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Stump the Chump!

Day light come and I want to go home
Good try, April!

Day-oh! (Banana Boat Song)​

Banana Boat
Day-o (day-o)
Me say day-o (me say day-o)

Daylight come and me wan' go home.

Come Mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Come Mister tally man,, tally me banana

My stumper lyrics are:
Got out of town on a boat goin' to Southern Islands
Sailing a reach before a followin' sea
She was makin' for the trades on the outside
And the downhill run to Papeete
Good try, April!

Day-oh! (Banana Boat Song)​

Banana Boat
Day-o (day-o)
Me say day-o (me say day-o)

Daylight come and me wan' go home.

Come Mister tally man, tally me banana
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Come Mister tally man,, tally me banana

My stumper lyrics are:
Got out of town on a boat goin' to Southern Islands
Sailing a reach before a followin' sea
She was makin' for the trades on the outside
And the downhill run to Papeete

or Nice try but no cigar (-:

Since I love to sail you would have thought this would have been a slam dunk for me. 2nd try Crosby Stills and Nash--Sailing

and--your stumper lyrics made me remember ( Besides Belafonte )

"Well, its not far down to paradise, at least not for me".


also a couple others

"I found my thrill"


"Well, on the south side of Chicago"


Edit: I mixed up Southern cross and Sailing---time of rme to log off and take a nap. sorry about that guys )-;
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or Nice try but no cigar (-:

Since I love to sail you would have thought this would have been a slam dunk for me. 2nd try Crosby Stills and Nash--Sailing
I would have guessed sailing was in your wheelhouse. The Crosby Stills Nash song is Southern Cross, that was my stumper. I don't savvy all the sailing references, but the proof is in the pudding:

Christopher Cross had a big hit w Sailing:
Its not far down to Paradise, at least not for me
And if the wind is right we can sail away and find serenity.
-from memory, any misquoted lyrics are my bad.
My dad told me when this came out that that was his favorite beach boys song, he really dug it , Because I had just watch that movie love and mercy about 4/5 months ago about the Brian Wilson story which I didn’t know which why would I cause I’m younger. We’re talking about the album pet sounds. A lot of the movie focuses around the making of that album and what happened to Brian afterwards
Never mind, I was going to post the Will Farrell boats n hoes sailing music video but I changed my mind, after a few moments of careful consideration , It’s funny but it might’ve sailed a little Out a bounds for HT !!! 🤣
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My dad told me when this came out that that was his favorite beach boys song, he really dug it , Because I had just watch that movie love and mercy about 4/5 months ago about the Brian Wilson story which I didn’t know which why would I cause I’m younger. We’re talking about the album pet sounds. A lot of the movie focuses around the making of that album and what happened to Brian afterwards
Couple underappreciated Beach Boys tunes: