The New Cam Hanes Flick

If you follow a thread do you get served a red every time someone leaves a comment?

no only a red if there is a, or any, comment(s) since you last looked.

so if 20 people comment since you last looked, you only get one red.

regardless, "watching" threads can be a dopamine overload.
So Rogan and Cam Hanes recently brought up Matt Rinella on the recent Rogan/Hanes podcast. Tickled the shit out of me to see them get butt hurt over Matt's HuntQuietly movement and try to defend themselves.
Oh dang it now I’m going to have to listen
So my overall take on this whole thing is kind of a mixed bag. Cam is obviously a very driven individual who takes on incredible physical challenges, stays in peak shape, and loves to bow hunt. I don't have a problem with any of that, good for him, we should all strive to be in the best physical shape possible. HOWEVER, the whole elk blood energy drink and bloody shoe design? Not a big fan. And my real issue, regarding the film is this. I get that Cam wants to strictly bow hunt. His whole "I'm prepared to get eaten" thing? Well if you want to be that way on a solo hunt that's your prerogative. But he wasn't on a solo hunt. When you have a group, and that bear comes tearing out of the brush, sorry but it's not just about you. It's about the guide to your right or left. It's about the camera guy behind you. If I'm one of those guys, maybe I'm not totally keen on getting eaten, maybe I'd like to get home to my family, and if that bear chooses to come after me I'm counting on you to drop your bow and get to work saving my skin. That's if you hunt with me in beat country bow hunting is fine but you also either carry a gun, with a round chambered (another discussion for another time lol) or you stay in camp. Sorry, them's the rules.
So my overall take on this whole thing is kind of a mixed bag. Cam is obviously a very driven individual who takes on incredible physical challenges, stays in peak shape, and loves to bow hunt. I don't have a problem with any of that, good for him, we should all strive to be in the best physical shape possible. HOWEVER, the whole elk blood energy drink and bloody shoe design? Not a big fan. And my real issue, regarding the film is this. I get that Cam wants to strictly bow hunt. His whole "I'm prepared to get eaten" thing? Well if you want to be that way on a solo hunt that's your prerogative. But he wasn't on a solo hunt. When you have a group, and that bear comes tearing out of the brush, sorry but it's not just about you. It's about the guide to your right or left. It's about the camera guy behind you. If I'm one of those guys, maybe I'm not totally keen on getting eaten, maybe I'd like to get home to my family, and if that bear chooses to come after me I'm counting on you to drop your bow and get to work saving my skin. That's if you hunt with me in beat country bow hunting is fine but you also either carry a gun, with a round chambered (another discussion for another time lol) or you stay in camp. Sorry, them's the rules.
It’s all for show. I agree with you 100% but that’s not his take. He’s a FOR SHOW douche and I’ll sacrifice my IG everyday to tell him that. 30 days in the hole for me telling him the truth. Lol. What a poser
So Rogan and Cam Hanes recently brought up Matt Rinella on the recent Rogan/Hanes podcast. Tickled the shit out of me to see them get butt hurt over Matt's HuntQuietly movement and try to defend themselves.
what podcast is that on, I did a quick search and nothing came up? Would be entertaining to say the least
So my overall take on this whole thing is kind of a mixed bag. Cam is obviously a very driven individual who takes on incredible physical challenges, stays in peak shape, and loves to bow hunt. I don't have a problem with any of that, good for him, we should all strive to be in the best physical shape possible.
I’d bet a number of people would have similar results if they were on as much gas as cam is, haven’t paid for any hunting gear for over a decade and hunted the finest private land around

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