Kenetrek Boots

Best States to Live in During a Nuclear Apocalypse

Just like the Yellowstone super volcano, I’ll have a front row seat. I’d rather go out like that, than starve to death in a nuclear winter.
A recent 2024 book "Nuclear War: A Scenario" by Annie Jacobsen is a good read on the subject. Basically, if it were to go down, it would be over in a handful of minutes with the survival of most people in the Northern hemisphere as highly doubtful.
Do you need to cook radiated mule deer, or is it already to go?

In all seriousness, in a real large nuclear conflict, its going to be ugly. The only survivors would have a food/water/shelter source that could keep radiation out. The vault people would have an ugly wake up call when they met the mutant surface survivors. Watch Fallout - cheesy, but that is close enough.
Vermont holds the top spot for safety ?!?! Not if the bad guys drop one on Montreal !!
Garbage metrics.

Any state harboring ICBMs will be a likely first strike target, let a lone second and third strike.

Most of Wyoming would be okay, but all the hate towards Cheyenne would come to fruition as it be gone in the event of a strike. But with that comes the decimation of I-25 and the front range of Commi-rado..... jussst might be worth letting one slip in. As long as I get a heads up of course.
If a nuke don't get me, the volcano on the bottom of Yellowstone lake will. Ya 'gotta die of something.