Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Sh*t our wives do...

I got into a heated argument about how Grand Junction was. She kept asking me where Grand Junction was, and I told her in CO. She said “no it’s not” (most sincere face). I said yes, it is. I’ve been there 3 times and you have too. She appallingly looks at me saying “why were you over that way”? I said it was for work. “You don’t travel that far”. I said yes I do and then I went to Montrose and Palisade.

Then it hit her like a train. “I meant to say Grand Canyon. I want to vacation there”. I said that’s in Arizona and started laughing. Didn’t hear from her for a whole hour, then ended up making plans to go there.

Wouldn’t trade her for all the gold in the world.
Had to share today's calamity. Wife called and told me she got stuck it's been raining so wasn't super surprised. Told her to hold on and I'd be there shortly this is what I find. That girls watched to many jeep commercials and I'm still not sure what was going through her head. Gets better I dig around in the sand get the strap on and pull/drag her out and realize it was a bit harder then it should've been. She gets out and I ask her if she had her foot on the brake "no I had it in neutral and didn't have my foot on the brake BUT the emergency brake is on" 🤦.image000000(12).jpg
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Had to share today's calamity. Wife called and told me she got stuck it's been raining so wasn't super surprised. Told her to hold on and I'd be there shortly this is what I find. That girls watched to many jeep commercials and I'm still not sure what was going through her head. Gets better I dig around in the sand get the strap on and pull/drag her out and realize it was a bit harder then it should've been. She gets out and I ask her if she had her foot on the brake "no I had it in neutral and didn't have my foot on the brake BUT the emergency brake is on" 🤦.View attachment 292721
I'm impressed she was able to high center on a sand berm. 2wd?
We went and got mine a new vehicle today. She actually listened to my advice and we got the factory lifted AWD. She didn’t listen to my advice and accepted the insurance pay off on the wrecked one a few days ago. That was a pretty big fight and I almost threatened a divorce. IMG_4767.jpeg
We went and got mine a new vehicle today. She actually listened to my advice and we got the factory lifted AWD. She didn’t listen to my advice and accepted the insurance pay off on the wrecked one a few days ago. That was a pretty big fight and I almost threatened a divorce. View attachment 292754
I'd buy one of those before accepting a free Jeep suv. The Cherokee is a sad resemblance of what it was originally built for.
Congrats on the new ride.
I'd buy one of those before accepting a free Jeep suv. The Cherokee is a sad resemblance of what it was originally built for.
Congrats on the new ride.
I'd have to agree been fairly unimpressed. I remember my buddies late 80s Cherokee with the 4.0 thing was bomb proof. Ever since I got my new truck the wife’s been dropping hints about wanting a new car. I can probably hold her off a year or so but I better start looking at mid size SUV's.
Me, answering the phone, “Hey darling, how’s the vacation going?”

My wife, “Do you think our insurance has any in-network places in North Carolina?”

Me, “I’m not sure … why???”

My wife, “Well I was holding Abbi’s baby, who was sleeping, and the phone rang in the resort room and I didn’t want to wake the baby, so I tried to hurry to the phone, but tripped and hit my head on the nightstand. I think I need some stitches. But the baby didn’t wake up.”

At this point I actually hung up on my wife. Not because I was mad or concerned, but because of my uncontrollable laughter. I’d rather apologize about a “dropped call” than have to apologize for laughing.

Anytime my son and I go on a hunting trip, where the whole family isn’t involved, my wife and daughters go on vacation. It’s always been this way and it works for us.

Women are weird - they’ll go headfirst into a nightstand to avoid waking up a baby. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Even as weird as my wife is, she is the absolute best wife and mother I could have ever hoped for or dreamed of!
Here's a new one:

We have some aggressive mice every fall who try to get in the house. One managed last night & as a consequence, we ended up having to vacuum the entire downstairs including moving all furniture, wipe down the couch, etc.

I suggested setting a trap & backing out of the basement to wit I was told what a stupid idea that was, while she held a vacuum as her.main weapon to prevent the mouse from going up the stairs, where two extremely confused labs were staring at us.

So, traps set and still no mouse. Can't wait to see what we have to bleach tonight!
Here's a new one:

We have some aggressive mice every fall who try to get in the house. One managed last night & as a consequence, we ended up having to vacuum the entire downstairs including moving all furniture, wipe down the couch, etc.

I suggested setting a trap & backing out of the basement to wit I was told what a stupid idea that was, while she held a vacuum as her.main weapon to prevent the mouse from going up the stairs, where two extremely confused labs were staring at us.

So, traps set and still no mouse. Can't wait to see what we have to bleach tonight!
My wife is convinced that everyone in our family has Hanta-virus any time someone has a head ache, booboo, runny nose, tummy ache...

We had a mouse in the house once, 3 years ago.
What does this mean when you do most of the cooking and fill up the gas tank?!

Literally, when my wife woke me up saying it was time to have our baby a couple weeks ago, I had to run to the gas station while she threw some bags together. 🤦‍♂️
When we were expecting our first son she had gone to the doctor for her 8 month checkup and was told 100% you are going to be on your due date. The next morning about 4 o'clock I wake up to her going around packing bags.
"What are you doing Girl? Come back to bed"
"I'm going into labor, go back to sleep."
And people wonder why we don't trust what the doctor says...
Being Valentines day, we will be going out to supper tonight with another couple and here's the scenario we expect out of the wives:
Wives - What's your special?
Waiter - Surf & turf, a 6oz fillet, shrimp on a skewer and a ceasar salad with wine.
Wives - OK, I'll have the special but instead of the fillet I'd like a strip, can you substitute the shrimp for salmon and steamed broccoli instead of a salad. Rather than wine I'd like a Cosmo.

I know I'm not the only one that deals with this :p
We moved into our new house a year ago. I just finally learned where everything is at.

Yesterday, she decided (on her own) to move everything to different drawers in the kitchen......

And we have a LOT of drawers in the kitchen.
We moved into our new house a year ago. I just finally learned where everything is at.

Yesterday, she decided (on her own) to move everything to different drawers in the kitchen......

And we have a LOT of drawers in the kitchen.
Very similar situation here.
She has everything located in the last place I would typically look for it. :LOL:
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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