
The New Cam Hanes Flick

At what point do you stop pimping out the dead friend? Seems like it’s had become part of the act for him. When does it get played out?
That is an interesting question and I get where its coming from.

That said, I think and talk about my close friends that are now gone, very often. He just happens to have a huge social media following. Idk , tough one to nail down.
That is an interesting question and I get where its coming from.

That said, I think and talk about my close friends that are now gone, very often. He just happens to have a huge social media following. Idk , tough one to nail down.

I agree. Totally different dichotomy. You and I could talk about loved ones that passed till the cows came home. Now if we get on a platform to monetize it, I think we’d have to do some serious self introspection.
At what point do you stop pimping out the dead friend? Seems like it’s had become part of the act for him. When does it get played out?
That is an interesting question and I get where its coming from.

That said, I think and talk about my close friends that are now gone, very often. He just happens to have a huge social media following. Idk , tough one to nail down.
Because I have no life and I sit around analyzing a professional bowhunters relationships with his friends, I could see why, if he was hunting in Alaska after his Alaskan hunting buddy passed, I could see him bringing it up in this film.
Another thing I’ve thought is that maybe RR’s widow and children are getting some financial kickback from it and as someone who recently lost a friend with a young family I 100% support that.
But how funny would it be if the baby in the movie wasn’t even related to RR? 😆
re. @wllm s point about how these guys talk about their families

here's how i'd summarize based on what they publicly put out there

steve: man, balancing this stuff is super super hard, it's a lot of time away. you can't miss a beat and be real intentional with your family time. i'm happiest when i'm doing outdoors things with my family, because then no one is missing out on anything.

janis: it's a lot of travel, it's a lot of time away, you have to be extremely intentional with your time when you are at home.

randy: if my wife said shut this operation down i'd do it tomorrow.

cam: bro, i sleep like 3 hours a night, because running and lifting is the most important thing in my life, right after *bow* hunting. bro i still work a full time job, no breaks bro. i took pto to be here bro. i'm so relatable... bro

for real though, when cam was on the meateater podcast pushing his new alpha wolf book and he went on this diatribe about how pointless turkey hunting is because no matter how far you hike, how hard it is, how deep you go, in the end all you have to show for it is a turkey i shred my last 0.01% of respect for him. i imagine steve in his head was even like "gahh, this $*)Q!#@$ guy, why did we bring him on again?"
@TOGIE I didn't know he said that about turkey hunting but them's fightin' words where I come from 😅 I have never taken a bite of delicious juicy smoked wild turkey and thought "man this was pointless "
Cam seems legit, you can’t fake running 20+ miles a day if your heart ain’t in it, and parent a kid thats an Army Ranger and the other that owns MtnOps. I know a lot of his hunts are guided which isn’t my thing but he promotes a positive lifestyle and position on conservation so it’s hard to knock a guy for that while trying to play the hunting industry game (after a blue collar career)
The older I get tge more I really am struggling with this issue. The absolute meltdown guys had this spring over not getting to pick up "dog chews" as they dropped. The taglines. The language of hard-core, badass, extreme, savage. Most if not all of everyone on you tube or podcasts from my home state of Utah. You tubers, influencers, taking tourism dollars to promote NR hunting. On and on, and on.

The marketplace of hunting I really agree with Matt Rinella, is killing the experience.

But then my idea of a badass hunter/Savage is a guy that hauls camp in, sets up camp, takes care of everyone, cooks, guts, skins, passes traditions, chains up trucks for rescue missions. Turns a wrench to get a stranger off the mtn. Teller of good stories, knower of the "whys" with the animals and the land. Might even kill something every once in a while.

I don't understand the pimping out of something you supposedly love.

And the older I get, the more offensive IT, the marketplace, gets.

BTW, I love the topic and responses. Thanks for having a newbie

Also recommended for people working on a B horror or Tarantino movie set, or in a butcher shop

Situations in which to NOT wear these shoes include:

As a healthcare worker or an EMT driver, esp as a pediatrician or children’s dentist

During any big game hunting season in the field if you don’t have a tag (sorry warden, no really I’m not poaching this is fake blood)

While hitchhiking

Downtown in any large city because at some point someone’s definitely calling the cops on you
“To me the blood splatter design represents our hard work, effort, and sacrifice. It’s about the blood we sometimes have to shed to achieve our goals and push through,” Hanes said. “It’s representative of our blood. There’s also a glossy clear coat on there that represents tears. Not my tears, I’m a f*#@ing man, but the tears of my family, who vaguely remember a time before social media when I wasn’t off making meaningful eye contact with my own reflection in the mirror while doing bear squats and pinching my nipples 100% of the time.”
— Cam Hanes
“To me the blood splatter design represents our hard work, effort, and sacrifice. It’s about the blood we sometimes have to shed to achieve our goals and push through,” Hanes said. “It’s representative of our blood. There’s also a glossy clear coat on there that represents tears. Not my tears, I’m a f*#@ing man, but the tears of my family, who vaguely remember a time before social media when I wasn’t off making meaningful eye contact with my own reflection in the mirror while doing bear squats and pinching my nipples 100% of the time.”
— Cam Hanes

Keep hammerin boyz!
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