
What is your single top hunting season goal this year? I expect updates damn it.

Fill all three of my draw tags. I have gone 2 for 3 a few times but never 3 for 3.
Part one complete. Went down 2 days early to glass some of my favorite spots. Result was less deer than usual. Glassing mornings more productive than evenings. Hotter than normal for late October. Two day of scouting provided does, javelina, and turkeys . First day of hunt provided bull and his cows and one deer that I never got a good look at. Kind-of baffled. Chalked it up to hotter than normal. I did cross paths with two rattlers. One at 8000 feet. Day two changed plans. Sit water. Boring and hot. Wind was good in the am but changed in the afternoon. Changed my positioning at 2 pm. Within 25 minutes a doe shows up. Then a forker comes within 100 yards. I reluctantly pass. I really want some venison but have too many forks from this unit. Two hours later the same fork shows up with a larger buck. 3x3. I watch them mess around tank for 30 minutes before larger buck clears juniper, fence, and tank. 130 yards open sights. He's down. Not a huge buck. Maybe three year old. Hot day hunkered under pinion and juniper but buck down. On ride back to tent after dark I see a 180 buck cross road from public to private. The reason I still hunt this unit. The big boys are there but are tough to see during daylight. Still pleased. One down and two tags to fill. Thankful.


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Well, @Hammsolo, I'm done already, I went 3-for-5, but those three were the ones I was really hoping to fill. The other two tags were leftover list bonus chances (didn't hunt for bears and got darn close to killing a bull). Now I get to help a kid I'm mentoring and a good buddy on their 2nd and 3rd season deer hunts. Also might actually take a few minutes and do a couple hunt recaps for you schmucks!

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Well, @Hammsolo, I'm done already, I went 3-for-5, but those three were the ones I was really hoping to fill. The other two tags were leftover list bonus chances (didn't hunt for bears and got darn close to killing a bull). Now I get to help a kid I'm mentoring and a good buddy on their 2nd and 3rd season deer hunts. Also might actually take a few minutes and do a couple hunt recaps for you schmucks!

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Awesome pics! Congrats!!! I especially love the 3rd photo.
Hammsolo Update - The elk have started to move onto my area in MT, but only young bulls and cows so far. Tons of whitetail and mulie does, but no mature bucks so far. The moose are starting to move in for our viewing pleasure.

Most stoked to head out on a week long adventure with my bro, @Hamm59701. We’ll be on the search for mature mulies.
I only had one goal for this season - to find a way to motivate my buddy to properly prepare himself, and his son, for our flyout Alaska caribou hunt this past September.

He's been to Ak with me 4 times previously, so I shoulda known better...but I figured taking his son for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity would add some motivation to plan and prepare.

Didn't happen. We each shot a caribou, so I'm sure they consider the hunt a great success, but from my perspective we didn't execute the hunt nearly as well as we could have or should have.

Oh well. Such is life lol.
#1 goal is to put as much into my antelope tag as I can, then fill my elk tag AFTER my FIL has notched his.

Then it’s on to being glassing bitch for @FI460 and @Scott85
Nailed #1, absolute FAIL on #2 - found elk and he said he couldn’t make the climb, so off I went.

Start part 3 and 4 this weekend.
My goal this season is to fill my tags with more traditional weapons again. The last few years I've had great success via patrol car, and while I can say the ballistic characteristics of the Dodge Charger are quite impressive on deer, it has the side effect of making the boss a little cranky, so I'm going to try to concentrate more on archery and rifle this year.
I only had one goal for this season - to find a way to motivate my buddy to properly prepare himself, and his son, for our flyout Alaska caribou hunt this past September.

He's been to Ak with me 4 times previously, so I shoulda known better...but I figured taking his son for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity would add some motivation to plan and prepare.

Didn't happen. We each shot a caribou, so I'm sure they consider the hunt a great success, but from my perspective we didn't execute the hunt nearly as well as we could have or should have.

Oh well. Such is life lol.

5th time’s the charm?

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