Hard no for me. 8 years ago when we moved back to Wyoming and money was tight and I got a Remington 783 chambered in 30-06 from the local box store. I carried it loaded when I was by myself. One time deer hunting I had just entered the edge of some scrub oak getting ready to ease across the adjacent aspen patch. I heard a click or something that sounded mechanical. My safety had managed to get pushed forward into the fire position and a stick had wedged onto my trigger guard causing the trigger to go off (those were days of shoulder carry for me). Thankfully this particular gun wouldn’t grab a bullet out of the magazine if it was flush with the magazine. So not knowing that was a problem I thought I had chambered a round. No longer have that rifle.
Ever since that incident I’ve never chambered a round until I am setting up for a shot or sitting somewhere. Now my kids are growing up and it is the rule to not have one chambered. I make them show me before the gun goes on their packs or in the truck.
Ever since that incident I’ve never chambered a round until I am setting up for a shot or sitting somewhere. Now my kids are growing up and it is the rule to not have one chambered. I make them show me before the gun goes on their packs or in the truck.