Well-known member
Finding the distance to the lands is a waste of time. Thusly, equipment to obtain such useless measurements are a waste of money. If you are hellbent on gaining this useless measurement, use your cleaning rod. At least it won’t cost you any extra money.
I seat them to the tested COAL and have never had to adjust seating depth. Adjusting seating depth is yet another waste of time.
I also find measuring base to ogive to be pointless, as well.
I don’t know or care how far off the lands I am.
I suppose reloading is a waste of our time since you can buy from the factory.
I find the lands because that's where I start. Just like you start from a book number. I just choose to start at my actual rifles number. If not accurate I back off. I know where I started and I know where I'm going. Maybe a waste of time for you but I prefer a process over randomness.