Shoot Him Again!

Will his insurance pay for cleaning up and repairing their house? I think not..

Oh, forgot to add. It was an AR. Not!

I seriously doubt the guy has insurance. I was being sarcastic.

So in the end someone else will pay for his ambulance ride, doctors, nurses, and hospital/medical bills, the repairs to the house, the therapist the family will need to get through life becasue of what he did, his 3 hots and a cot in jail/prison, his public defender/attorney to fight the case, the judge, court reporter, bailiff, etc, and jury for his trial. Then he will find a scumbag attorney to sue the woman and her family. Only in America.
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I seriously doubt the guy has insurance. I was being sarcastic.

So in the end someone else will pay for his ambulance ride, doctors, nurses, and hospital/medical bills, the repairs to the house, the therapist the family will need to get through life becasue of what he did, his 3 hots and a cot in jail/prison, his public defender/attorney to fight the case, the judge, court reporter, bailiff, etc, and jury for his trial. Then he will find a scumbag attorney to sue the woman and her family. Only in America.

Thats one of the 2 reasons I would have rather had him dead. The other reason is that he deserved it.
Good for her and her family for protecting themselves.

Recently in the Idaho Statesman there was a letter to the editor asking if citizens needed firearms because do they ever really protect themselves with them. There were several good responses to her letter.

.38's can work fine with the right load. Factory hardcast with wide meplat to guarantee sufficient penetration and wound. Same can be said for the 9mm when the fbi ditched it after the Miami shootout when one guy took 6 and another took 12 rounds before dying.
A 12 gauge or large caliber would suffice.

If he didn't make it, she would have a lawsuit from one of his family members.

The bad thing is, will he return to finish the job?

no the big question is, if he returns will she finish the job?:hump:
Sure. I understand that... though there is a defining line, in my opinion. From my perspective, I would not give my wife a pellet gun nor would I give my wife a .454 for carry/home defense. We each have a comfort line and I believe this incident illustrates the failure of a .38 revolver.

6 rounds total. She hit this guy 5 of 6 times yet, this guy was able to continue. It was a victory for this occasion though presents the vulnerability of this defense weapon vs other calibers.

5 of 6 shows this woman was focused in a high stress setting AND may be the leading reason for her success.

I believe a .22, and .380 fit the mode of a slingshot vs a griz... .38 is the smallest though one I would refrain from and I believe this incident illustrates this reasoning. 9mm would be the reasonable carry/home defense. I believe magazines are much better than revolver reloading in stressful situations and a few additional rounds.

A good friend set his wife at the shooting range with mainly .38 and a few .357 shots though when carry/home defense - .357 load always. I believe if revolver is the choice and .38 size is preferred, this is the best setting.

Just my opinion. Fantastic job on both the husband and wife's actions. Calm, focused and successful.
a 38 will do the job fine,wrong bullet,JHP is the way to go,spanks a 9 mm every time,now you are right about one thing,357 is the best personal protection round,158 grain JHP,guarrantied to take care of bussiness,at 50 yards or less.:cool:

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