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What is your single top hunting season goal this year? I expect updates damn it.

My first goal of an archery elk crashed and burned. Terrible season for me; super quiet elk, a feeling that I was constantly going to the wrong place, a couple days sick including a 1am ambulance ride and ER visit. Just a sucky September overall. I saw a grand total of one branch antler bull which was a tiny 5 point at over 300 yards and maybe heard 20 total bugles from 4 buls; only one of which bugled more than twice

I did get some really great private lined up for my wife’s deer hunt so hopefully that part turns around. I know of three deer off the property last year all over which were over 160
My #1 goal for this fall is to kill a bear during the CO sept rifle season. I know it’s gonna take a lot of luck and time and it’ll cost me days I could spend chasing dusky grouse and ptarmigan, which are also high on my list, but bear has been on my mind for a few years now.
No fall bear for me. Had a shot at a big one opening weekend at 350 yards and missed. My buddy had a shot at one, same distance same weekend and whiffed as well. So we had our opportunities but didn’t take them. There’s always next year.
My first goal of an archery elk crashed and burned. Terrible season for me; super quiet elk, a feeling that I was constantly going to the wrong place, a couple days sick including a 1am ambulance ride and ER visit. Just a sucky September overall. I saw a grand total of one branch antler bull which was a tiny 5 point at over 300 yards and maybe heard 20 total bugles from 4 buls; only one of which bugled more than twice

I did get some really great private lined up for my wife’s deer hunt so hopefully that part turns around. I know of three deer off the property last year all over which were over 160
Whiteys or muleys over 160?
Not me but my dad got it done yesterday which is just as good. Oldest couldn't make this trip but the younger 2 watched it happen.

I'm going to do my best to get one with the Oldest later in the season.
This wasn’t my goal, but it happened so… He’s bigger than he looks in the picture with me. Solo natural photos… Feeling super blessed.

I had scouted this buck up over the summer, but had no idea if I could track him down come hunting season. I saw over a hundred deer over two days, and passed up a couple smaller bucks to harvest “Burger.”

I had glassed all morning and slowly monitoring the two choke points in the cliffs that I have learned to utilize over the years. I had spotted some does and 3 coyotes. I had to convince myself to not kill the yotes after they spooked some deer, but I heard Ol’ Wayne in my head saying, ”Yah can’t kill big bucks if you shoot small ones, or yotes Nick.”

At about 9:30 I knew the wind/thermals would be shifting soon so I thought I better still hunt one of the funnels when I could still have the wind in my face, and stick to the shadows of the cliffs. As I snuck around the edge two does appeared out of the bushes on the other side of the 40 yard wide shoot. They didn’t see my, so I knelt as quickly as I could behind a sage brush. I glanced up the trail I was on just in time to see a doe round the corner of the basalt 20 yards from me. She instantly spotted me and froze. She bolted back up the trail to my left, but to my shock the 2 other does just trotted down the trail to my right unable to see what caused her to bust.

Another doe emerged from the bushes and then a smaller 3 point at a trot. Then Burger emerged and locked eyes with me. I couldn’t believe he spotted me. He was at about 40 yards and I could see his muscles ripple. I couldn’t see all of his antlers, but could see his front forks. I knew he was mature and that was enough. I could imagine the top of his heart and raised my rifle. I squeezed the trigger and placed a Hammer Hunter right between the atria of his heart.

When I came up on him I was elated, and felt so blessed. Wayne would be so proud.



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I waited to post on this until I knew what everyone's plans were. Sounds like they are set so here they are.

Kids and I were going to put dad's ashes where he loved to hunt. Daughter said she wants to put him up on the hill that his legs wouldn't take him to. Not trying to be a downer here this time of year was our time with "Bubba". Ex-brother in-laws wanna go and pay their respects as well. One just finished his stint in the army so timing is perfect.
My son is going and surprised us all with the fact that he wants to hunt. He's my tech kid and isn't opposed to the outdoors, never really showed an interest in hunting and it didn't bug me that he didn't. I don't care if I pull a trigger, put my crosshairs on anything at all, my goal is to do my best to get him on something and give him an opportunity to put meat in the freezer. It would be nice if there's a set of horns to put on the wall for him, but if a dry doe presents herself and he wants to take a shot I'm happy either way.
Leaning pretty heavy to taking great grandpa's .30-30 and hunting with that. It's taken plenty of whitetail and would really like to take a muley with it.

This year the goal is to share memories of past times and making new ones.
1. Get back on the train of shooting an antelope with my bow. Last year was the first in 6 years I didn't kill a goat with the bow.
2. Shoot a WY mule deer with the bow. I'd like to find a good buck, I'll base my standards on what I am seeing when I get there. I won't just shoot a buck to fill the tag tho, a week chasing deer with a bow is well worth the tag price.
3. Hunt a big bull in MT with the bow. I have a cow tag also, so there is a little incentive here to actually hold out.
4. Help my brother shoot his first bull with his bow. He shot a cow last year, so trying to up the ante here.
5. Find a big buck to hunt in AZ for my draw tag. Just seeing a 180"+ deer would be awesome.
6. Help my family on their respective deer/elk rifle hunts in MT. I need to be productive on my hunts in archery to make this happen.
7. Help my youngest brother find a really nice pronghorn in MT. There is some nice bucks walking around, hopefully we can find one

Update: #1 accomplished...
Update #3.

We got to hunt some pretty incredible bulls this year, culminating with my brother missing one of the 3 or 4 biggest bulls I have ever seen on the hoof in my life at 50 yards. I ended up shooting a nice 6x6 bull on the last Saturday of the archery season. Then, was able to help my youngest brother take his biggest goat. So far an absolutely awesome year. With all the meat in the freezer I will be pretty selective on mule deer in MT and AZ, but hope to find a 180" deer between the two, which definitely won't be easy.33584.jpg33582.jpgIMG_20231014_180719588.jpg
I haven't killed a damn thing. CO muzzleloader hunt was a bust bad weather shut it down. Work kept me limited to only 5 days total of archery elk. Going into the rifle hunt now got some good scouting in for opening day but it's public land in MT definitely no secrets.