
So this is what I've been missing!


New member
Oct 6, 2005
My name is Kevin McNichols originally from Tucson, AZ. Now living in Gilbert, AZ. I have been an avid outdoorsman since I can remember but have gotten away from hunting in the last 5 or 6 years to concentrate on bass fishing. Since fishing has taken up most of my free time I find myself wanting to live vicariously through other hunters stories and photos. In the near future I plan on getting back to where I belong. I am sure that once I find my motivation again I can contribute some of my experience and input to this forum.

I have hunted and killed mule deer, javelina, coues whitetail, and numerous species of small game with rifle, pistol, and bow. I shot trap as a youngster and shot a recurve competitively for Pima College in Tucson. My highlight was a 3rd place finish in the United States Intercollegiate Archery Championships in 1990, held at the Olympic Training Center. It was a full-FITA event (for you archers.)

My last trip hunting trip was in 2002, but like I was saying it won't be long before the Fishkeeler transforms back into "He who walks in the shadows."

I had no idea such a great forum existed. Thanks delw and Champ, 204.

Delw hooks another one.. Welcome Kevin.. Pull up a seat and start swopping lies... er, um... stories...

Maybe I misrepresented myself a little. I never said that delw and I are friends. I have met him a few times and bs'ed with him on the AZbasszone, but we are not dating. Sorry for the misunderstanding :D

CJCJ, I think he already does.. Do you remember all of those new chevy trucks that Moosie promised everyone a couple of years ago??????

FYI, someone started that rumor, I was willing to buy fords or Dodges not chevy's . If I buy that many I need cheap trucks I can Afford :)
Easy for you to say now... Now that I just bought a new truck.. Some times I wonder about you Moosie.. but then so does everyone else..

fishkeeler said:
Maybe I misrepresented myself a little. I never said that delw and I are friends. I have met him a few times and bs'ed with him on the AZbasszone, but we are not dating. Sorry for the misunderstanding :D


Kevin your such a tease, My feelings are deeply hurt cause you lead me to believe we were dating..... FAG

Welcome aboard.
Watch out for Moosie and Delw;)
They both have it too good for their own good and will try to drag you into the darkside.
Remember to post some pictures even if it is just fish. Some of us like looking at what we can't catch also, right Delw!