Slugs for elk


New member
Sep 21, 2019
Can you shoot an elk with slugs. Of course normally I hunt with rifle but in a weapons restriction area they are not allowed. I’m just wondering if slugs are capable and what would be some advice with them?
Can you shoot an elk with slugs. Of course normally I hunt with rifle but in a weapons restriction area they are not allowed. I’m just wondering if slugs are capable and what would be some advice with them?

I killed deer with slugs and buckshot in Montana. In my experience slugs are devastating, my recommendations would be to keep shots close <50 yards if you are using your regular duck shotgun without a rear sight and a smooth bore. If you get a red dot site or a scope, rifled barrel, etc. you can shoot a lot further. Either way spend some time at the range get your set up dialed.
Slugs work well on elk. I've killed two with a 12 gauge. Distance depends on your set-up. I used a smoothbore 870, but with a scope. 50 yards is max for this combo, at least for me. Some of the dedicated rifled slug guns can really increase the range. I'm good with 50 yards. mtmuley
A fully rifled slug barrel with Sabot slugs can be very accurate and deadly out to 100yards easily. Southern Minnesota we can not use rifles for deer only slugs during firearms season.
Slugs work well on elk. I've killed two with a 12 gauge. Distance depends on your set-up. I used a smoothbore 870, but with a scope. 50 yards is max for this combo, at least for me. Some of the dedicated rifled slug guns can really increase the range. I'm good with 50 yards. mtmuley
That sounds perfect I just wanted something with a little more range than a bow.
Here's a photo of nephew with a big cow elk in a cow hunt that allowed short range weapons only. The shot was 40 yds but he was accurate to 100yds during his practice sessions, I'm sure 125yds is not out of the question for a 12 gauge slug, it had a rifled barrel. I'll also add it dropped that cow in her tracks with a shot just behind the shoulder as you can see if you look for it!
Here's a photo of nephew with a big cow elk in a cow hunt that allowed short range weapons only. The shot was 40 yds but he was accurate to 100yds during his practice sessions, I'm sure 125yds is not out of the question for a 12 gauge slug, it had a rifled barrel. I'll also add it dropped that cow in her tracks with a shot just behind the shoulder as you can see if you look for it!

Can't quite make it out! ;)
If you can hit what you’re aiming at, you can get out to at least 100 yards. My brothers bear dressed at 390 - I shot from 2 3/4 inch 12 gauge slug. Good luck.
In 2007, when IDF&G was playing around with the muzzleloader regs, a couple of hunts were changed from muzzleloader only to short range weapons. My brother and one of my friends both got bulls with shotguns and slugs.

I remained a purist and got mine with a scoped 50 cal T/C Encore 😀
Not much difference between a modern shotgun slug and a .45-70, or a modern muzzleloader with 100 grains of powder, or so. All very capable of killing elk at shorter distances.
Can you shoot an elk with slugs. Of course normally I hunt with rifle but in a weapons restriction area they are not allowed. I’m just wondering if slugs are capable and what would be some advice with them?
Advice: Make sure your gun is dialed in to the ammo. I have an Ithaca deerslayer rifled barrel 12 ga and it is very fussy about the brand of sabots I use. I couldn't get Hornday's groups better than 16" at 50 yds. Winchester Gold partition and Federal trophy copper group about 4" at 50yds, but the Federal group is about 5" to the right of the Winchester.

I recently learned that slugs aren't any safer than a rifle since both nearly always ricochet off the ground and the slug retains more energy. (original write up I've passed up the majority of my shots after I learned about this.

I haven't played around with smooth barrel "rifled slugs" in my smoothbore (the name is a misnomer as they should only be used in a smoothbore). They are much cheaper than sabots.
I have a savage 220 with a scope. I hunt deer with it here in Minnesota. I would not hesitate to shot a elk at 200 yards with it if conditions are right. It moves a 260grain bullet at 1900fps at the muzzle.
My group has been shooting deer with slugs on the same farm in MN since the 70s. In the late 90s/early 00s, slug technology took a big jump and now 150 yards is pretty common. They do run out of energy at about 200 give or take. We all have rifled barrels with cantilever scope mounts shooting mostly 12 ga Federal Trophy Copper 2 3/4". Winchester makes some good ones too. They routinely shoot 2" groups at 100. We have 9 of these setups and they have harvested hundreds of deer. No problem with elk, but watch the energy out past 150 yards if you are shooting the 1900 fps slugs. If you get the rifled slugs or the 1400 fps sabots, they run out of energy sooner....varies by brand, but around that 100-125 yard mark. 20 gauges work great but run out of energy sooner.

Note that faster twist barrels seem to like faster slugs and slower twist barrels seem to like slower slugs....but each gun is different, so try a few and see what your gun likes.
I have no doubt slugs will do the job. I hunt in a shotgun only area for whitetails and we’ve shot loads of deer with them. I don’t know the effective range since we shoot most of ours close up, but I have mine dialed in for 100 yards. Haven’t had a need to shoot farther than that. I have a rifled barrel and have used Remington copper solids just about as long as I can remember. They work great
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