
State of the Union

Terrible script but the acting and blown lines were much better than I thought it would be. The entire room was a testimony to Red Bull and Adderall. Poor VP doin jumping jacks every time Nod took a breath.

The lactic acid buildup is real!
My wife turned on the Pamela show on Netflix. She makes way more sense than the guy giving the state of the union, plus there’s boobies.

Boobies>dementia speech
That's funny, my wife did the same thing...She kept giving me dirty looks every time a boob shot came up. I'm like, "You're the one that picked this show".
Maybe we should give Jerry a shot at it
I don't know about that...but at this point, I'd seriously consider:


Rest assured the howler monkey wouldn't spout off more than once...
Yup, I don't see it improving anytime soon.

Not much different than social media influencers its all for the "likes"
Influencers is all a lot of them are. Especially true of the "far right" and "socialist" types, they exist to keep certain groups invested when they otherwise wouldn't be
It’s clear to me this country needs a leader who can make everyone safe and prosperous.

I will volunteer. I only require VIP passes to the Salt Lake Expo every year, a dozen Wyoming Commissioners tags, a couple hundred billion dollars for my favorite causes and folks and the assurance I won’t be required to do anything from August through January.

More essentials to follow in years to come but it won’t be unreasonable. I’m truly your best chance for prosperity.

One of my first acts as President will be to hold a national referendum poll and will send the least popular 25% of politicians to China on the next balloons they fly over us. Or would the Chinese interpret that as an act of war?
From what I'm reading I'm glad I missed the state of delusional address. Appears it went the way I thought it would. Lot's of griping, whining, finger pointing and lie's! Go figure. #Randyforpresident!