Sh*t our wives do...

We moved into our new house a year ago. I just finally learned where everything is at.

Yesterday, she decided (on her own) to move everything to different drawers in the kitchen......

And we have a LOT of drawers in the kitchen.

I saw her starting to re-arrange the main floor living room this weekend, I did a 180 and walked away. About 45 min later I hear: "Babe, I need your help".

Everything had changed place and she wanted me to help her re-arrange it back to how it was...
Being Valentines day, we will be going out to supper tonight with another couple and here's the scenario we expect out of the wives:
Wives - What's your special?
Waiter - Surf & turf, a 6oz fillet, shrimp on a skewer and a ceasar salad with wine.
Wives - OK, I'll have the special but instead of the fillet I'd like a strip, can you substitute the shrimp for salmon and steamed broccoli instead of a salad. Rather than wine I'd like a Cosmo.

I know I'm not the only one that deals with this :p
And then get a to go box for hers because she got full off the shrimp skewer on your plate.
When your 9 month pregnant wife gifts herself your ultra light puffy and then you realize it weighs 20 pounds while you are doing laundry….

View attachment 319325
I guess the ultralight allows you to stuff the pockets and maintain normal jacket weight… 🤦‍♂️
At least you’ve got snacks, so you’ve got that going for you, which is nice.
Im drinking coffee in the kitchen and my wife comes in to make some tea.

She says, "I have an idea for a project!" All excited to tell me about it.

I stop her right there. I said "So you have a project you want me to do? Cause I already have a list of projects that need to get done"

She said "No... well kind of. I just need a little of your help."

The project is removing the tops of our nightstands and dresser, which she ruined with various spilled liquids over the years, and replacing them with real wood. Wood I would have to cut and finish to her specifications. Then she would paint and distress the rest of the stands and dresser.

Honestly the nightstands and dressers are junk - cheap particle board, junk hinges and slides. Ikea type stuff. I told her to put it on the back of our project list cause if I say flat out no, thats a bigger issue. But when it's time, I guess Im buying her a "new" bedroom set, not polishing a turd. New as in maybe a nicer used set that needs a whole lot less refinishing.
When your 9 month pregnant wife gifts herself your ultra light puffy and then you realize it weighs 20 pounds while you are doing laundry….

View attachment 319325
I guess the ultralight allows you to stuff the pockets and maintain normal jacket weight… 🤦‍♂️
Emptied the bathroom vanities once and took this pic to make a point. Decided after taking it that it was a point not worth making. 🤷‍♂️

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