Kenetrek Boots

Stump the Chump!

Dave, tip of the hat for your determination on keeping this thread alive and it made me think of these two tunes

Just a small town girl


No satisfaction

p.s. and I will have to think about some of yours as some are not "ringing a bell" or I just dont know them
All I got is the Stones, but it CAN'T be that obvious.
Give me a break I am old as dirt, I can barely remember what adult beverage I had with my dinner last night

But saying that, reminded me of this=======Well a man came on the 6 click news====

Dave and BHR--the only two still posting here. This was a serious question from a young female in my family after watching Crow perform with them. Did that Jagger guy have an affair with her ? maybe ---- :cool:
Give me a break I am old as dirt, I can barely remember what adult beverage I had with my dinner last night

But saying that, reminded me of this=======Well a man came on the 6 click news====

Dave and BHR--the only two still posting here. This was a serious question from a young female in my family after watching Crow perform with them. Did that Jagger guy have an affair with her ? maybe ---- :cool:
If'n he was SMART he would have! ;)

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