Don't let an accident become a tragedy

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
This topic has been discussed in a few threads on Hunt Talk - carry a live round in the chamber when it is not necessary. I've read the past HT threads. I read the comments on a YouTube video Michael posted. I've went and read/re-read what is currently being taught in Hunter Ed.

Accidents happen all the time while out hunting. Fortunately, most times they are just that, an accident. Yet, too many times each year, an accident becomes a tragedy when a hot chamber sends a round into a hunter or bystander. Accidents don't have to be tragedies.

As I address at 0:25 and 1:40, there are times when you are in close, or on a stand, or in a blind, or hunting birds, when it necessitates a live round. Yet, for much big game hunting, especially considering the time it takes to "identify our target and beyond," I can easily rack a round in the chamber and be ready in about one second. I've never missed an opportunity on a big game animal because I didn't have a live round in the chamber.

I know it comes with a lot of personal preferences. I know some will defend a live round in the chamber to the ends of time. Most will say they hunt alone, so it doesn't matter, and thus the reason I have the chart around 4:00.

For me, there are too many experiences from people I know, none of whom expected an accident to happen when they left for the hunt that day. My grandfather's brother, my great uncle, didn't leave the house with the intent for his rifle to fall and shoot him dead that day. My brother-in-law did not expect his father to slip down a greasy hillside and have a shotgun discharge into his armpit where his 14 year-old son had to watch as he bled out waiting for help. My cousin didn't plan on a rifle laying across his back truck seat having a delayed discharge from a frozen firing pin, with the round "luckily" only to go through his forearm. A friend of the kids I coached in Pop Warner football died when a parent was unloading a live round from a firearm that was loaded "hot" for the hunt/hike that day. None of them expected that would be how the day ended. They were all accidents that unfortunately became tragedies.

My point has always been, when it is not necessary, don't let an accident become a tragedy. An accident will happen in hunting conditions. So long as the chamber is empty, it's just an accident. It can only become a tragedy when there is a live round. If our video provides reason for a few people to think about it and it prevents even one person from having an accident turn into a tragedy, it will be worth all the work to script, film, edit, and publish.

I'm usually really careful. However, I do remember something that happened years ago, that is probably pretty common. I had been following elk, finally caught up with them, got ready to shoot, safety off etc, then the elk moved over a little hill, and I followed them. An hour later I realize that I've been hiking around with a round ready to fire. Nothing bad happened, but now I'm always careful under similar circumstances.
I have an in-law that was in a truck with his Highschool friend. The friend was in the backseat holding the rifle pointing it at himself. The gun went off killing him when they were driving down the road. They had to drive for a LONG time into Dillon with their dead friend…

The same guy shot himself in the foot with a pistol while cleaning it. Bad decisions lead to bad outcomes.

This episode was a great reminder to be safe and how often accidents happen. Shit, one of my buddies, Teddy, is pulling a Michael constantly.
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I grew up hunting where carrying one in the chamber was the way we did it.

I don't do that anymore, haven't for a long time. Just not worth it.
This is how I always was until my buddy said he wouldn’t hunt with me if I was ‘hot’. I killed a bull that trip and didn’t need to be chambered until it was time to shoot. I don’t still hunt timber. This is the way I do it now.
The loudest two sounds are a click when expect a bang and a bang when not firing. I dislike trusting other hunters to manage where their muzzle points as are hiking, to have the safety on then check to see if got bumped, keep finger out of the trigger guard unless are ready to squeeze a round off, keep round out of the chamber until ready to shoot, unload the round from the chamber if ends up do not shoot, keep primer out of the muzzleloader until ready to shoot, remove primer if decide not to shoot…etc etc. I don’t shotgun hunt with other hunters including former VPs.

Weapons deserve focus. Some people can’t focus. Why gamble?
I had a nephew who was killed when pulling a shotgun from his truck, and a middle school teacher nearby was killed in the same way although with a rifle.

That's frankly one reason I went to O/U shotguns; no chance of being wrong as to whether loaded, to me or to a hunting partner when crossing fences, in boats, etc.

A friend shot himself in the leg, called me; I freaked, as I had loaned him my .44 Mag, but it was with a Ruger Mark 1. Surgeon cleaned out the wound and he was fine.

Not worth it.
The peace of mind that I get from knowing there's nothing in the chamber is far more valuable to me than killing any game animal. And this is especially true when I know that I don't need the meat or something more to hang on a wall. Besides, I can quickly chamber a round from the magazine if it becomes a must.

I have to believe such thoughts go repeatedly through the minds of those who have become responsible for the injury or death of another due to an accidental discharge. Was it really so necessary to have my gun loaded at the time? Was killing something really that important or was I just into the rush of carrying a loaded firearm?
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There's no reason to carry one in the tube.

Someone I hunt with used to carry one in the tube, until his 300 win mag went off when he was walking. At some point the safety got clicked off, then a strap from his pack or something snagged the trigger and rang his bell pretty badly. Messed up ear now because of it. He's very lucky to escape with a rung bell vs a bullet wound. If it requires that fast of a shot, it wasn't meant to be anyway.

I've seen the argument for carrying one in the chamber when hunting grizzly country. Again, not worth it. Carry a pistol with one in the chamber, or bear spray. Holsters themselves are better than any safety I've seen.
I see a lot of comments on the YouTube video that clearly missed where you said “load up for the final stalk”. They seem to think “well I had one hear me load up and therefore Randy is wrong”.

I don’t think I’d like to hunt these sorts of people, if they can’t understand basic risk mitigation.
Several years back a good buddy came over to our farm to rabbit hunt.
We finished up and he's unloading his pump gun in the driveway to put in his truck and fires off a live 12ga round into the gravel a few feet in front of himself. Luckily he practiced muzzle control and it went off in a safe direction but it scared hack out of us. This was a case of an old friend I used to hunt with all the time but he had gotten away from it for several years. One of those "if you don't use it you lose it" scenarios.

Another time I was goose (pit blind) hunting with a buddy and a couple guys I didn't know. The dude beside me was snapping his safety to "fire" as the geese were approaching, before even popping the lids open.
Had a little come to Jesus talk with him and explained that if that gun would go off inside the steel goose pit, those pellets aren't going to stop bouncing around until they dig into something soft.
I was with a guide once who, upon leaving the vehicle had everyone open/close their chamber and dry-fire the rifle just to prove it was completely unloaded. That didn't bother me in the slightest and I was happy to oblige. I did, however, ask him why and he told me a story of a client falling and missing him by an inch and another that shot through the floorboard of this truck. I can see that being enough to make you get pretty serious about it.
We can generally recall and resolve insults, investments and associations. There’s no recall on that bullet.
Thank you, Randy, for sharing those incidents that affected your family and community. It communicates the message in a personally impactful manner.
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People that hunt with a round in the chamber are terrified of failure. They somehow think that 2 second delay to chamber a round is going to cost them an animal. I've been dumb enough to even forget to load the magazine...

I've yet to "starve" through a winter. Hell, most people give the meat away these days.
Great get them to stop running with guns/bows in their hands too....I have seen it on plenty of YT videos....even by FT team members...:)
There was a video I saw a few years ago about a few guys archery hunting, and one guy poked his leg with a broadhead while walking with an arrow nocked. He was bleeding pretty bad and they had to get him off the mountain and to the hospital. That one stuck with me. I'm very careful, especially with fixed blade cut on contact heads.
I’ve got to say, Randy, the personal anecdotes you listed are a more compelling to me than data on the subject is (which is atypical in my decision making, since data doesn’t account for numerous factors on this subject).

I did defend some instances in which carrying hot seemed acceptable to me on the other thread. But, I also haven’t been carrying anything hot for a few years unless I’m bird hunting.

Long story short, I’m convinced.

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