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What is your single top hunting season goal this year? I expect updates damn it.

One week until the Saskatchewan pronghorn muzzle loader opener! I was getting my gear ready since I have to leave all week for work and the kids wanted to help. One thing led to another and the girls and I decided to make a decoy!

I had no intensions on ever using a decoy to hunt antelope, but now that my kids have helped, I'll have to give the old carboard girl a try!

Ideally getting a couple bull's with the last year of all my brothers living in CO, after this year it'll be either solo hunting or maybe a brother in town!
My goal this season is to not hunt but rather take care of myself and get well.........

Last season while dragging my buck I noticed I was a little winded. Brushed it off to being out of shape. This summer I noticed I had to take breaks while mowing the lawn and other things. Also that I would sweat profusely. Had my annual check up and told the Doc. Had labs drawn to find out that I have Stage 3 Kidney Disease but that I was also SEVERELY anemic. Had an EGD and colonoscopy done on September8th to find out that I had two small bleeds in my stomach, two blood vessels to be specific. Apparently these types of bleeds are common with kidney disease. This past Friday I had my second of ten infusions of Venofer, an iron infusion specifically for Chronic Kidney Disease patients. Last infusion is a week before the firearms season starts.

The earliest appt with the Nephrologist was December 28th so in the mean time I have researched the CKD diet and am down 20 lbs.

So the goal for this season is to improve my health for next season!
My goal this season is to not hunt but rather take care of myself and get well.........

Last season while dragging my buck I noticed I was a little winded. Brushed it off to being out of shape. This summer I noticed I had to take breaks while mowing the lawn and other things. Also that I would sweat profusely. Had my annual check up and told the Doc. Had labs drawn to find out that I have Stage 3 Kidney Disease but that I was also SEVERELY anemic. Had an EGD and colonoscopy done on September8th to find out that I had two small bleeds in my stomach, two blood vessels to be specific. Apparently these types of bleeds are common with kidney disease. This past Friday I had my second of ten infusions of Venofer, an iron infusion specifically for Chronic Kidney Disease patients. Last infusion is a week before the firearms season starts.

The earliest appt with the Nephrologist was December 28th so in the mean time I have researched the CKD diet and am down 20 lbs.

So the goal for this season is to improve my health for next season!
Sounds like the perfect goal for the situation. Prayers have been sent. We may call them seasons; winter, spring, summer and fall. They are each unique every time they come around.
This year is honestly just to kill a buck. Been a few years since I killed one. Will be my third year hunting Oregon, but first where I’ve really put in a solid amount of effort and scouting.
My big goal this fall was to kill a bull elk with my bow. I gave it my best effort the last 8 days but came up short. I was close a few times. One bull was definitely on his way in until he caught wind of some other hunters, or more accurately spectators. Thanks “Ohio Boys”. Of course a shot opportunity isn’t guaranteed but…The whistling bull was close but never showed himself. I’m not sure if I should have set up differently or done something else to entice him to come a few steps closer. My second to last morning was crazy. 3 bugling bulls. One of them was more interested than the others but not quite interested enough. A calf came flying in and stopped 10 yards away. Anyway, I’m 0-3 bow hunting for elk. Hats off to those of you that consistently fill elk tags with a bow in general units.
I'm going on a wilderness camping trip, where moose are likely to be. One grandson, is 10 years young. would love to put the young dude on a bull. The goal is to take a bull or, moose gods willing, two bulls.
I am truly blessed.
I had double knee replacements this summer. My goal is to get back to stillhunting again now that every step isn’t agony. Just got my license and tags last night. Now need to get some range time in with hunting position shooting practice.
Got the thumbs up from eye DR. yesterday. 20/20 again in right eye.
He said "Wear eye protection and cut wood. Don't poke your eye." Amazing!
New left eye on Halloween.

175 and steady. Building old guy muscle. Am fully mobile again. Moving good with confidence. For my age.
Have the cancer down to .18...very little pain.

Might go shoot the rifle this week to make sure. I shot a cow last year with a bad eye and lots of pain.

I pulled off the road the other day and fired 4 rounds into a fence post from 25ft. 9mm I have not shot in over a year. 6 inch post.
Good to go.
One week until the Saskatchewan pronghorn muzzle loader opener! I was getting my gear ready since I have to leave all week for work and the kids wanted to help. One thing led to another and the girls and I decided to make a decoy!

I had no intensions on ever using a decoy to hunt antelope, but now that my kids have helped, I'll have to give the old carboard girl a try!

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Ha your decoy reminds me of one that my buddy made for pronghorn in eastern CO a few years ago...As you can see the terrain is featureless, but there are cows and drainage ditches. It worked as a raft to cross a small creek and then as our "blind." The group of antelope we hiked for two hours to get to, tolerated the decoy til we were about 400 yds and then bolted...almost worked! How did yours work out?


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I drew a NM late season (first week Dec) elk muzzleloader tag for Unit 51 and would love to fill that this year. I always say I'd like to hold out for a bull, but haven't gotten an elk since 2018 so if a cow is in open sights range...probably should take the meat...
I'll also pick up a OTC 2nd season bull for Colorado and will get to hunt from home in Durango, CO which I haven't been able to do before. Will squeeze in a few days before going to pick up a yellow lab pup! On that note, if anyone is looking for a pup (all yellow) this breeder has a few more not spoken for, ready in 1 month. Most of them go to ski patrol outfits and are suppose to be good working dogs. Not trying to solicit, just throwing it out there, PM me if interested. They are in Orem, UT.
Well we were successful! Called in a bull for my uncle on our 4th day of hunting! He didn't want to hold out for a big one, but it was a blast and we definitely made a bunch of great memories from it!


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Ha your decoy reminds me of one that my buddy made for pronghorn in eastern CO a few years ago...As you can see the terrain is featureless, but there are cows and drainage ditches. It worked as a raft to cross a small creek and then as our "blind." The group of antelope we hiked for two hours to get to, tolerated the decoy til we were about 400 yds and then bolted...almost worked! How did yours work out?

That's freaking awesome!!! I didn't get to try it out unfortunately, I found my antelope in a very stalk-able spot, the rest is history!