Sighting in my Gun.....

i know the feeling.:) ...a good morning chocolate shake and sausage biscuit give me a sence of imortality as well.....:p wife says it'll make me fat, i just tell her it'll keep me warm in the winter....:D
Moosie pleeeeeeezeeeeeee don't tell me that is a picture of yourself taped to your screen.......a shake and a soda? You're gonna be checking out more ant hills......
MarvB.... Don't you know ANYTHING about me ? My signature drink is a Coke with a Shake Chaser...... Gesh :D

Bring your Healthy Arsh up to Idaho, I'll show you a Couple "ant hills" :D
Canoe - I have been registered. I just never shoot anything, so nothing to post! :D But hanging out with Moosie, something funny always happens!

BTW: We cleaned Moosies Muzzleloader last only took breaking tools and a blow torch to get the breach plug out......When was the last time you cleaned that Moosie????? |oo Well, it's clean now....
Hey "Steve's Buddy", nice to see you registered!

HE Meant Lance ....... Not you Dinger :D :D

PS, thats not a picture of myself taped to my screen... It's an Advertisement that I thought was Kick A$$ !!

It is for a McGuard water theft product. It says :

Nothing offers More Protection then my Small PACKAGE !!

well ElkTurd, if you want i guess we could refer to you as "oscar's friend" since "steve's friend" is already taken...:D ...that way nobody can mistake you for lance and vies versa...and then you and lance can have nicknames....YAY!!! how fun:)
MarvB said:
As long as that's all you show me there bro'! :D :D

Don't worry MarvB he wont show you hs "bro" ... Moosie's a little shy about his jiggle.

Yeah Canoe I figured since I havent killed anything this year :BLEEP: I could at least read stories about guys who do.
Elk Turd get you head out of your A$$.

Moosie your muzzzle loader is nice and clean. It was quite the procedure getting the breech nut out of the chamber...dont worry I didnt disassemble the whole gun and use a propane torch to heat the barrel.
IdahoBugler said:
You should be fine out to 50 yards and if your going with Mr. Tine, he's my daddy and can put you within that range no problem.

Damn right Gold-Bon boy ;) btw, where ya been? you coming out with Moosie?
Wait a minute,this is getting confusing.I wasn't sure I understood the first post,now,I'm totally lost.hump
Thanks for clearing that up for me guys. Dinger seems to be a little slow on the uptake lately.

You guys need to try to make sure he loads powder first, then the bullet.
So first put on the firing cap, then load 100 grams of H4350, then put in 2 bullets and jam it all in there as hard as possible is not the right thing to do???????:cool:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I mis-read the post....|oo
One could misconstrue flexing as Jiggle under the wrong conditions. What transpired was the fact that every set I took in my 3 mile jog I flexed. That event made it look like my Sculpted body was in the “jiggle” mode. When running the mile in 4mins 28 seconds there is a lot of body movement. It’s also so fast the Human eye has a hard time focusing on the details which might, in return, cause an illusion tricking the eye into thinking it’s seeing something that isn’t really happening.

that is by far some of the funniest $hit I've heard on this board in years.... How do you come up with it.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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