Stump the Chump!

I think the line went

When I was just a little lad(not boy)
Didn't know good from bad

So Dave stumped the chump this time
I wasn’t sure of the exact lyrics but I knew that was the queen song when you made the joke about a nanny and then get on your bikes and ride which was a queen reference to their bicycles song that they put in the fat bottom girls song.

The few of us Music junkies this threads going to be 1000 by the end of the week …. Ha ha ha
Carnal desires ? Who doesn’t like a girl with a healthy appetite 😎 I’ve always found her to be stunning
View attachment 206993

without a doubt, beautiful woman. John forgave her for her fling with Denny, but when she throw her affair with clark ( byrds) in his face, he was done

However, for me, the best thing in this picture is that fine automobile ;)


Gonna tell Aunt Mary bout uncle John
for Dave : She said I'm sorry baby I'm leaving you tonight

for Chris: Truckin, got my chips cashed in

for Big horn ram: There is a house way down in N.O.

Ken: Get your motor runnin

Hank :The love between us was dying

44hunter45 : If my words did glow with the gold of sunshine
I had to looked that up - Stumped!
@OregonChris ...opening stanza, gimme the name

Name your price
A ticket to paradise
I can't stay here any more
And I've looked high and low
I've been from shore to shore to shore
If there's a short cut I'd have found it
But there is no easy way around it.
@OregonChris ...opening stanza, gimme the name

Name your price
A ticket to paradise
I can't stay here any more
And I've looked high and low
I've been from shore to shore to shore
If there's a short cut I'd have found it
But there is no easy way around it.
I don’t recognize any of that. Im gonna ruminate on it for a while before I surrender and go to google
Ripple - good song

I didn’t even read what Europe gave to you on that one because I was busy working on mine but once I read your lyric just now, only because I was a quasi dead head did I know that one instantly

I mentioned earlier that my husband and I passed a few "deadhead" VW buses along Hwy 1 in Calif---were you on one of those buses maybe ? (-:


I guess we are all just going to ignore "Tiptoe through the Tulips " :ROFLMAO:


I mentioned this one a couple of times and even specifically gave it to Hank --but I dont think anyone got it and if not, I understand. We heard it several times, as he always sang it at his shows in Las Vegas and when we were entertaining clients they wanted to see his show

1st line---The love between us was dying. Song: Daddy dont you walk so fast Wayne Newton


and gentlemen, I once again want to thank you for allowing an old woman to play along on this thread with you fellows. I can not even start to tell you how many times I thought of a time and place, when a song was mentioned. ---- It feels like, the dawning of the age of Aquarius ;)

By the way, I saw a picture of me earlier today on the social media thread. I was fishing and drinking a beer ;) Damn I looked good--and then I woke up:ROFLMAO:

Ken : Its five o'clock somewhere ;)
Some of the coolest and melodious lyrics by a master song stylist/band leader..

Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door
I mentioned earlier that my husband and I passed a few "deadhead" VW buses along Why 1 on Calif---were you on one of those buses maybe ? (-:


I guess we are all just going to ignore "Tiptoe through the Tulips " :ROFLMAO:


It feels like, the dawning of the age of Aquarius ;)

Never traveled to see the dead 💀 it wasn’t me

Tulips ….. Tiny Tim was interesting lol

Age of Aquarius - the 5th dimension love that song