Yeti GOBOX Collection

The Big Snip - How bad is it?

Ain't So Bad, Rocky III on Make a GIF
I found the actual procedure to be no big deal. The smell of my own burnt flesh was probably the worst part.

In terms of recovery, I thought that as long as you wore really supportive underwear and avoided driving on really bumpy roads, it wasn't bad either.

My advice though, is to take whatever restrictions they give you, and be even more conservative. Add a few extra days before you get more active (whether that's on your feet, or in the bedroom). I followed the rules, but still ended up having an isssue that I think would have been avoided with a more conservative approach. That was no fun, but I still sleep a lot better knowing that I'm shooting blanks.
Iā€™m scheduled for the big snip snap next Tuesday, for yall that have had it done, how bad is the recovery time? Anything to make sure I do/donā€™t do?
For the first few days or so. Make sure to take it easy and just wrap them with frozen peas. Buddy of mine took a walk day 2 or 3 bc he ā€œfelt fineā€. Swelled up like an orange and was in a lot of pain for a couple weeks. Myself and everyone else I knowā€¦ quick process, quick recovery. Worth it
i swear they do it on purpose.

went and got an ultrasound for my nads once cause i was scared of a tiny bump. female ultra sound tech was my age or younger, and hot.

went to get a full body skin check last summer. the female medical assistant was like 27 and hot, the female medical asisstant intern was like 24.... and hot, the female doctor who was close to my age and also attractive said alright get naked and we'll all come back in :oops:

wtf man.

i guess that's better than some alternatives tho

I had some stomach problems a few years back that warranted a colonoscopy. Waiting for the anesthesiologist to come in. The nurse who helps shove the camera up your ass comes in and introduces herself. Was a girl that I went to high school with that was not half bad looking. Hadn't seen her since senior year. And after that I hope I never see her again. That's was an awkward few minutes until the drugs kicked in. Nothing left to the imagination for her anymore. My face was pretty red.
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I had some stomach problems a few years back that warranted a colonoscopy. Waiting for the anesthesiologist to come in. The nurse who helps shove the camera up your ass comes in and introduces herself. Was a girl that I went to high school with that was not half bad looking. Hadn't seen her since senior year. And after that I hope I never see her again. That's was an awkward few minutes until the drugs kicked in. Nothing left to the imagination for her anymore. My face was pretty red.
Could be worse. I had to have a procedure done for a possible bladder issue once. The nurse helped the doctor stick a camera up my johnson!
Could be worse. I had to have a procedure done for a possible bladder issue once. The nurse helped the doctor stick a camera up my johnson!
I had that about a year ago... talk about unpleasant. First the numbing solution, then the giant clamp, then the camera... and you get to sit up ant watch it all. Brings back some bad memories
I figured you meant infection. My comment stands. Have had a few friends have issues. One missed 2 months of work from it
I think some guys need to learn to wash their balls more often. Or don't go to the cheapest urologist.

Or just have better luck I guess.
Add a few extra days before you get more active (whether that's on your feet, or in the bedroom).
My urologist said to my wife and I during the initial consult, ā€œYou can start having sex again (protected) whenever you feel comfortable enough. We just ask that you at least leave the clinic first.ā€ The dude had a whole library of one liners. Also said ā€œYou need to go 10 times and then bring me a sample to test. You said you have two kids, right? 2-1/2 and 9 months? I expect to see you back in about a year then.ā€

But the worst was when I first shook the dudeā€™s hand, he was missing half his index finger on his right hand. I must have looked shocked because he looked at me and said ā€œYou think thatā€™s bad, you should have seen the guy I was doing surgery on!ā€ It didnā€™t help that the dude looked like the professor from Back to the Future.
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