
Stump the Chump!

The only thing I remember about that show was the guy with the tool belt , wasn’t he always trying to score , I was in high school that’s all I can remember about that show. Didn’t watch it a lot

Threes company, Gilligans Island, The Jefferson’s , and Star Trek , we’re the re-runs I always had on back then.
I just saw Valeri and said to myself what is so much cooler about Eddie...everything. LOL
Come sail away…… have we run out of sailing songs yet ????

As Dave said--not really (-:

We were born before the wind


in this case it is the 1st line of the 2nd verse------I was a sailor, I was born upon the tide.

One for @Europe to try.

I remember when I was a lad,
times were hard and things were bad.
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine. Thank you Dave. We got to see him a few times

The only thing I remembered was that Valerie was about my age and was CUTE. Now she's old and does weight loss commercials. 😪
Men get old and are interesting and have "character ". Women get old and are forgotten )-:

You did remind me of a post card my husband picked up in France years ago. " God made man, but the devil made Bridget Bardot" and in all fairness she was a looker, but I was more interested in rewatching Clark in gone with the wind :love:

Just teasing you guys, like I teased a couple fellows about the girl fishing and drinking beer on a different thread ;)

Back to this thread, several of you should easily get my first "stump the chump" 1st line of song. Maybe even the 2nd one
Well, I had to look Edward in the face at school for a few years.
It was kinda on the fringe of a bit too young with Valeri......but hey. Then they were gone into the world,VH.

I went to night school and picked up my diploma when I returned to the world in 74.
sorry about that Dave. Actually I was answering by posting another of his tunes, my error My apologies.

Daddy sang bass
I’ve got both of the prison albums live in Folsom and San Quintin I like the live version which is on one of those which Johnny sings with June. Dad had those albums and then what 15 years ago or so they re-released them and added songs that were originally recorded in the prison concerts but never put on the original records which they released on CD years later good times for sure

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