The New Cam Hanes Flick

For me it was when him and his running buddies made a video rubbing massagers on each others leg muscle knots. That was years ago. I've sort of been weirded out since.
I agree it’s also really accelerated since he an under armour split. I also noticed he ditched yeti coolers and is packing around Cabela’s coolers and wearing their gear.
For me it was when him and his running buddies made a video rubbing massagers on each others leg muscle knots. That was years ago. I've sort of been weirded out since.
In contrast, Joe Namath was the only dude in those flexall 454 commercials -- he sold it with the charisma of Broadway Joe
Well, against my better judgement I tried to listen to cans recent jre podcast. Made it 5 min. They talked about elk blood and segwayed to gargling on elkshapes balls. It does seem that the shi* talking online is getting to can since he mentioned it.
Can anyone identify the point when can went full cringe?
It’s moving in the right direction. I’m hopeful the bro crowd will keep at it and eventually ditch the actual hunting. 2023 you can kick back with elk blood energy drink with elk testicle-shaped ice cubes in a $200 Yeti tumbler while watching Hunt Warz at the Elk Shape camp lounge after running a 1k in blood-spattered trail runners carrying a plastic elk quarter upside down. There’s no way actual hunting is going to compare with that level of experience.
It’s moving in the right direction. I’m hopeful the bro crowd will keep at it and eventually ditch the actual hunting. 2023 you can kick back with elk blood energy drink with elk testicle-shaped ice cubes in a $200 Yeti tumbler while watching Hunt Warz at the Elk Shape camp lounge after running a 1k in blood-spattered trail runners carrying a plastic elk quarter upside down. There’s no way actual hunting is going to compare with that level of experience.
There have been a lot of great hunting products over the years but anymore it’s all about getting an influencer to pimp out the product for you to get the flat brim zombies go nuts over it. You don’t even have to have a good.
Only $58 for a 12 pack.

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That’s more per can than my hunt talk popularity ratio. 😂

I started this thread trying to be open minded about a hunter-turned-industrial-cringe-machine, but the more time goes on, the whole damn enterprise of these goofballs seems more and more an exemplar of the poisoning drag on our passions that Matt Rinella speaks about.
Only $58 for a 12 pack.

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Have your personal chef (because you're an everyday man) cook some ultra-BIO elk meat with JALAPENOS in your $400 YETI skillet, remove elk steak and set aside to REST in your ICE BATH. In the same skillet, reduce some of that spicy cherry ELK BLOOD and serve with CBD gummies!!!
I pass on those talks now. Mutual self admirers club.
Honestly, it was nice to hear 2 good ole boys shoot the breeze about bow hunting.
No stats, no hard facts.
Clearly, Neither one of them know anything about public land trust, but they offered their opinions anyway.
Hard to find open, honest people like that anymore.
I am about an hour into the Cane Hanes/Joe Rogan podcast. I find if I put it just out of reach on the treadmill my performance increases 20% trying to shut it off. No matter how fast I go, I’ll never reach it.

My entire issue with Cam Hanes is that he’s built himself off this whole “I’m a no-talent loser from podunk Oregon with nothing great to offer” … yet whenever someone agrees and is like, “man, Cam Hanes is a no-talent a$$ clown”, he and his followers are up in arms about it. It’s ridiculous.
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