Yeti GOBOX Collection

South Carolina Deer Hunting

I hunt in an area of North Carolina where dog hunting for deer is not allowed, but I have had plenty of hunts screwed up by dogs. Most people have a pet dog, or two or three, and way too many pet owners like to let their dogs run loose. They molest wildlife all year, not just during hunting season. There is always going to be something to screw up your hunt. I have nothing against hunting deer with dogs although I have never done it. I believe that as hunters we have to stand together and defend all our legal hunting rights, or we will lose them one by one.
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"TLC - There is actually already a law on the books that is meant to prevent this from happening. It's called trespassing. It's been around long enough I'd bet it is also in the dictionary"

guessing you may be right on the dictionary part, but, you are making a major assumption stating that someone is trespassing. unless, you own the land, how do you know they are trespassing? and maybe you can explain how someone trespasses on public land?

face it, your upset because you had some hunts screwed up. so what. see you have quite a few posts, so will do some assuming myself, and say you read quite a few of the posts/threads on here. how many times have you read where someone on here has either had a hunt messed up, or, they have stumbled upon someone hunting an area they wanted to hunt? guess we should ban spot and stalk hunting since this happens. probably on a daily basis. get over it. if people are hunting by legal methods, you'll have to deal with it.
We are talking about private land. Well at least I am. I don't even know if you can run dogs on state lands. There isn't a whole lot of public land back East once you leave the mountains.

You're right. Unless you own the property there is no way of knowing where the property lines are.

I would say well over half of my hunts in eastern Virginia were affected in one way or another by hounds. After reading many of the posts on here, it seems that most hunters posting on the site avoid disrupting others' hunts. But yes, it happens and I have been the culprit at times. However, I apologize when possible and move on. The dog hunters I've interacted with (I will no longer lump them all together) did not care that they ruined my hunting and had no plans of changing how they hunted. The fact is, unless you own a farm the size of the Flying D, your dogs are going to make it to adjacent properties.
mdunc i hate it that you have had any hunts molested by hunters running dogs,but i find it misleading at best for you to state as fact things that are not ,just to advance your desire that''deer hunting with dogs go away''.You have said dog hunters have'' zero control on how their dogs effect others''. False.You have stated a couple times that there isn't tracts of private land large enough to run dogs. False. There are millions and millions of acres of timber company land all over the eastern half of the country,a lot of this ''private'' land lays in blocks of tens of thousands of acres.How crazy would i sound if i tried to suggest that no one should ever be allowed to use a atv in Colorado,Idaho,Montana,because i had seen riders in all of those states perform illegal acts.
Merriam-Webster provides several definitions for the word "false" including but not limited to the following: not genuine, intentionally untrue; adjusted or made so as to deceive, not true, based on mistaken ideas, and inconsistent with the facts. According to Noah Webster and the Merriam brothers, your statement was, is, and always will be false since you can run dogs almost to the Blue Ridge Mountains. I suppose there is a possibility that part of your argument could become true if the more eastern counties fall into the Atlantic Ocean in the next hurricane thus making the counties in the piedmont region of Virginia the more eastern counties.

I will pay you one million Schrute Bucks if you can find me a single woodland or swamp in Nelson County, Virginia that is "so thick that more normal methods of hunting just don't produce".

In Virginia last fall, over 120,000 deer were killed in counties where hunting with dogs is permitted. Based on your statement, you're insisting that each of those deer were harvested over crops or by hunters with dogs since "normal methods of hunting just don't produce". I'm willing to bet one billion Stanley Nickels that is also false.

There are three factually-based points that demonstrate the inaccuracy of your sentence, so there.

I won't argue the point that some people like the tradition of the hunt or that dogs make it easier to hunt certain areas. I appreciate your contrition (I can use fancy words too) for not controlling your dogs as you did in one of your earlier posts, which I didn't notice until now. However, you can't claim that it's a necessity. That just isn't true.

There's no point in being circuitous (look at me, two in one post). It's a waste of everyone's time.

Huning deer with dogs is wrong. just wrong. If that is the area around you I suggest like most of us do save up and hunt better land.
"Try hunting eastern Virginia (and probably most other southern states) without having someone's dogs from the next county screwing things up."

hell, if that's the problem, then guessing you have a problem with other hunters, also. have been hunting many times when uncontrolled hunters have walked thru the area I was hunting. better change the laws so this doesn't/ can't happen. get over it. just like there are ways to hunt out west, there are ways to hunt in the east.

Often times tracking a wounded deer or a turned around hunter in a new area accounts for much of the walking around beng done
My first thought was, move back to Vermont. ;) But since you are here, you might as well accept the fact that you will not change the way people in the south hunt. As they say, "when in Rome..."! First, the worse thing we hear is some yankee trying to tell us how to hunt! The property we (southerners) hunt is generally small tracks of land.

There are those who do try to let the deer grow, but the biggest buck you will kill will be in the neighborhood of 200lbs. There are too many that are taken under 100lbs, but if they are legal to shoot and you want to shoot a smaller deer, have at it! That`s the mindset.

As for tracking deer as opposed to tree stands, you might as well forget that too! Most properties do not have the room to be a consistantly effective tracker. I have hunted in the northeast part of the country, and I love the deer, terrain, etc, but hated the hunters! They were walking everywhere, even on the private property that I had permission to hunt, and they didn`t. It was like it was understood. :mad: Insane! You may say that we are "lazy" hunters, but my first thought two hours into the season opener was, these yankees have no patience! :rolleyes: Did I try to change everyone around me to hunt like us southern, more patient hunters? No, I left and never went back! One more thing to think about, you might want to refrain from walking around too much if you are close to the SC coastal area. There are tons of snakes that can make a good day walking around the woods...I mean "tracking", into a real bad day!
BTW, welcome to the south...and 100+ degree weather! :)

i have a 1500 acre tract of land I hunt. Patience has little to do with hunters driving their 4 wheelers 100 yards from the road to the tree stand. I have had times where I am watching does and can hear the engine of a 4 wheeler 50 yards away and the deer bolt. This is because I am in my stand which I have adapted to sitting in for 12 hrs a day if need be an hr before daylight and someone else comes in at 8am. Not cool, not trasitional, not at all. I lease the land wth 10 other men and I only know 3 of them. they walk 100% of the time to and from. If it's hot and you kill a buck you have plenty of time to hot foot it back to the truck and 4 wheele on. I support anything to get the deer out without spoiling. In the Northeast 4 wheelers are prohibited on public and govt land to keep lazy joe hunter from even being in the woods. That said I do love it here, I get noce deer, And like the people. Just kind of have their bread buttered wrong on how a hunt should take place. Remember deer season was started from the north and adapted by everyone else.
If you want to hunt differently join another lease with people who have the same interest as you. How hard is that. In general you can find leases with all different types of hunters. Open your eyes instead of bitching about other peoples ways of enjoying our sport
If you want to hunt differently join another lease with people who have the same interest as you. How hard is that. In general you can find leases with all different types of hunters. Open your eyes instead of bitching about other peoples ways of enjoying our sport

If your legs work USE THEM! Men hunted without 4 wheelers for a thousdands of years. I do not know of any I'M TOO DAMN LAZY, FAT, HUNGOVER, OR CANT WAKE UO IN TIME TO HUNT CLUBS. Sounds as if you might know some?
If you want to hunt differently join another lease with people who have the same interest as you. How hard is that. In general you can find leases with all different types of hunters. Open your eyes instead of bitching about other peoples ways of enjoying our sport

Hunting deer with dogs, and or off an engine is not hunting.
Man vs. wild, not man with beast and machiene vs wild
I'm willing to put my fat ass up any day of the week if you want to hump your way out to Colorado and give it a shot. I do not own a 4wheeler or hunt with anyone that does. But on that note I did grow up dog hunting in Florida and can guarantee that had a huge part in my love of hunting.
Before this goes WAY south, I'd like to make it known that I don't have a problem with hunting deer with dogs. I just don't want your dogs underneath my treestand.
Before this goes WAY south, I'd like to make it known that I don't have a problem with hunting deer with dogs. I just don't want your dogs underneath my treestand.

From your previous posts I wouldn't have expected this but will agree they should be kept where they are legal to be
No one can find fault with that mdunc. You certainly did not deserve to have what you described happen to you. My guess and i want to emphasize guess is you had a run in with some ''sloppy'' bums. This type fit right in with,spotlighters, party hunters, trespassers , flock shooters,over the limit,road hunters,ETC ,ETC,ETC.
I'm willing to put my fat ass up any day of the week if you want to hump your way out to Colorado and give it a shot. I do not own a 4wheeler or hunt with anyone that does. But on that note I did grow up dog hunting in Florida and can guarantee that had a huge part in my love of hunting.

I lived in Denver and pocatello ID for over 10 years. I've hunted anything that walked ran or crawled out there. I found 99% of the sportsmen to be not worth their dip spit as a man nor a hunter.
Yankee you do understand that it is generally agreed that man started hunting with dogs about 10,000 years ago.

10,000 years ago man thought the world was flat, believed in witches, and kept slaves.
Technology has evolved, Man no longer needs a shorter shortcut to kill his prey.
Yankee how about you and i have a Dr, Phil moment. No one and i mean no one deserves to be as miserable as you seem to be. Life's to short to bemoan your circumstances ,go down to your local truck rental,get one, fill it with all your crap and go home. Wherever that may be .