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Am I the only one who feels this way?

I’ll add a couple things. Now that there have been some responses.

I currently own a pump shotgun that can be loaded and unloaded with the safety on and hunt with it every year. I’ve also shot semi autos that do the same.

Also of course I don’t “trust the safety” I would never break any of these rules just because I have a safety on. It’s just an additional safety measure.

I have shot and will still shoot lever guns and OU shotguns in more controlled situations ranges/clays shooting. But wouldn’t carry a lever while hunting. Just my personal preference though.

^ this story right here negates anyone saying “ I just don’t point the rifle at something when unloading” and really is the exact reason I avoid these safeties. It’s the times something unexpected happens.
I had buddies at the truck unloading their firearms too... the only reason I was facing the truck. You just never know. I started to drop the magazine and fumbled to catch it, gun slipped and finger or something hit the trigger. The worst part is the buddies who witnessed it. I took a lot of poking afterwards!
I have Remington with 2 position safeties and a Winchester with a 3 position safety. I much prefer the 2 position over the 3 position safety by a long shot.
My first gun was a 20 gauge single shot with a hammer @#)(#. The only way to have it “safe” was don’t load it or sure as hell don’t load and @#)(# it until you are ready to shoot.

I survived as did all my hunting partners but seriously, who gives that to an eight yr old? Lol
Am I the only one that refuses to buy a gun that can’t be loaded/unloaded with the safety on?...
Interesting point. I thought about it for a moment and I can't unload any lever gun without having the hammer go to full @#)(#. That's true whether the chamber is cold or hot. I'm not real wild about that because guns can slam fire (among other maladies), but it's a fact of life with tube-feed lever and pump guns.
Savage 110, 111, 10, Stevens 200.
All pre accutrigger.
2 have the round reciever in the rear.
Cool. I was genuinely asking as my rifle is the one and only Savage I own. I just figured they always had a 3 position safety.
Well I am happy to have all these responses. I’m not scared of lever guns. I have shot them and will shoot them again. I just wouldn’t hunt with them myself. But that’s not just about the safety, I prefer bolt action for hunting anyway. I’m not trying to judge anyone who uses these guns just saying they aren’t for me. And it’s been on my mind the last year but haven’t heard anyone else mention it before. So glad to hear some different opinions on it.
I had the same decision to make and made the same decision as you. I do not like any gun that you have to take the safety off to cycle the bolt.

Every firearm accident you read or hear about always has some unusual circumstance surrounding the accident. A person wasn't where they were supposed to be or the gun slipped out of their hands or ....

We often see the "no need for a safety as it is a mechanical device and can fail. I just always control my muzzle". Why wouldn't you want another safety measure in place? There is no downside! And people always control their muzzle until the time they don't. Nobody is perfect and a career of safe muzzle control can be undone by one careless moment, one distraction, or not knowing someone else is there.
Am I the only one that refuses to buy a gun that can’t be loaded/unloaded with the safety on?

So last year I bought a new gun. I did extensive research before my purchase because it was my first quality gun. I got it down to a Tikka or a Browning X-bolt. When I went to look at them in person I discovered while holding it that the Tikka has a 2 stage safety with locking bolt. It didn’t take me half a second to make my decision after that. I never even cycled the bolt on the Tikka because I personally won’t buy a gun like that. Now I had watched probably 10 reviews on the gun and nobody ever mentioned that as a con and that has bothered me ever since. I know they aren’t the only brand like this but I’m picking on Tikka cause it’s the only one I’ve almost bought. I see lots of people on here who love their Tikkas and I’ve never asked anyone what they thought about it. But I just happened to see a new review video of my exact x-bolt model on my YouTube feed tonight so I watched it for fun and while the guys liked it the review ended with “why pay more for the Browning when the Tikka is just as good” and it kinda got me fired up. So I’m just curious to see if anyone else feels this way? To me it’s an accident waiting to happen.

And just to clarify I’m not judging anyone with these rifles. I’m also not trying to start a debate about hunting with one in the chamber or not. Because I usually don’t hunt with one in and I’m still not ok with the idea that I may see an animal, first have to take the safety off, then load a round, not take a shot for whatever reason, then have to remove that round with the safety off. Am I just overly cautious?
I like having the option to load a round with the safety on (like with my m77 mkii) but it’s personally a non issue if you’re careful enough tbh
Cool. I was genuinely asking as my rifle is the one and only Savage I own. I just figured they always had a 3 position safety.
Well, i just put on lay a way, my first Savage that has more than the on/off switch safety.
Savage 111 in 270 Win with a 22" barrel and my first AccuTrigger.
When it finally gets home the barrel & stock are coming off and being put up for sale.
I bought a 24" sporter contour barrel in 257 Roberts that's going to be reamed to AI.
That along with a Boyds stock.
As a youth firearms instructor, I teach that “a safety is a mechanical device and should be expected to fail,” and “always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.” A safety should not be relied on solely, although I do use one on bolt guns.

Good points on lever guns and shotguns.

Both rifles are fine rifles. I also like the Xbolt, but I own a tikka
I used to own a Blaser R8 which in my opinion has the best safety system (but then again it is a Blaser :LOL: ), it has to be manually cocked when pushing the safety forward, but can still be loaded with the safety on.
I have a SAKO 75 which can also be loaded with the safety on.
It just comes down to common sense and respect for your firearm and surroundings.
I personally prefer a bolt that locks when the safety is on. I own one rifle that does not lock when the safety is on, and occasionally the bolt will open while carrying.......it’s a very accurate rifle, or it would be gone.
This made me laugh out loud. Because it true.

Remember the rules of firearm safety, be ultra vigilant about them as well as enforcing them with those you hunt/shoot with. Gun safety has to be part of the culture.
Oh yeah. Had a brown shorts moment a couple years back with a lever gun. I was out hiking/scouting and brought a rifle with me as i often do incase i felt like doing a little yote calling. Anyway i had just bought one of those eberlestock backpacks with the gun sleeve built in. Didnt take the pack off before calling, so when i was done i just reached back and slid the rifle in while the pack was on my back. I guess the hammer must have caught and pulled partway back and dropped or something because the gun went off. Felt the muzzle blast on my ass. Actually reached back expecting my hand to come back bloody.
Am I the only one that refuses to buy a gun that can’t be loaded/unloaded with the safety on?
It hink you are a bit overly concerned. Lever guns and pump guns, among others, can't be unloaded while on safe either. We manage just fine by exerting some common sense and muzzle control, which we all should do regardless.

If you make the unload on safe requirement a major factor in your choice of firearms, that's up to you, but I don't see that as any sort of deal killer.
I like my Ruger No. 1 because I can work the action with the safety on. I have a couple bolt action rifles were I have to flip the safety to fire in order to cycle the action. I do find it kind of annoying but it has never been a deal breaker on whether I'll buy a gun or not because of it.
Shotguns in general you mean, my OU doesn’t have a safety at all.

@Qubo a lever gun is gonna make you shit your pants if you don’t like a tikka. My FILs not only doesn’t have a safety but to de-@#)(# it you have to pull the trigger and lower the hammer with your thumb... don’t slip

My handling is pretty similar to @SnowyMountaineer, when I unload I just point the rifle in a safe direction.
What O/U doesn't have a safety? Only shotguns I have seen without safeties are trap guns ... and only a few of them. Most modern O/Us have automatic safeties ... safety is automatically reset every time the gun is closed.
It hink you are a bit overly concerned. Lever guns and pump guns, among others, can't be unloaded while on safe either. We manage just fine by exerting some common sense and muzzle control, which we all should do regardless.

If you make the unload on safe requirement a major factor in your choice of firearms, that's up to you, but I don't see that as any sort of deal killer.
What pump gun can't be unloaded with safety engaged? My 870 and 760 can be unloaded safety on or off. Same with my Browning A5s (though as I recall there were several issues with the earliest A5 variants that had widow-maker safety inside the trigger guard).
I don't chamber a round until I am ready to shoot. Many places it is illegal to chamber a round and carry it in your vehicle even with safety on. I have rounds in the magazine but none in the chamber if I am not ready to shoot.
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