their business without fanfare. Phucks like Cam and other influencers would be best in a pile of bear shit.

Last I checked, Cam isn't Tristan, and this isn't Legends of the Fall . . .
There's also an aspect of this obsession over "bow hunting", and this disdain for firearms, that seems arbitrary and hollow to me. These bows are carbon fiber, have machined cams designed from "engineering black magic"(Hoyt's website), and the apex of let-off and mechanical advantage.

It's a technology a hell of a long way from something more primal, and I think this puritan perspective on this type of "bowhunting" being something far removed from other types of hunting isn't compelling to me. I'm not trying to start a debate that has happened ad nauseum on here, just thinking that such a high horse may actually be a dessicated carcass.
i can't stand the disdain for firearms. cam hanes seems to be the biggest contributor to that bowhunting ethos that pushes a disdain for firearm hunting.

his public content absolutely implies, undoubtedly, with his own words, that firearm hunting is inferior both physically, ethically, and morally. whether or not he outright says it (which apparently he more or less does in this new trash movie), he certainly says enough that that is exactly what he thinks.

it is bleeding uncontrollably into the crowds he influences and beyond. i know more people that think bow hunting is superior in every way than not. they don't think it's a big deal if you get something with a gun, cause that's too easy. none of them ever shoot anything, mind you, but the know they're superior :rolleyes:

i even know one person who has never hunted for a single minute in his life who thinks firearm hunting is too easy... just unbelievable. he's looking to get into bow hunting. okay, have fun buddy.

on those ground alone, i can't stand cam hanes.
“I had my saw oiled up and my boots laced up, headed for the landing, I was gonna be a logger. But then my destiny stepped in and the city was looking for a meter maid. 8hrs a day, hard labor.”
There's also an aspect of this obsession over "bow hunting", and this disdain for firearms, that seems arbitrary and hollow to me. These bows are carbon fiber, have machined cams designed from "engineering black magic"(Hoyt's website), and the apex of let-off and mechanical advantage.

It's a technology a hell of a long way from something more primal, and I think this puritan perspective on this type of "bowhunting" being something far removed from other types of hunting isn't compelling to me. I'm not trying to start a debate that has happened ad nauseum on here, just thinking that such a high horse may actually be a dessicated carcass.
Bow hunter meme.jpg

It has everything to to do with impressing other people. Stone age humans killed animals that were half their intelligence with rocks.
I made the mistake of going to the part where he shoots the bear and then the dumbassery ensues as they go in after it way too quickly after the shot. WTF. Why didn't they wait an hour? Two? Then creep in and see if you can find it? Circle around, glass, etc.?
If that was a marginally lethal hit, the bear would have likely bled out in that amount of time.
I feel like Sham just charged in looking for a fight so to speak, and get the bear at close range and create some rad content for his disciples. If there hadn't been a bunch of bros and a camera, they might have actually taken a measured and safe approach and ultimately had his revered bow kill...
There's also an aspect of this obsession over "bow hunting", and this disdain for firearms, that seems arbitrary and hollow to me. These bows are carbon fiber, have machined cams designed from "engineering black magic"(Hoyt's website), and the apex of let-off and mechanical advantage.

It's a technology a hell of a long way from something more primal, and I think this puritan perspective on this type of "bowhunting" being something far removed from other types of hunting isn't compelling to me. I'm not trying to start a debate that has happened ad nauseum on here, just thinking that such a high horse may actually be a dessicated carcass.

Sounds like something a beta rifle shooter would say.

Crappy story for sure in several respects...BUT...Branlin Shocky did a very good job behind the camera and with the editing....Cameron seems to have had a mid-life crisis. I sure could have done without the F bombs...came across really crude.
I thought Branlin did an exceptional job behind the camera.
The "Alpha Bros" aspect is not my style of hunting or what I desire in the outdoors. Not for me, but if it motivates young men and women to train and gain discipline then good for them.
With that said, I think a few of you may want to take a step back in disparaging a guy's family life. From the little I've seen it looks like he's provided for and raised some good kids while staying married longer than most.
The film, just like all the crap on the internet takes a stance then pushes it to the extreme for the viewers. Seems to work and garnered a response from this forum.
Now that I think about it, the video ending was not too dissimilar from a short story by William Kittredge, "We Are Not In this Together", where the main character goes out to search for and confront a grizzly that had killed someone.