Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Deer Hunting in MI

Someone suggested cutting generous shooting lanes and that’s a good idea, the only thing I would add is to take the time to drag all the trees, limbs, etc away to one pile somewhere. If you just leave everything where it falls, your shooting lane can end up so thick with debris that the deer will choose an easier path around it rather than crossing it.
Welp we're shirking our traditional bird hunt in South Dakota this year because my dad bought some land in N Michigan and can't wait to deer hunt on it. Last time I was deer hunting was when I was 11:

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I'm used to tromping up ridges and kicking my own ass out here hunting elk.

Sitting in a deer stand and freezing my ass off...well I have questions.
Odds of deer actually walking by?
Timing - dawn 'til dusk in a blind/tree stand?
What else do I need to know? If freezing ass off in tree stand - what do you do to pass the time/not freeze ass off/not spook deer?
Find the does and the bucks will come. Hunt the food source in the evening.
Hand warmers are your friend lots of hand warmers everywhere. I get slammed by friends occasionally for bringing a book especially on dark to dark sits. I don't think it's any more distracting then looking at your phone especially if you don't get to engrossed. I read a paragraph then scan another paragraph and scan and never during prime time.
Stay off the phone is key. Eyes peeled
Hopefully your land is far enough north to be outside of the EHD affected areas. SW Michigan is getting hammered by EHD right now. Lots of shooter bucks now maggot condominiums. Its starting to shape up like the bad EHD kill we had years ago. I took ride along swamp of neighbors farm and plenty of awful smell in those areas. I am not hopeful public land will not be wiped out again.

Its going to be slim pickings I'm afraid.

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