The Big Snip - How bad is it?

I had an emergency appendectomy when I was in my late 20’s. Three nurses, all of whom I had dated, took turns shaving me between giggles and comments 😂. The anesthesiologist was one of my best hunting buddies. Small town stuff !!!
Must be a lot nicer guy. Ain't no effin way the girls I dated are getting that close with a razor especially legally.
Had another buddy that got it done by his father in law on the kitchen table..... after a half a bottle of Jack Daniel's.
I cut hundreds of bull calves with my FIL before he was my FIL and each time after we’d be done he’d either try and shut me in the head gate or hold the scalpel up and say ok your turn.
I cut hundreds of bull calves with my FIL before he was my FIL and each time after we’d be done he’d either try and shut me in the head gate or hold the scalpel up and say ok your turn.
Scalpel? You are younger than me. Buck was the knife of choice. Straight to a bucket of ice water they went. The little rubber bands simifpied things, but took the fun out of the "roundup". mtmuley
I cut hundreds of bull calves with my FIL before he was my FIL and each time after we’d be done he’d either try and shut me in the head gate or hold the scalpel up and say ok your turn.
Question, if you had to pick woukd you go cut, banded or crimped? That's something we used to joke about all the time.
Scalpel? You are younger than me. Buck was the knife of choice. Straight to a bucket of ice water they went. The little rubber bands simifpied things, but took the fun out of the "roundup". mtmuley
It’s been the same scalpel for 20 years I’ve never seen the blade replaced. I’ve never seen it go through any disinfectant.
Back to the OP. Have your Dr write you a script for 2 diazepam. Take one a few hours before your procedure, drink A beer, that night, have lots of frozen veggies around. The next morning take your other diazepam.

Get a pair of unders that support your junk. If you Google they make special ones specifically for the days after you become a steer.

I had mine done on a Thursday, took Friday off, back to work by Monday. I was stir crazy by Friday afternoon. Play it for all it’s worth. It really wasn’t bad, but don’t let your wife think that.
I had it done 17 years ago. I was put under, woke up and it was done. I used ice for a few days and was back to normal. I had a friend who felt better after a day, went jogging and ended up with infection. Bad ordeal....take it easy for a while
Scalpel? You are younger than me. Buck was the knife of choice. Straight to a bucket of ice water they went. The little rubber bands simifpied things, but took the fun out of the "roundup". mtmuley

Serious, the only blade I ever saw used was an old 3-bladed Buck, the same one used for everything else. The calf fries went into the smoking pan on top of the brand heater, eat while you work!
Just about the time that hot nurse starts having an embarrassing effect on you, they hit you with the ice cold antiseptic spray and the turtle goes back in his shell.
You ain't lived until a nurse has given Mr Happy the two finger death slap. That fix that problem right now.

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