Shoot Him Again!

A 12 gauge or large caliber would suffice.

If he didn't make it, she would have a lawsuit from one of his family members.

The bad thing is, will he return to finish the job?
Anybody watch the clips following this one? There is so much to say about this whole ordeal we are going through, and yes this affects us all! I just dont know where to go with this. Parenting, school practices, Responsibilty for actions, teaching that every decision has a consequence. I just dont know. Its us as a society. ???? I am so mixed I dont know where to go.
And the lesson learned? 5 of 6 rounds strike the criminal in the face and chest area... the criminal is able to navigate out a house, into a vehicle and drive a few blocks away before wrecking.

.38 FAIL.

Glad to hear she was able to protect her twin children! Great job!
Anybody watch the clips following this one? There is so much to say about this whole ordeal we are going through, and yes this affects us all! I just dont know where to go with this. Parenting, school practices, Responsibilty for actions, teaching that every decision has a consequence. I just dont know. Its us as a society. ???? I am so mixed I dont know where to go.

Damn! You are pretty smart for just 13 posts, but doesn't mean a thing to me. This family is going to be forever changed. I worry more about the children. Adults (well some) are more able to process what happened. Have learned this from the Mrs who works at a non-profit for abused women (and yes, some men so do not laugh) and children.
rack a round into your 12 guage,boom,out goes the lights,5 month later fertilizer for the daiseys.:cool:
Yes the family will be forever changed. And its a damn shame but a reality. My number of posts have a connection to my intellect? Wow! Never claimed to be a intelect. Just a dumbass who sees things the way I do and feels bad for the way these things take us. You dont have to like me, just take me the way I am.
A 12 gauge or large caliber would suffice.

If he didn't make it, she would have a lawsuit from one of his family members.

The bad thing is, will he return to finish the job?

good thing would be for him to try and have her, or the husband, finish the job.
Anybody watch the clips following this one? There is so much to say about this whole ordeal we are going through, and yes this affects us all! I just dont know where to go with this. Parenting, school practices, Responsibilty for actions, teaching that every decision has a consequence. I just dont know. Its us as a society. ???? I am so mixed I dont know where to go.

The only consequence I see is she saved herself and kids from a scumbag. Same thing the cop said.

I can see how young parents can be exasperated and apprehensive but I sure wouldn't let it keep me from owning and becoming proficient with the means to protect my family.
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And the lesson learned? 5 of 6 rounds strike the criminal in the face and chest area... the criminal is able to navigate out a house, into a vehicle and drive a few blocks away before wrecking.

.38 FAIL.

Glad to hear she was able to protect her twin children! Great job!

Not trying to argue here but instead just wanted to share a lesson learned of my own. Once can buy his wife a "big" gun and she won't carry it and won't shoot it or buy her the gun she wants to carry and loves to shoot. I'd take the later knowing that a small caliber gun on her is far better than the big bore caliber I bought her sitting in the safe.
Not trying to argue here but instead just wanted to share a lesson learned of my own. Once can buy his wife a "big" gun and she won't carry it and won't shoot it or buy her the gun she wants to carry and loves to shoot. I'd take the later knowing that a small caliber gun on her is far better than the big bore caliber I bought her sitting in the safe.

Sure. I understand that... though there is a defining line, in my opinion. From my perspective, I would not give my wife a pellet gun nor would I give my wife a .454 for carry/home defense. We each have a comfort line and I believe this incident illustrates the failure of a .38 revolver.

6 rounds total. She hit this guy 5 of 6 times yet, this guy was able to continue. It was a victory for this occasion though presents the vulnerability of this defense weapon vs other calibers.

5 of 6 shows this woman was focused in a high stress setting AND may be the leading reason for her success.

I believe a .22, and .380 fit the mode of a slingshot vs a griz... .38 is the smallest though one I would refrain from and I believe this incident illustrates this reasoning. 9mm would be the reasonable carry/home defense. I believe magazines are much better than revolver reloading in stressful situations and a few additional rounds.

A good friend set his wife at the shooting range with mainly .38 and a few .357 shots though when carry/home defense - .357 load always. I believe if revolver is the choice and .38 size is preferred, this is the best setting.

Just my opinion. Fantastic job on both the husband and wife's actions. Calm, focused and successful.
Not trying to argue here but instead just wanted to share a lesson learned of my own. Once can buy his wife a "big" gun and she won't carry it and won't shoot it or buy her the gun she wants to carry and loves to shoot. I'd take the later knowing that a small caliber gun on her is far better than the big bore caliber I bought her sitting in the safe.

My mom carries a 9mm, no problems. I wouldn't say she should carry a .45, but she handles the 9mm just fine. But then she practices too.
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