Stump the Chump!

I was raised off of rural route three
Out past where the blacktop ends
We'd walk to church on Sunday morning
And race barefoot back to Johnson's fence
Better yet....which one's weren't
Stoned, pretty or smart ?

I was raised off of rural route three
Out past where the blacktop ends
We'd walk to church on Sunday morning
And race barefoot back to Johnson's fence
Love their music !!!!

"Yes, she blew through the door like TNT"

Would work on the "what wrong with country music" IMHO

and a page or two back, I Suggested Fetus listen to one of their tunes ---and he did :)

Dave---BHR, NHY, and I are trying to help, but you need to recruit others;)
@elkduds will pounce on this one

There's an old man, sittin' in a rockin' chair
He's got the best beagle dog in the county I've been told
But his shotgun done got too rusty
That 'ole beagle dog he done grown a little too old
As he stares up into heaven, I'm sure I know the reason why
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