What is your single top hunting season goal this year? I expect updates damn it.

Well never found my spike on the Colockum, had a few days to archery hunt MT in September, had a decent bull at 40 yards but couldn't shoot through the trees and he busted me. Missed the opener for rifle, and work, home and vehicle repairs kept cutting my days to hunt down. Finally made it back out and managed to find this guy about 3.5 miles back the second day. So primary goal accomplished!

Try to practice some self control and hold out for a mature bull with any weapon on a general tag here in Montana. Also have a rifle antelope tag in my pocket. Not to picky on that tag. Would like to get out with my bow a few days if possible for antelope. #1 goal is a respectable bull this year.

Continue my quest for the #30inchtallbuck. In other terms tag soup for MD here in MT. Might shoot that 170ā€ mtn troll if I see him again this year.
Been a great year, looking back at the goals Iā€™d say I was able to practice some self control and it sure paid off. Felt like it wasnā€™t going to happen till it did. Thatā€™s rifle elk hunting though. Spent 15 nights in the backcountry, 5 different mountain ranges, passed 5 small bulls in archery, 2 in rifle. 2 really close calls on great bulls with my bow. Took a one day break for antelope. All came together on a great bull. Couldnā€™t be happier. IMG_9505.jpegIMG_9502.jpegIMG_9475.jpegIMG_9833.jpegIMG_0189.jpeg
#1 goal is to put as much into my antelope tag as I can, then fill my elk tag AFTER my FIL has notched his.

Then itā€™s on to being glassing bitch for @FI460 and @Scott85

Nailed the antelope tag thing, and was a pretty good glassing bitch.

Absolutely failed at keeping bullets in my pocket until after my FIL got his elk. We found ā€˜em and he passed on the climb up to them, so off I went.
Fill that wyoming general elk tag. Rifle or bow, I donā€™t care how. But archery starts next weekend and Iā€™ll be out there.

Thatā€™s really the primary, numero uno goal. But I also really wanna arrow a buck on my first Midwest whitetail hunt.

I guess I should update, damnit.

I filled the wyoming general tag. Number one goal accomplished.

An elk is an elk, and on opening morning at that. Some days I wish I passed, but most days all it takes is a notched tag and a legal animal to keep a big grin on my face.

IMG-4324 (1).JPG

I failed in Wisconsin. First midwest whitetail hunt, first tree stand hunt. I Even stayed an extra day. Going out there I wasn't bothered at the idea of coming home empty handed. But the drive home with an empty cooler was a long one and it stewed on my mind. Didn't help being sick. So, gotta admit I was bit bummed in the end. It stung even more having had so many shot opportunities that I passed on, and the two ones I took weren't fatal. Lessons learned and still a good time all around.


The current goal is to get out next week and put down a muley buck... or a cow. My wife asked me to please shoot a cow elk if I find one. I told her if one drainage has a cow and one has a giant buck you ain't gettin no cow.

Half day next wednesday in a spot i've never been and if needed, after that, will be embarking on a quick backpack trip next friday in an area i'm familiar with and some nearby ground I'm not. Stay tuned.

Any buck will do, per usual.
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Itā€™s so awesome to see people chasing their goals! Awesome pics and stories all. I just got back from what was planned as a week long hunt with my brother. It was a great hunt marked by ups and downs. We tracked down two great deer after hunting them for multiple days, and pulling off awesome stalks on both. The absolute highlight was @Hamm59701 killing his best mule deer buck to date.

"Primary goal to share another hunting success with grandson." Grandson Caden allowed me to share his bull elk hunt and pack-out on opening day, then doubled down by taking nice fat mule deer buck last week. After the challenging elk retrieval, teenage ninja hunter Caden told me he would take a muley buck above the trail and not in any gnarly blowdown. He certainly succeeded in his deer hunt plan.

Caden's buck Nov 19, 2023.jpg
I suppose I should report on my goal.....

3rd season, northern CO. It was warm, and dry, except for one day.

Buddy killed a good bull on opening morning. I was right next to him. The bull was broken off on one side, but he would have gone around 320 if not broken off.

I had one opportunity, unfortunately my shooting skills let me down....... šŸ˜£

Last morning we were on the way up to hike in, and I rolled my 4runner on a patch of black ice. Then a couple hours later when I called my insurance agent I found I had miscommunicated with them and did not in fact have collision insurance on it. So that was about an $8,000 mistake.

It was one of those trips with some highs and some real lows. It'll make a good story, but it's still a little painful to tell.....
I did take my bow camping a few times in September but no elk wondered into camp. One trip I camped by my favorite fishing hole and did catch a 21 in. Rainbow. so that was fun.

When my muzzleloader season rolled around I didn't go out until the third day. I tried to drive to my favorite honey hole, but the road was closed buy a logging show. So, I turned around and drove to the place that used to be my honey hole. I walked a short distance on an old logging road then sat down and watched some golden Crown Kinglets playing in the trees for a while. I then relocated a little bit and saw a little buck standing 40 yards away staring at me, so I capped and cocked my facsimile of a 19th century Hawkins and shot him dead. By the time I got him loaded in the truck it was 10:30 so I sat in the sun eating mixed nuts for about a half hour then went home.

I hunted hard that day ;)BUCK 23 2.JPG
@Hammsolo you asked for updates, so here it is.

I finally got a blacktail. First deer, and couldnā€™t be happier about it!

I donā€™t know how you all take those neat pictures. I tried getting one, but the phone kept falling over. Had to wait until I was home to get a decent pic.
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Congrats on a Blacktail, not an easy deer to get your hands on
@Hammsolo , finally got my hands on my 1st WT. it was everything I wanted, for my 1st WT. a decent buck I could turn into a euro. Wonā€™t forget this journey anytime soon. Iā€™d dreamed about getting a chance to hunt whitetails for years, previously living in a state that doesn't really have WT hunting. Already looking forward to going after another one next year and trying to find a bigger buck
@Hammsolo , finally got my hands on my 1st WT. it was everything I wanted, for my 1st WT. a decent buck I could turn into a euro. Wonā€™t forget this journey anytime soon. Iā€™d dreamed about getting a chance to hunt whitetails for years, previously living in a state that doesn't really have WT hunting. Already looking forward to going after another one next year and trying to find a bigger buck
View attachment 303145
Congrats! Those eye guards are awesome

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