State of the Union

When our former president was in office, his defenders liked to assert that his detractors suffered from TDS.

It is pretty evident the virus has evolved and those previously uninfected are now catching a variant of the virus.
I didn't watch it, just like the only people who watch the Special Olympics are family members or participants.

White house press releases, SOU, etc are like the Grammys for ugly people and I don't care about either
When our former president was in office, his defenders liked to assert that his detractors suffered from TDS.

It is pretty evident the virus has evolved and those previously uninfected are now catching a variant of the virus.
You know how I know this to be true?

Because I've suffered from both variants 😭
It’s clear to me this country needs a leader who can make everyone safe and prosperous.

I will volunteer. I only require VIP passes to the Salt Lake Expo every year, a dozen Wyoming Commissioners tags, a couple hundred billion dollars for my favorite causes and folks and the assurance I won’t be required to do anything from August through January.

More essentials to follow in years to come but it won’t be unreasonable. I’m truly your best chance for prosperity.

One of my first acts as President will be to hold a national referendum poll and will send the least popular 25% of politicians to China on the next balloons they fly over us. Or would the Chinese interpret that as an act of war?
One of my first acts as president would be to make you the ambassador to Haiti.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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