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South Carolina Deer Hunting

I mean we have some white trash heathons down in SC who use them.
I know a man who runs one of those hunting camps and he can't sit a hunter in a spot dogs have been in for 3 weeks because the scent ruins the area.
Smoking is legal, Does not mean anyone should smoke.
being 85 it's legal to date an 18 year old child. Does not mean anyone should.
You get my point.

Lets see if I get your point. You said you approve of running bears with hounds yet here in Montana it is illegal to run bears with hounds. Confusing, yes?
I mean we have some white trash heathons down in SC who use them.
I know a man who runs one of those hunting camps and he can't sit a hunter in a spot dogs have been in for 3 weeks because the scent ruins the area.
Smoking is legal, Does not mean anyone should smoke.
being 85 it's legal to date an 18 year old child. Does not mean anyone should.
You get my point.

people who use dogs are "white trash heathens"? pretty sure you have just proven what an idiot you truly are.

not sure someone that has proven themself to be an idiot, should be calling anyone else that.

bullchit!!! if that was true, then the dogs that run wild in farm country, would run the deer off. FALSE!!! and ignorant.

and your point about smoking is what? it's a legal choice for those over 18. again, key word is CHOICE! some folks can not get that through their thick heads.

better not tell Hugh H about the 18 year olds. think he would disagree.

your point is your an idiot who has no clue about what true hunting is about. the choice to hunt whatever way is LEGAL without condemning them for it.

now, explain, if you can, why chasing bear, lion, rabbits, pheasants, quail, etc. with a dog is acceptable to you, but deer is a no-no. this should be good.
Who needs a scope?
So it is an Abolt? If so they are far from "traditional". Either way, you definitely feel you are better than most folks and anyone who runs deer with dogs. Like I said before, I wish I had that high a view of myself as it'd save me a lot of time as I could give up kicking puppies and kittens.

Find it interesting you note, with apparent pride, how others respect your way of hunting, but you can't do the same. You must be one heck of a man to be able to sit a stand all day. Those folks that run to Hardee's might not measure up to your standards, but I bet they have more fun and friends than you do.

If your message wasn't so annoying I could probably get past the chitty spelling and writing, but a chitty message typed chittily with chitty spelling is well...chitty! :D

So it is an Abolt? If so they are far from "traditional". Either way, you definitely feel you are better than most folks and anyone who runs deer with dogs. Like I said before, I wish I had that high a view of myself as it'd save me a lot of time as I could give up kicking puppies and kittens.

Find it interesting you note, with apparent pride, how others respect your way of hunting, but you can't do the same. You must be one heck of a man to be able to sit a stand all day. Those folks that run to Hardee's might not measure up to your standards, but I bet they have more fun and friends than you do.

If your message wasn't so annoying I could probably get past the chitty spelling and writing, but a chitty message typed chittily with chitty spelling is well...chitty! :D


...troll food, albeit it well said.;)
Can we just turn this thread into a "War of Northern Aggression" already? Everybody loves a good civil war thread :D
Like I stated previously. I would have to believe that everyone on this site is a hunter, and as such we should all support everyone and their method of hunting, period!

I would add that in SC, IF our dogs do go on someone's property that we aren't allowed to hunt on, it is illegal for that property owner to interfere or hurt deer hounds. We can also legally, without gaining permission, go onto that property to retrieve any deer that has been wounded. All we have to do is make sure that we go in on foot, and if any gates are opened we must close them behind ourselves. I haven't seen that same consideration from the out of state hunters who walk the woods with rifles instead of shotguns. The ones around here figure that if they pay $3000.00 per acre for their hunting lease then they also own rights to all of the acreage surrounding their leases; and they also don't mind shooting rifles in the direction of dog hunters who are using shotguns and buckshot!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi All
I'm new to the forum and this is my first post here.
I grew up hunting in the north east , mostly the Catskills and Adirondacks and then Maine and New Hampshire in my 20's. Over the years I've hunted in NJ, Maryland, Virginia, NC,Georgia, FL, as well as out west .
One thing I've seen missing in this thread is "Tradition" , my dad taught me to hunt the way he was taught and hunted, I've taught my son to hunt the ways I've learned to hunt. The Tradition of hunting is in our souls, imbedded in us by those that came before us. The greatest memories we have hunting are those of being taught and those of teaching our new generations .
Sometimes the styles of hunting clash when they get too close together , whether it be dogs , the wanderer or the stand hunter.
In my early years I had a negative view, if not ignorant self serving view of dog hunters. Until one year I was hunting in VA. with my dad , my dad had had a heart attack 2 yrs earlier and my mom wouldn't let him hunt alone , so I drove down to hunt with him. It was a Saturday and as soon as the sun broke all hell broke loose with the dog hunters on the property next door. I was pissed at first , thinking our hunt was ruined , until I heard the Crack of my dad's rifle. He shot a nice 8pt. My dad was like a kid shooting his first deer, after not knowing if he'd ever hunt again , that deer and sharing the time with me again was a treasure to both of us.
Later that day we ran into some of the dog hunters so we stopped to talk with them. It was a young man about 25 and 2 older men , turns out it was the Grandson his dad and his Grandfather. It all came together for me that day. What really mattered was now in plain view for me.
Hunting in the South has its differences for sure , I've been here 7 yrs and I'm still adapting and learning , my son is down here with us and our time hunting together is precious.
I just found out I'm gonna be a Grandfather.. our Traditions will live on!
Keep your Traditions alive and well no matter what they are and celebrate and remember those that gave them to you!
The next time you have a negative thought about someone's else's traditions or way of hunting , remember that with every step that hunter is honoring all those that came before him!
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