Task force $1,950 NR elk tag

I don’t suspect this will change much in draw odds department. Maybe I’m wrong in that thought. I wish I was one and done in wyoming but I jumped right back in.
Really?? I think it’s gonna blow up the regular draw. We will see a 10% off the top in tags and you essentially doubled the cost of the special antelope and deer tags. It’ll be interesting to see the draw report from 24 and compare it back to this year‘s. I guess time will tell.
Yeah I don’t think this will work like Sly Sy thinks. It’s going to change things but a good number of diy guys will pay up if it gets them a tag
I agree, and with inflation going the way it is that’s only like three grocery store runs these days.
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Looks like my days of hunting Wyoming are numbered. I’m glad I got to experience it. I’m really sad my kids likely won’t get the same opportunity. Our family income just won’t allow for a $2k elk tag. Point creep is going to be out of hand. Hope the outfitters are happy.
Props to WY to go after the money grab of NR. It is their state and resource. Enjoy the money.

Hopefully you can make more pronghorn, deer, and elk with that money. Because the most important thing they can do with their conservation money is increase the pie.

I have enough points to draw the regular general elk tag next year, but it is not in feasible due to work schedule to put in. So, we will be entering the draw in '24 with 6 points, we'll see if it will be enough for GE or a good LE unit.
I do think it will Have a greater effect on Pronghorn and Deer though. I think there’s less that will Be willing to fork out $1200 for deer and especially pronghorn than those who Will pay $2k for elk
I don't agree there are more guys that will fork over that 1200 to fulfil their WY antelope dream than you think. Especially if they haven't draw crap all year and it's a leftover. These guys have no common sense now and will do anything for that "dream Western experience" of hunting antelope for one day before pulling the trigger on a 12" buck.
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Looks like my days of hunting Wyoming are numbered. I’m glad I got to experience it. I’m really sad my kids likely won’t get the same opportunity. Our family income just won’t allow for a $2k elk tag. Point creep is going to be out of hand. Hope the outfitters are happy.
Yea me too. The way things are going I see a lot more cow elk hunts in my future.
I don't, because draw odds for those have been getting worse and worse. This change will place even more demand on cow tags.

You'll be lucky to draw even a cow tag
Yup, your not gonna be the only one thinking that and with that new demand I see a price increase likely there as well.
It’s kind of fun watching the systems break down. It’s like guessing which will be the next to fall. Colorado here we come!! If we only had more hunters. Keep recruiting.
We are a dying breed don’t you know. Just ask all the western states
In all honesty my first reaction to this was well won't be able to draw a tag or afford one very often anymore maybe in the long run it'd be cheaper to just go once or twice guided. Which I won't because 1. It just isn't the same and 2. I refuse to give someone money to take me hunting. But I'll bet a lot more guys go this way so maybe it's a win win for the outfitters.
I don't, because draw odds for those have been getting worse and worse. This change will place even more demand on cow tags.

You'll be lucky to draw even a cow tag
I’ll definitely have a better chance then a special tag because I’ll never put in for it again. Definitely prices me out if it passes. Thanks for everything you do to at least try to stop BS like this.
Props to WY to go after the money grab of NR. It is their state and resource. Enjoy the money.

Hopefully you can make more pronghorn, deer, and elk with that money. Because the most important thing they can do with their conservation money is increase the pie.

I have enough points to draw the regular general elk tag next year, but it is not in feasible due to work schedule to put in. So, we will be entering the draw in '24 with 6 points, we'll see if it will be enough for GE or a good LE unit.
In the special draw maybe. But you won’t drawn a general tag in 2024 with 6 points.

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