Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

The 8 Year Wait...

We got a little weather and I was able to sneak away for a quick 2.5 day hunt the last weekend of archery. Saw 30+ bucks, nothing special but some good ones. I’m used to seeing anywhere from 4-8 bucks in a hard day of hunting in the areas I regularly hunt and I usually don’t even consider looking for deer till mid-November.




I spent half days exploring areas mainly trying to find big groups of does to come back and check on once the rut starts. I’m not really concerned with where the bucks are now as I know they’ll be cruising for does the next time I’ll step foot in the unit. I saw deer from 4K-7K feet and everything in between. It’s like crack for a MD hunter, you can literally have your eye behind the glass for 10hrs a looking over new country. You’ll see different deer on the way in and a new bunch will step out of the timber when drive the road in a different direction.

There were still bucks way high up in little timber patches that would come out and feed the last 15 minutes of daylight. There was also a lot of smaller bucks with the does starting to act rutty.

I was told by a few people familiar with the unit that the rut can start early in this unit and I believe it based on what I was seeing. I think it could be a challenging hunt to find an above average deer, which I’m fine with. The fun factor is off the charts, and I think it’ll be a constant mental challenge to keep from chambering a round. I think there’s a lot of good deer in the unit and a handful of great deer. I’m hoping I can con a couple buddies into joining for my next stretch as I have 3-4 spots I want to focus in on. If get lucky with my timing and have the right combo of rut and weather I’m sure a good one will eventually show up.

The hardest part of the hunt is you’re always wondering what’s happening in another spot while you’re trying to hunt the spot you’re at. I hunt the same square miles year after year in the areas I’m familiar with and trust it’s just a matter of time until something shows up. Being a completely new unit, it’s hard to know those little details but I think a lot of the unit is good so it’s probably not as big of a concern. I don’t know if there’s necessarily a “spot on the spot”.

I’m not the most experienced MD hunter by any stretch…But I’m certainly glad I have some experience under my belt before drawing this tag. As I settle into the tag, I’m having to pinch myself as it’s truly a OIL experience for a MD hunter. The only thing I could use more of is time to hunt it!




Had to keep the glassers well fed.



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Here’s the cliff notes version.

Helped my wife get the kids through dinner and the bedtime routine Friday night and showed up late to camp.

Drank a couple beers and caught up with my buddy. A lot of anticipation for the morning hunt.

Woke up, threw on the uniform and got to the spot 20 min before shooting light.

10 minutes into glassing we spot 3 elk come out into a meadow 800 yards. I pull out the spotter and there’s two 6 pts and a raghorn. All small but I got a deer tag to focus on. We make a move and cut the distance. They pop into an opening at 350 yards and we get ready. 1, 2, 3 WW3.

My bull beds down and puts his head down. My buddies bull is still standing. One more shot and he takes off and dies in a tree. Two bulls down. 8:00am.

A couple hero shots, drag them together for a double photo cause how often does that happen. LONG day of packing meat. Life is good! IMG_4610.jpegIMG_4291.jpeg
Got a chuckle out of that. Never heard it put that way, but definitely been there.
You coulda melted down all the brass laying around us and made a nice belt buckle out of it. My buddy has one of those old browning lever actions in 7 rem mag. Awesome rifle. He takes shooting them till they’re down to a whole different level.

Only one hit front shoulder out of all the quarters. Sometimes they just don’t want to go down.
Couple years ago my dad and brother caught two bull moose in an old cut. There is a debate if there was 11 or 14 shots fired to knock them down. There was an agreement that dad emptied the first clip without touching his moose lol
Couple years ago my dad and brother caught two bull moose in an old cut. There is a debate if there was 11 or 14 shots fired to knock them down. There was an agreement that dad emptied the first clip without touching his moose lol
Did they get em both?

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