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Round In The Chamber

Do you carry one in the chamber while big game hunting?

  • Yes

    Votes: 90 52.3%
  • No

    Votes: 82 47.7%

  • Total voters
Lol. This did turn into more of a fight between the sides than I had hoped for. What I really wanted was people from both sides just explaining what makes them feel unsafe about having one in the chamber or explaining the precautions they take that they feel mitigate the danger enough that they feel and empty chamber is unnecessary.

I maybe should have clarified a little better at the beginning that my personal stance on this only involves when I have control of the rifle(in hand or a normal shoulder sling) and definitely not when the rifle is packed away on your pack.

PS for anyone with extra time and energy to fight and argue here head over here and let's put that energy to better use.

Interesting reviewing this thread. One side is very heavy to press their opinion on the other, including the usual troll personal attacks. The other is more or less sharing why and defending the decision to keep one chambered, depending the circumstance.

Here we are keyboard warriors change no minds, none at a time.

I changed my vote from yes to no in the interest of lowering the collective blood pressure of people on this forum. I won't change how I hunt. Kind of nice to be able to change your vote.

This is gold! Haha!
I do find it fascinating that there seems to be a distinct regional difference in opinions. I never even really heard of hunting on an empty chamber until I ventured west. Like I said my decision on the matter is determined by the circumstances of the particular situation. As one of my academy instructors put it "Preventing Negligent Discharges is easy. Treat your gun like a gun and don't do dumb shit" 😂
As one of my academy instructors put it "Preventing Negligent Discharges is easy. Treat your gun like a gun and don't do dumb shit" 😂
Exactly. Constant in hunters ed and from my mentors was "treat every gun as if it were loaded". I can't even count the number of times I have checked a chamber I knew was empty because it is just the SOP for me every time I set the gun down, get into vehicle, set the gun down, etc.
Interesting reviewing this thread. One side is very heavy to press their opinion on the other, including the usual troll personal attacks. The other is more or less sharing why and defending the decision to keep one chambered, depending the circumstance.

Here we are keyboard warriors change no minds, none at a time.

This is gold! Haha!
Water is wet -also Yogi
If the rough terrain seems equivalent to crossing a fence etc. I unload like I was taught in hunters Ed.

I’ve killed animals I wouldn’t have because I had a round chambered. I’ve missed out on animals because I didn’t.

But I hunt alone a lot, and the few I do hunt with have to demonstrate a good amount of safe handling before I hunt with them.

If I hunted with new people and had camera guys etc around as much as the fresh tracks crew, it makes sense to me to keep the chamber empty.

Like others have said, maybe I’m desensitized from small game hunting, or maybe it’s because many of my hunting mentors carried guns for a living.
Interesting take I came across on the subject.

Is a person who is in the "no never" group just as likely to have an incident because he has likely grown complacent with how he carries a gun due to the fact that it's never loaded and is then exponentially more dangerous if he forgets to unload after and encounter?
Interesting take I came across on the subject.

Is a person who is in the "no never" group just as likely to have an incident because he has likely grown complacent with how he carries a gun due to the fact that it's never loaded and is then exponentially more dangerous if he forgets to unload after and encounter?, never
Interesting take I came across on the subject.

Is a person who is in the "no never" group just as likely to have an incident because he has likely grown complacent with how he carries a gun due to the fact that it's never loaded and is then exponentially more dangerous if he forgets to unload after and encounter?
I am very mindful whether or not there is a round in the chamber. The normal SOP is I hold the shells down in the magazine, so the bolt does not grab one. As I close the bolt, on the empty chamber, I hold the trigger so that the firing pin is released. It is very easy to look at the hammer position to see whether or not, it is tripped or in a cocked position.

One of the problems with very low probability risks, is personal experience is not informative of the actual risk. Getting killed by a lightning strike is a rare event. It does happen thou. A friend of mine lost a son to a lightning strike.

A person could go fro 50 years carrying a round in the chamber, and never have an accidental discharge. Even ten people could. But someone, somewhere, sometime is going to have a gun go off accidentally. Given how easy is it is to insure it does not happen to me, it is a no brainer.

How many dead bull elk does it take to make accidentally killing your brother an even trade?
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Interesting take I came across on the subject.

Is a person who is in the "no never" group just as likely to have an incident because he has likely grown complacent with how he carries a gun due to the fact that it's never loaded and is then exponentially more dangerous if he forgets to unload after and encounter?

i'd bet my money the no never folks are far less complacent about gun safety than might be typical.
i'd bet my money the no never folks are far less complacent about gun safety than might be typical.
Not at all. We all have had firearm safety training . Treat each gun as if it’s loaded. I don’t swing gun barrels at people in gun shops just because the gun isn’t loaded. When I set my pack down, the barrel is away from people.
You evidently don't punch many tags than every year?
If you blow the window out of your truck, shoot your buddy in the leg (or worse) then you really need to work on your gun handling skills. Training is important. I've carried a loaded gun on my person for most of my adult life and nothing has ever happened. A gun is an inanimate object. It only goes "bang" by user error. Has a gun ever run into a bank to rob it? If it's sitting on the counter does it just go off? Learn some weapon handling.
If you blow the window out of your truck, shoot your buddy in the leg (or worse) then you really need to work on your gun handling skills. Training is important. I've carried a loaded gun on my person for most of my adult life and nothing has ever happened. A gun is an inanimate object. It only goes "bang" by user error. Has a gun ever run into a bank to rob it? If it's sitting on the counter does it just go off? Learn some weapon handling.
Except for Sig 320s. Apparently sometimes they do go bang all by themselves.... allegedly 😂