
The Big Snip - How bad is it?

Mine literally hated pregnancy so much she demanded her tubes be tied immediately after child #2 was born. The doctor tried to talk her out of it, saying that it wasn't a good time to make rash decisions, her response was "I've had 9 months to think about it, I don't care if he wants more kids or not, I'm done!" No point in us both getting it.
My wife actually had this done while she was still cut open from my son being born, but it was all planned ahead of time.
My wife actually had this done while she was still cut open from my son being born, but it was all planned ahead of time.
Sorta the same with her, she's said she wanted it done, but they wanted her to wait a little bit. then they tried to talk her out of it. If looks could kill that'd've been a dead doc.
Its no big deal. Get frozen peas and lay down for a day. I got snipped on Friday and was back playing drums on Sunday. The key I think is the next 24 hors afterwards. Lay down do nothing and put frozen pea bag on em.
I had mine done about 7 years ago. There’s definitely some discomfort for a while afterwards when you put your bits to use, but otherwise it’s as easy as it gets.
Its no big deal. Get frozen peas and lay down for a day. I got snipped on Friday and was back playing drums on Sunday. The key I think is the next 24 hors afterwards. Lay down do nothing and put frozen pea bag on em.
Dude, 24 hors is a lot of hors. How long do you figure it took you to make it through 24 hors while recovering from your snip? :ROFLMAO:
It was never really painful. At least for me. I just was told by everyone to lay down relax for 24. I did and was up and going.
God now I gotta relive this shitstorm.

Ok baby #3 came along unexpectedly. It took a year of convincing but I got talked into getting the ol snip.

ok I show up, my wife is in the lobby waiting for me. Nurse comes in and says how's it going. I said terrible I'm getting my balls chopped. She laughed, I did not. She asks do you need medication for the pain I said uh yea of course. Then she mentioned something to put me to sleep, Also said Hell yes. Lady hooks me up to the nitrous and I'm higher then a freakin kite thinking I'm gonna pass out. Guess what never happened...... Instead the high part wore off but my body was completely paralyzed and I couldn't move the mask off my face. Doctor comes in. Starts talking to me, I'm screaming in my head but nothing is happening. Homie starts washing the boys with soapy water, I'm having a full blown panic attack. He says ok I'm gonna give you a numbing shot, which hurt like a SOB but I couldnt make a sound. Shortly after that he says ok I'm going to make an incision. Homie starts slicing and dicing before anything is Numb. Also hurt like a SOB. Gets hold of the tube and I'm in full blown panic mode now. He ties that mofo off and burns that sucker, I am screaming bloody murder in my head... Again unable to move or make a noise, now I pass out. Quickly come to and he has started on the other side. Same thing. Homie starts slicing and dicing before anything is numb, I pass out again. wake up and he is stitching me up. He then takes the mask off my face and I regain mobility again. Says how you doing, I then explain to him that I need to leave or something bad is about to happen. I get up out of there look at my wife and say we are F*&#ING leaving. No post op or anything I just left.

As far as recovery. Frozen vegetables for a couple days and you will recover. Your stuff will not work for a bit and that first time is gonna make you question your life's choices. But everything is fine now. Oh and my scars look like gunshot wounds, so that always reminds me of the cluster that whole operation was.
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@BackofBeyond I was going to wait until after you had the procedure done to mention this, but seeing as how you’re nearing 70, it’s likely important to bring this up now. There has been a fair bit of research published recently that has strongly correlated a specific type of impotence with vasectomies and the use of drugs like Viagra. (Picture the handle of a baseball bat with a half-filled water balloon hung off the end.) So if you or anyone else anticipates the need for boner pills in the future, talk with your doctor before you receive the procedure.

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I got to do it twice, the first one didn't take.

First one, I came down with Giardiasis two days later. NOT fun.

Second one, I think the doc held some part of the anatomy down with his knee. Took ten days or so to not walk funny.

@BackofBeyond I was going to wait until after you had the procedure done to mention this, but seeing as how you’re nearing 70, it’s likely important to bring this up now. There has been a fair bit of research published recently that has strongly correlated a specific type of impotence with vasectomies and the use of drugs like Viagra. (Picture the handle of a baseball bat with a half-filled water balloon hung off the end.) So if you or anyone else anticipates the need for boner pills in the future, talk with your doctor before you receive the procedure.

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I wonder if @BackofBeyond regrets posting about this?
@BackofBeyond I was going to wait until after you had the procedure done to mention this, but seeing as how you’re nearing 70, it’s likely important to bring this up now. There has been a fair bit of research published recently that has strongly correlated a specific type of impotence with vasectomies and the use of drugs like Viagra. (Picture the handle of a baseball bat with a half-filled water balloon hung off the end.) So if you or anyone else anticipates the need for boner pills in the future, talk with your doctor before you receive the procedure.

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