Yeti GOBOX Collection

The Big Snip - How bad is it?

Take the weekend off, no problem

Best part is after that, you aren't "clean" until you flush out the remaining sperm. How often do you have doctors orders to boink your wife non stop til you have a couple of negative tests?

Seems like individual experiences vary quite a bit. My anesthesia kicked in about 3/4 the way through the procedure. It’s not a big snip - it’s 6: two scrotum incisions, and 4 vas deferens snips. I’ve been kicked in the testicles before, but this was like having them in a vice for ten minutes (the last 3 mins were just pressure and tugging, like others reported). The cauterizing of the open ends doesn’t hurt - I don’t think there are nerves in the tubes.

I’d rate the pain 9.5/10. I did a number biting on my fingers.

Doc said go to my “happy place”. That lasted all of five seconds, and then it was just preferring finger pain over the other pain. He kept asking me to tell him how I was doing - all I would say is “keeping going, doc.”

This is mostly antiseptic + a little pool of blood from each side.

I may have to forgo macaroni noodles for the rest of the year.

Afterwards doc said my lips about matched the white bedsheet. My clothes are soaked in sweat. Ice and rest for the weekend.

Overall, 10/10, do recommend. What’s a little pain, anyhow?
If you feel pain SAY SOMETHING. You shouldn't feel pain, the tugging is uncomfortable but not pain. The only pain should be the needle to numb, anything else, say something and they will fix it. Second side, I felt it, said something and they took care of it, then no pain
Got mine done felt great the next day, probably over did it the next few days. My junk got swelled up and was all bruised up, it was not good.
Got mine done felt great the next day, probably over did it the next few days. My junk got swelled up and was all bruised up, it was not good.
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