Kenetrek Boots

South Carolina Deer Hunting you're a 1 %'er huh?

Well with all the chest pumping and sunday hunters I have met, YUP.because
I have worked my entire 27 years of hunting to stay traditional. When someone takes a shortcut I make sure iu hunt harder, longer, smarter, and sharper. 100% effort, conservation, law abiding, put the time in to scout, drag, not even a gps when hunting in Rockwood Maine. Yes that makes me a 1% because so few can say the same. Do you know how damn hard it is to kill good dear in rugged conditions with no help, nothing modern? If more people did their reward would be SO much better!
Yankee how about you and i have a Dr, Phil moment. No one and i mean no one deserves to be as miserable as you seem to be. Life's to short to bemoan your circumstances ,go down to your local truck rental,get one, fill it with all your crap and go home. Wherever that may be .

I love my life, Would not trade it for all the gold in king tut's tomb.
People just hate when someone calls em out for being lazy.
Hey let's go drive up yonder to Steamboat Springs and sit in our truck for 45 min and wait for a good Muledeer to walk out, ill set up the tri pod and shoot hat made me sick and I passed up every buck I ever saw like that. That's your typical CO good ole boy huntin for ya
I think its about time we have a Hunt talk fundraiser, and get Yankee a rifle and knife. I think its the least we could do.
I think its about time we have a Hunt talk fundraiser, and get Yankee a rifle and knife. I think its the least we could do.

And you an armchair, value meal and a huntin gudie to drop ya off near a food plot
My 348 and browning 30-06 work well enough. Donate your money to the co fireman if you want it to do any good
"100% effort, conservation, law abiding, put the time in to scout, drag,"

but yet, you bad mouth people for doing exactly what is LEGAL.

have a feeling nobody will hunt with you, but if they did, would they say you are a legend in your own mind, also?

"I have worked my entire 27 years of hunting to stay traditional"

"My 348 and browning 30-06 work well enough."

would think someone who chest pumps the way you do, would be shooting a traditional bow? maybe not as traditional as you think you are in your own mind. or maybe you're NOT a 1%?

"Often times tracking a wounded deer or a turned around hunter in a new area accounts for much of the walking around beng done"

guess the sarcasm in my post was too much for you to understand. apologies. next time, I will make sure to point out I am being sarcastic so you will understand it.

"thousdands of years"

can you put a number to this? never heard of a thousdands before. thanks........
"100% effort, conservation, law abiding, put the time in to scout, drag,"

but yet, you bad mouth people for doing exactly what is LEGAL.

have a feeling nobody will hunt with you, but if they did, would they say you are a legend in your own mind, also?

"I have worked my entire 27 years of hunting to stay traditional"

"My 348 and browning 30-06 work well enough."

would think someone who chest pumps the way you do, would be shooting a traditional bow? maybe not as traditional as you think you are in your own mind. or maybe you're NOT a 1%?

"Often times tracking a wounded deer or a turned around hunter in a new area accounts for much of the walking around beng done"

guess the sarcasm in my post was too much for you to understand. apologies. next time, I will make sure to point out I am being sarcastic so you will understand it.

"thousdands of years"

can you put a number to this? never heard of a thousdands before. thanks........

Hard to draw a bow with a shoulder that is shot. I could use a crossbow but why take the easy way?
Hard to draw a bow with a shoulder that is shot. I could use a crossbow but why take the easy way?

Just shut up with your passive aggressive condecending comments and tone.
I guess MY simple sarcastic reply of hunters tracking wounded deer was too much for you to comprehend because YOU took it as a know it all comment.
He who points to others as fault for which he is guilty of not understanding himself is just a retard. You take that to heart big guy.
For staters son, look just left of my name. One more thing, is hunting with your 348 and 30-06 harder then hunting with a cross bow? Just asking since you are talking about doing things the hard way. Go ahead and post some big buck pics, I will believe you shot them.
he who quotes himself, and then responds to it, shows himself to be a may want to take that to heart.

"Originally Posted by YankeeBuckTracker
Hard to draw a bow with a shoulder that is shot. I could use a crossbow but why take the easy way?

Just shut up with your passive aggressive condecending comments and tone.
I guess MY simple sarcastic reply of hunters tracking wounded deer was too much for you to comprehend because YOU took it as a know it all comment.
He who points to others as fault for which he is guilty of not understanding himself is just a retard. You take that to heart big guy."

no, it was all your other know it all comments that led me to that conclusion.

no go on the shoulder. pins hold mine together, and shoot a bow during all hunting seasons.

nice job of passing on the legality of which you complain about.
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Such a shame.....the unraveling of a thread going nowhere.:D

hunting seasons not here yet. political discussions haven't kicked in full gear yet. plus, we are talking "tradition" here........:eek:
he who quotes himself, and then responds to it, shows himself to be a may want to take that to heart.

"Originally Posted by YankeeBuckTracker
Hard to draw a bow with a shoulder that is shot. I could use a crossbow but why take the easy way?

Just shut up with your passive aggressive condecending comments and tone.
I guess MY simple sarcastic reply of hunters tracking wounded deer was too much for you to comprehend because YOU took it as a know it all comment.
He who points to others as fault for which he is guilty of not understanding himself is just a retard. You take that to heart big guy."

no, it was all your other know it all comments that led me to that connclusion.

no go on the shoulder. pins hold mine together, and shoot a bow during all hunting seasons.

nice job of passing on the legality of which you complain about.

I'm glad you can hunt with a bow. Something I can;t do!
Pics please, I would love to see some"big mature mountain bucks"
no. people get upset when you bad mouth their legal method(s) of hunting. and since when did dogs become toys?

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