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Stump the Chump!

Gentlemen, I thought you might get a chuckle from this as well as understand it.

I was asked recently if I remembered when American Pie came out and I said not only did I remember when it first hit the air waves, but I also remembered --Peggy Sue, Chantilly Lace, and LaBamba----they didn't understand my point but I know some of you will

For this thread

You and I travel to the beat of a different drum
The day the music died. Oh, I remember.
I had SO MANY ticket stubs in a box. I wonder sometimes if they would be worth anything today.

When I tell my kids I saw stadium bands like Rush, Aerosmith, Heart, etc for about $12 they just shake their heads.

When I told my children that I was lucky enough to have listened to Taylor, Joplin, Browne, Mitchell, Ronstadt, Morrison, Raitt, etc---on the beach and at thr Bear and Troubadour, threy would also just smile and shake their heads. My grandchildren went from "who" to "thats nice" with a blank look on their face. I have decided to not even"go there" with the great grandchildren. BUT---I remember :love::love: ---:)

Hank--Thank you, great thread !!!
OK, intermission...I just tried to post YT of the Moody Blues induction into RRHoF....somebody....this was way over due. IMHO
Don't be gone too long Hank. I'm getting a headache trying to remember songs of my youth...but having fun. Great thread!
Well, Carlos ain't exactly chopped liver! He still puts on a great show here in town.
A few years later Cheech & Chong opened the Shrine show for the UFW. Santana topped that bill after ELO,T.O.P., Earth Wind and Fire got things going. $12 Oh and a local band of vatos, Los Lobos slipped in.
Caribou Gear

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